Mastitis Abscess

Abcessive mastitis is an acute inflammation of the mammary gland, which is characterized by the presence of purulent contents in the tissues. Mastitis is one of the most common forms of breast inflammation and can occur in women of any age. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of abscess mastitis.

Mastitis is a purulent inflammation of the mammary gland, characterized by the presence of an abscess in the breast tissue. It can occur in both young and older women. Fak

Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary glands. It can be acute or chronic. One of the acute mastitis is abscess mastitis. An abscess is characterized by such a clear clinical picture as a body temperature of 38-39 °C, symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

Abscissing phlegmon of the chest wall can be considered a complication of acute mastitis. This pathology is not a complication of any other disease. Non-inflamed glands in various diseases are a very common problem when people consult an otolaryngologist, surgeon and therapist for pain in the chest area. Rarely, spontaneous opening of the abscess is observed and, as a result, phlegmon develops. At the onset of the disease, pain occurs in the mammary gland, which then spreads to the corresponding side of the chest. With phlegmon, its localization is of great importance; many serious complications depend on it. For example, on the left, the chest is often located above the intestines; phlegmon on the left is dangerous for the development of an intestinal abscess. The location of the abscess in the lower chest is dangerous, when the infection easily gets into the umbilical region or down the abdomen. Localization in the clavicle area is dangerous, as it can spread to the shoulder joint.