Mastitis (Pregnancy)

Inflammation of the mammary gland. The disease usually occurs some time after painful cracks appear on the nipple. As a rule, bursting pain suddenly appears in the mammary gland, it swells, becomes dense, tight, sharp, painful, the skin turns red, shiny, the temperature rises, and sometimes severe chills occur.

This condition requires immediate medical attention. If treatment is started immediately, recovery usually occurs within a few days. Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to self-medicate, following the advice of “experienced” friends. The remedies used for self-medication do not eliminate the causes that caused the inflammatory process, and it continues to develop. Softening occurs at the site of compaction; it indicates the formation of an abscess. In this case, urgent surgery is necessary; delay can lead to the development of dangerous complications.

Mastitis can be prevented if you consult a doctor promptly. The first signal that a doctor needs intervention is the appearance of a crack in the nipple. It is known that mastitis is caused by pyogenic microbes. Not only nipple cracks, but also any damage to the skin of the mammary gland, even minor (abrasion, scratch, etc.), can serve as an “entry gate” for them. Penetrating through skin lesions into the lymphatic vessels, and through them into the connective tissue of the mammary gland, microbes cause inflammation.

If the breast is not prepared for feeding the baby, the nipple is flat or inverted, and its skin is too tender, as a rule, cracks appear on the nipple. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in the antenatal clinic a pregnant woman is recommended to prepare her breasts for feeding in advance and is taught how to properly care for them in order to strengthen the delicate, thin skin of the nipples and areola.

Microbes can enter the breast tissue through blood vessels from foci of chronic inflammation present in a woman’s body (carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis, etc.), so it is very important to undergo the necessary course of treatment for these diseases at the very beginning of pregnancy.

In the prevention of mastitis, compliance with breastfeeding techniques and hygiene rules is of great importance. It is necessary to ensure that when sucking the child grasps not only the entire nipple, but also part of the isola. Before and after feeding, it is necessary to wash the nipple with boiled water or wipe it with a swab moistened with a solution of boric acid.

If irritation or cracks appear on the nipples, the nipples and areola should be lubricated 2-3 times a day with a 2% alcohol solution of brilliant green; Having lubricated, keep the chest open for 15-20 minutes.