Mastoiditis Recurrent

Mastoiditis or otitis is a disease that is associated with inflammation of the ear and can lead to serious consequences such as hearing loss or even death. Mastoids are affected parts of the ear that are located inside the head. And if mastoid tumors go untreated, they can cause serious illness such as a mastoid abscess or mastoiditis. In this case, we are talking about otitis media with repeated manifestations of symptoms within the same year. It is diagnosed by the presence of symptoms such as ear pain, body temperature and organ sensitivity.

Mastoid symptoms can manifest in different ways and depend on what type of infection is present. Some signs of the disease may be very similar to other sensory diseases, namely headache, drooling, nausea, loss of appetite, fever, blurred vision and vestibular symptoms. However, in case of otitis media, mastoiditis or other ear lesions, the primary task is to recognize the symptoms in a timely manner and, based on the survey results, consult a doctor for a more accurate diagnosis and the use of effective treatment methods. The doctor draws up a treatment plan that includes medication, surgery, or a combination of treatments. This depends on various factors, including the age of the patient, the duration and severity of the reasons leading to the mastoid. As a medical procedure, the technique of surgically opening the cranial cavity is most often used as a way to treat residual acute mastoid lesions. Sometimes a mastoid can be cured without surgery, by using medications to relieve inflammation and remove purulent mucus. In addition, it is important to take into account the fact that surgery is not always the only treatment for mastoid. There are other treatment options for ear lesions, for example, in very severe cases of mastoid, even complete removal of the organ (mastoepyecomyelolysis) may be necessary.

A patient suffering from mastoiditis should be regularly monitored by a doctor after treatment. Even after successful surgery, it is recommended to keep the ear warm and use medications to maintain its health. If necessary, the doctor may recommend additional medical procedures, studies and consultations with other specialists to make an accurate diagnosis of hearing damage. For several weeks after surgery, you should avoid all types of physical and mental stress to prevent complications of the mastoid problem.