Masugi Jade

Masuji Arakawa is a name familiar to many specialists in integrative medicine, homeopathy, etc. This is a scientist and doctor who discovered an incredible stone (jade) to the world, which simply turned his entire worldview about human life upside down. So we will tell you about what Masugai is, what he discovered and what properties it has to improve our health.

**Background of the opening**

Masugei Arakawa lived in the early 20th century. He was an ordinary doctor who helped people suffering from various diseases. One day he received an invitation to a meeting with the Japanese scientist Hiroshi Tsujiushi. There he learned about an unusual stone, which was credited with healing properties. The stone was truly extraordinary - it was called Masugai, and it was taken from Mount Fuji. Masugui had many unique properties and could cure many different diseases: from problems of the cardiovascular system to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Arakawa believed this stone, but did not consider this event a mere coincidence. He wanted to study its effect on human health, and also find out what chemicals were contained in the stones. To this end, he founded his own laboratory, where he studied the properties of common hardwood stones such as jades, agates, chalcedony and garnets. As a result of these studies and experiments, he came to the conclusion that these stones contain properties that not only improve blood circulation and metabolism, but also have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and help improve liver function.

Thus, he became eager to promote his results to the alternative medicine market. He presented the results of his research at a trade fair in Tokyo in 1929 and attracted the attention of local pharmacies and restaurants. Despite the lack of accurate medical evidence, people began to buy Masugayo. They believed