Which mattifying face cream is better?


After application, the cream penetrates deep into the epidermis and normalizes the functioning of the subcutaneous glands. At the same time, it remains on the skin as a thin film, which prevents the secretion of sebum.

Many women are attracted by the name “mattifying,” but very often an attractive product turns out to be a trap. The cream has a lightning-fast effect, quickly eliminates unaesthetic oily highlights on the forehead, nose and chin, but a short time after use, the skin becomes excessively dry. Therefore, when choosing a face cream, you need to carefully study its composition for the presence of aggressive components.

There are creams with a mattifying effect on a natural basis; they affect the skin in a different way. Penetrate deeply into the skin structure, regulate the intensity of the sebaceous glands, moisturize, and maintain water-lipid balance. Such products are considered luxury cosmetics and are not cheap. Of course, there is no doubt about their quality, but not every woman can afford such a cream.

Among the cosmetic brands offering high-quality but relatively inexpensive creams, one can note Avon or Nivea, reviews of them are below. There are also good reviews from cosmetologists about the products of the Belarusian brand Belita Vitex - moisturizing cream for oily skin types “Calendula Belita”.

Properties of mattifying cream

Cheap products that produce a quick cosmetic effect belong to the category of decorative cosmetics. They eliminate a cosmetic defect for a short period of time, but are not able to eliminate the very cause of the appearance of oily sheen.

A high-quality cream developed specifically for oily skin types, on the contrary, solves a whole range of problems:

  1. eliminates oily shine;
  2. normalizes the production of fat cells by the subcutaneous glands;
  3. moisturizes;
  4. smooths out fine wrinkles;
  5. has an antibacterial effect;
  6. tightens pores;
  7. treats rashes and redness.

Due to their properties, most skin mattifying products can be used as a base for makeup.


Features of choice

When choosing a good mattifying cream, like any other cosmetic product for the skin, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Composition. The product should not contain harmful, aggressive components that are harmful to health.
  2. Suitable for skin type. In order for your face to always look attractive, the product must be selected according to the needs of the skin.
  3. Moisturizing properties. One of the main tasks of a mattifying cream is to dry out the skin. But if all moisture is removed from the epidermis, the skin will quickly age. Therefore, the cream should moderately dry and moisturize at the same time.
  4. Brenda. Cosmetologists recommend finding a “golden mean” in choosing a brand of cream. On the one hand, in order to choose a good quality product, you don’t have to chase branded cosmetics. But on the other hand, it’s also not worth looking for quality products on the market or on dubious Internet sites.
  5. Can be used as a base for makeup application. Not every mattifying cream can be used as a base. The answer to this question - whether it is suitable as a base for makeup - can be found in the instructions included with the cream.

If, when choosing a mattifying cream, there are doubts about whether it suits your skin type, you should give preference to a universal product. The effect of its use may not be as bright as that of a product selected according to your skin type, but the harm, in case of an error, will be minimal.

Review of popular budget matting creams that are in demand among customers

The cosmetic market offers a huge number of mattifying creams: from cheap to luxury ones, which not every woman can afford. In terms of price-quality criteria, we can distinguish several cosmetic brands that produce similar products.


Avon offers Solutions Maximum Hydration Cream Gel. The product has a light texture and does not contain oil. Thanks to the water-alcohol base, it is quickly absorbed. The use of the cream has a tonic, astringent, bactericidal effect on the skin, reduces the secretion of subcutaneous sebaceous glands, and constricts blood vessels.

The second product from Avon is the “Cucumber and Tea Tree” face cream. It contains such useful ingredients as: tea tree oil, grape seed extract, neem plant seed extract, cucumber extract.

The cream is light, pleasant consistency, not thick. When used, the functioning of the subcutaneous glands is normalized. Both products can be used as a night or day product and are suitable as a makeup base.



Avon is the second mattifying cream that I have tried on myself. The first one (of a different brand) did not suit me. Perhaps I didn't choose it correctly for my skin type, but it gave me acne. I ordered Avon from a girl I know who is a distributor. The price is very reasonable.

The consistency is pleasant, spreads easily over the skin, absorbs quickly and does not clog pores. The aroma is unobtrusive and disappears quickly. I apply it in the morning, after washing my face, only on my nose and chin. When it is absorbed, I apply foundation on top. I don’t feel any tightness or dryness. The matting effect is good. No oily shine appears until the end of the day.

I noticed that if the face is poorly cleansed, the product does not fit well on the skin and rolls off. I've been using it for two and a half weeks. So far the impressions are pleasant. Irritation and inflammation do not occur, although my skin is prone to such manifestations. It even seemed to me that the cream dried out the rashes that were on my chin.


I’ve been using some Avon cosmetics for a long time, but I only bought the mattifying cream a week ago. I can note: it is easy to apply, has a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma, and pleasantly refreshes the skin. After application it does not leave a sticky film and moisturizes the skin well. But the matting effect is weak. The cream does not completely hide oily shine, and within 3-4 hours after application, the skin becomes oily again. The cream itself is not bad, but not as an anti-greasy product.


The cosmetic brand Librederm offers Seracin mattifying day cream for the face. The product is designed to care for oily skin and is intended for daily use.
Seratsin's composition includes: zinc salt, hydroxy acid, adsorbed sulfur, extract of medicinal grass and burdock.

The cream has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, regulates the intensity of the sebaceous glands, gives the face a matte velvety appearance, reduces redness, and prevents the formation of acne.



I bought it a long time ago, but was afraid to use it because of the chemical components listed in the composition. After reviewing other products and weighing all the pros and cons, I decided to use the cream. I would like to note the immediate and lasting results. I have been using Seracin for ten days now. I apply in the morning to clean skin around the chin and forehead. It applies well, spreads easily, does not roll, and is used sparingly. I am satisfied with the matting properties. The effect lasts until the end of the working day; oily highlights appear on the face in the late afternoon. Previously, I had to powder my face several times throughout the day. In addition, there is a feeling that the skin is moisturized, there is no dryness or tightness. I also noticed that the longer I use Seracin, the longer the skin remains matte.


I have been suffering from oily shine on my face for several years, both in winter and summer. I constantly use powder and make cosmetic masks according to folk recipes. Some methods really help to temporarily reduce the production of subcutaneous fat, but they take a lot of time.

I’ve been using the cream for two weeks, and so far I’m happy with the results. The face is well moisturized, but does not shine or become oily. The skin color has become uniform, the surface is more even, and the number of acne has decreased. The aroma is not strong and does not last long, but after two weeks of use it becomes annoying.

The cream is conveniently packaged and contains all the necessary information about the composition and method of use. In general, the product is not bad. I recommend using Seracin for women with oily skin.


I use matting cream periodically, before important events. I'm afraid to use it in daily care so that my skin doesn't dry out. I didn't notice any moisturizing effect. The manufacturer claims that the cream has a good effect on the condition of the skin, improves color, and fights rashes. I didn't feel anything like that.

But I really like the ability of the cream to mask oily shine. I use it as a makeup base when I need to look my best.


Faberlic YOUNG cosmetics line is created for daily care. Faberlic mattifying cream for young skin is recommended for use by people with combination, oily and problem skin. It not only creates a film that prevents fat cells from protruding outward, but also cleanses the skin, normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, narrows pores, eliminates redness, and evens out the skin texture. The cream protects against the effects of ultraviolet rays (SPF 15).

The composition includes: vitamins A, E, C, extracts of medicinal herbs (chain, calendula). Without pronounced skin problems, the product can be used for preventive purposes or as a base for makeup.



All the women in our family suffer from very oily skin. In winter, you can still cope with this problem, but in summer, powder does not help, and foundation only worsens the condition of the skin. Therefore, when my sister and I heard about the mattifying cream, we immediately decided to try it. It took us a long time to choose a brand. We can’t afford very expensive cosmetics, and we don’t want to put anything cheap on our (already problematic) skin. We studied the composition of several creams, read reviews on the Internet and chose Faberlic.

We really liked the cream, but my mattifying properties are weaker than my sister’s, and my skin begins to get oily faster. Perhaps this is due to some personal characteristics.


I used Faberlic cream for ten days. On the positive side, I would like to note the pleasant smell, good texture, and quick absorption. But weak matting qualities. Oily highlights on the face appear within 3-4 hours after application. Perhaps the cream will be suitable for girls with normal and not too oily skin, but I will look for other options.


I use Faberlic mattifying cream regularly. It really eliminates oily shine on the face. In addition, after using the cream, the skin becomes smooth, velvety, and pleasant to the touch. Lays down smoothly and leaves no sticky residue. When absorbed, decorative cosmetics fit well on it. The result lasts all day. In the evening, I wash off my makeup in the usual way; no traces of cream remain on my face. I am quite satisfied with the cosmetic product.


KORA Mattifying Day Cream is designed for oily and combination skin.

The composition includes medicinal herbal extracts that normalize the amount of sebum produced by the subcutaneous glands. Vegetable oils restore a healthy complexion, soften and refresh the skin. And isoquercetin (a natural flavonoid) gives the cream antioxidant properties, protects against ultraviolet radiation, and prevents early aging.
Apply with fingers to clean and moisturized skin, repeating patting movements until the product is completely absorbed into the skin.

In some cases, the expected cosmetic effect occurs only after two to three weeks from the start of use.



I chose Cora cream only because it was offered to me at the pharmacy, and not from distributors or on the Internet. The price is affordable, there are instructions for use.

Apply to cleansed and moisturized skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. I was pleased with the result. The skin stopped shining, became uniform and more even. Previously, I often suffered from severe rashes on my face before the onset of menstruation, but now I noticed that the rashes have become less significant and are quickly disappearing.

The mattifying cream does not cause any unpleasant sensations on the face, the skin breathes, and the pores are not clogged. I will continue to use the cream in the future.


In general, I am satisfied with the cream. The quality is not bad, the price is affordable, easy to use. The consistency is a little thick, but applies well. The aroma of medicinal herbs is present, but not irritating. I use it as indicated in the instructions. When it is absorbed, I apply foundation on top. The need to use powder has disappeared. The matte effect lasts for 8-9 hours. I apply it in the morning and it lasts until the end of the working day.


Nivea offers two creams with mattifying properties.

Nivea Matte Perfection Day Cream is designed for oily or oily skin. Main components: rice extract and lemongrass extract. Thanks to their properties, metabolic processes are activated inside the skin. As a result of use, the skin acquires a matte tint, is deeply moisturized, and acquires a healthy color. During the day, the product protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and prevents the earlier appearance of wrinkles. Lemon grass is a natural antiseptic that prevents infection.

The cream is packaged in a convenient glass jar with information indicated on it. The cost is affordable.

The second mattifying product from Nivea is a cream based on lotus extract and vitamins. The cream not only prevents the appearance of oily highlights on the face, but also soothes inflamed skin, increases blood circulation, tones, stimulates collagen production, and tightens facial contours.



I use Nivea day cream with a mattifying effect. I can note: the texture is light, applied and distributed on the face without problems, does not cause any unpleasant sensations, and is quickly absorbed. But it has a sharp unpleasant smell that spoils the whole experience. After application, the smell quickly dissipates.

I don’t have oily skin, so I can’t say anything about the mattifying effect. I like the cream as a daytime, well-moisturizing product.


I have been using Nivea cosmetics for a long time and have always been satisfied. But I purchased the Matte Perfection matting cream for the first time. I used it as recommended by the manufacturer. But he disappointed me. I did not notice a strong matting effect. Otherwise, a good cream for daytime skin care.

You can make a natural matting cream with your own hands by watching the video:

Mattifying creams appeared on the cosmetic market relatively recently, but in a short time they became very popular. Basically, they help to quickly cope with the problem of oily skin. But they only eliminate the visible part of the problem, while the cause (intensive production of subcutaneous sebum) remains.

An individually selected set of cosmetic procedures will help you get rid of obsessive oily shine for a long time, but for this you need to consult a specialist: a cosmetologist or a dermatologist.

Oily skin undoubtedly has its advantages: it is less susceptible to wrinkles and retains firmness and elasticity longer. But there are also significant disadvantages such as enlarged pores, inflammation and oily shine. In addition to basic care aimed at normalizing the production of skin secretions, cosmetologists recommend using a mattifying face cream.

What is mattifying face cream

Mattifying face cream performs several tasks at once:

• regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
• absorbs excess sebum;
• evens out the relief and tone of the skin before applying makeup;
• hides minor imperfections (wrinkles, age-related folds or creases);
• moisturizes dehydrated skin;
• narrows pores;
• protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
• has an antibacterial effect;
• makes the skin smoother;
• slightly dries out inflammation.

Mattifying cream should never dry out the skin. To prevent this from happening, manufacturers produce products with the addition of moisturizing components that are suitable for oily, normal and combination types. These products contain thermal water, hyaluronic acid, collagen or glycerin. Girls with oily and combination skin, in addition to day cream and cleanser, should not neglect night care. A mattifying night cream for the face must have a moisturizing effect.
In addition to moisturizing components, a mattifying day cream for the face should also contain absorbent ones. They regulate sebum production. Most often it is clay, talc, starch, charcoal or zinc. Panthenol and natural extracts of chamomile, tea tree, mint, and lavender have healing properties.

How to choose the right mattifying cream

The magic word “mattifying” in the name of the cream always attracts the attention of girls with oily and combination skin. However, often the declared effect may turn out to be just a trick by the manufacturer. At first, a cream for oily skin prevents shine and evens out the texture, but after a while the skin becomes dehydrated and produces even more sebum. This happens because some products form a film, do not have a caring effect on the epidermis and do not affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

So what should you pay attention to when purchasing?

1. Composition. Under no circumstances should you apply cream containing oils, silicones and parabens to your face. This product can clog pores, cause inflammation and disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

2. Texture. Products for oily and combination skin should have a light gel or emulsion texture.

3. Skin type. A cream with a matting effect is used only for oily or combination skin types. On dry skin it will only emphasize flaking.

4. Brand. You can find a suitable product in any price category. However, a cream with a poor composition or expired can cause irreparable harm to the skin. Cosmetologists recommend buying mattifying face cream from a trusted store and not experimenting with dubious Internet sites and markets.

5. Expiration date. Face cream in a sealed sealed form retains its properties for up to 3 years, and after opening the package this period is reduced to 6 months.

6. Method of application. It is important to remember that the mattifying cream is applied only to the T-zone, avoiding contact with the area under the eyes and other areas of the face.

7. Contains UV filters. Products with sun protection help protect the skin from burns and prevent the formation of age spots.

8. Additional properties. It is better not to overload oily and problem skin with unnecessary cosmetics. A good mattifying cream can be used as a base for makeup and thereby reduce the amount of products used.

Rating of the best mattifying creams

Almost every manufacturer of cosmetics for facial care has already released its own mattifying product. Which one to choose depends on the desired effect, personal preferences and financial capabilities. To make it easier to navigate a wide range of products, we present a rating of the most popular mattifying products from popular brands.

Aqua-cream “Instant matte” from the company Clean Line


A mattifying agent with eucalyptus, vitamin B3 and zinc creates a very thin and durable film on the surface of the skin, which prevents the appearance of oily shine. In addition, natural components with bactericidal properties penetrate the pores, kill harmful microorganisms, prevent inflammation and regulate the production of subcutaneous sebum.

The disadvantage of the cream is the presence of preservatives, parabens and fragrances. Last on the list of ingredients is alcohol, which even in small quantities can dry out the skin.

In addition to the aqua cream, the “Ideal Skin” series of products from the Clean Line also includes other products designed specifically for oily and problem skin.

Approximate cost of the product: 90 rub.

Mattifying cream-sorbet “Life-giving hydration” from Garnier


Sorbet cream moisturizes the skin, hides enlarged pores, mattifies, eliminates areas of flaking and reduces the feeling of tightness. Does not contain parabens and sulfates.

Useful components in the composition are green tea extract and Chinese camellia leaf extract. Thanks to its light texture, it is quickly absorbed and is suitable even for sensitive skin.

Garnier sorbet cream has one drawback - it does not contain SPF filters and does not protect the skin from ultraviolet exposure.

Approximate cost - 250 rub.

NIVEA Face Cream “Matte Perfection”


Nivea matte perfection day cream is intended for oily or combination skin. Active ingredients such as seaweed and Hydra-IQ technology activate the skin's metabolic processes, eliminate shine, moisturize and restore a healthy complexion. Thanks to its light texture, the product is quickly absorbed and does not leave a filmy feeling on the skin.

SPF8 product protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, prevents photoaging and the early appearance of wrinkles. Does not clog pores and does not cause acne.

Approximate cost - 250 rub.

Diademine cream “Matting and moisturizing”


The cream from the French brand Diademin is designed specifically for the care of problem skin. In addition, it can be used for normal and combination face types prone to oily shine.

• Vitamin E. Moisturizes and restores the water balance of skin cells.
• Asset-balance complex. Mattifies and regulates sebum production.
• UVA / UVB filters. Prevents the appearance of age spots and protects against exposure to sunlight.

Moisturizing mattifying face cream from Diademine does not cause irritation and is suitable for girls with sensitive skin.

Approximate cost - 350 rub.

Mattifying face cream “Seracin” from Librederm


Librederm Seratsin cream was created specifically to combat the imperfections of combination and oily skin. The cream contains a complex of active natural ingredients that normalize the condition of the skin and control the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition, mattifying cream from Librederm has a powerful antiseptic effect, disinfects the skin and prevents the appearance of acne and redness.

The product contains:

• adsorbed sulfur;
• burdock extract;
• reveler extract;
• hydroacids;
• zinc salts.
In addition to the mattifying face cream, the line includes a product for targeted application to problem areas.

Approximate cost - 400 rub.

Oriflame Pure Skin Shine Control Cream

Oriflame Pure Skin mattifying face cream is designed for girls who struggle with oily shine, enlarged pores and rashes on the face. Contains salicylic acid and guava extract.

Daily use of the product helps:

• moisturize the skin;
• dry out inflammation and prevent the appearance of new ones;
• improve microrelief;
• remove greasy shine;
• improve complexion.

Oriflame Pure Skin can be used as a make-up base.

Approximate cost - 450 rub.

Avon Nutraeffects Mattifying Day Cream SPF 15


The product contains mineral matting powder and a complex of plant extracts Active Seed (extracts of sunflower seeds, Camellia sinensis leaves, sage and grape seeds).

Thanks to these active ingredients the cream:

• mattifies and reduces sebum production;
• maintains lipid (water-fat) balance of the skin;
• refreshes complexion;
• relieves the feeling of tightness after washing.

SPF 15 in the cream protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

Avon Nutraeffects mattifying day cream is suitable for sensitive skin. The product can also be used as a base for makeup.

Approximate cost - 450 rub.

Cream for problem and oily skin from Ecolab


The cream is created on the basis of natural oils and extracts. The composition consists of 97% ingredients of plant origin, such as iris, honeysuckle and witch hazel extracts, organic almond oil. The product moisturizes and softens the skin, activates collagen production, eliminates dryness and flaking, and tones. Has sun protection SPF 15.

Thanks to its light texture, it does not clog pores. Suitable for aged skin that is prone to various types of rashes.

Like all Ecolab products, the product does not contain silicones and parabens.

Approximate cost - 600 rub.

Secret Key Black Snail Original


Secret Key Black Snail Original is a face cream with snail from a Korean manufacturer. Does not contain parabens, fatty oils and artificial colors. Black snail secretion has a beneficial effect on oily and combination skin:

• mattifies;
• narrows pores;
• heals scars and post-acne scars;
• lightens age spots;
• restores skin tone and elasticity;
• moisturizes;
• evens out complexion.

The product consists of 90% secretion of the black Iberian snail. In addition, the cream contains a complex of vitamins and amino acids, ginseng root extract, collagen, elastin, and pomegranate extract.

Approximate cost - 1 thousand rubles

Erborian Matte Creme


Mattifying cream from a Korean-French company that works on the principle of powder. The product simultaneously performs two functions: regulates sebum production and cares for the skin. Contains water white lily extract and water lily extract.

Main properties of the cream:

• evens out and makes the skin smoother;
• prevents the appearance of oily shine;
• improves complexion and adds radiance;
• hides pores;
• prepares the face for applying makeup.

The product is applied to clean skin instead of your usual day cream or skin with makeup.
Erborian Matte Creme is also suitable as an eye primer before applying eye shadow. The product will increase the durability of the shadows and reduce their creasing.
Approximate cost - 1500 rub.

Pate Grise Creme Matifiante Velours by Payot


A light cream-fluid from the French brand Payot, in addition to mattifying, moisturizes oily and combination skin, soothes, smoothes microrelief, narrows enlarged pores, and regulates sebum production. Not comedogenic.

Active components included:

• Extracts of Chilean mint and rose fruit. Reduce inflammation and prevent the appearance of new rashes.
• Zinc. Regulates sebum production and heals the skin.
• Rosehip oil. Restores and renews skin cells.

Approximate cost - 2 thousand rubles

Mattifying cream-gel Pure Focus, Lancôme


The product is intended for both oily skin with enlarged pores and skin that has lost tone and elasticity. In addition, the cream-gel also fights other problems:

• dehydration of skin cells;
• greasy shine;
• inflammation;
• uneven complexion;
• enlarged pores.

Contains zinc, glycerin, vitamin E, cinnamon extract.


Relatively recently, mattifying cream appeared on the skin care cosmetics market. It quickly gained popularity among the fair sex due to its unique healing properties. Girls with problematic oily skin can feel confident throughout the day under the protection of a product with a mattifying effect.

What is mattifying face cream

This product was developed for women with oily and problem skin. The mattifying composition can not only hide the unpleasant shine of the face, but also disguise other imperfections, for example, circles under the eyes, irritation, rashes. Excessive oily skin is caused by various reasons. The main ones are:

  1. the predominance of fatty, spicy, sweet foods in the diet;
  2. metabolic disease;
  3. hereditary factor;
  4. passion for peelings and scrubs;
  5. poorly selected care products;
  6. harmful environmental factors;
  7. bad habits;
  8. hormonal disorders (excess testosterone);
  9. stress, constant nervousness;
  10. chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland.

If troubles do not go away at an older age, but only intensify over time, then you should undergo a medical examination. Sometimes the cause of oily skin and other problems is health problems. Visit an endocrinologist, do the necessary tests, examine your internal organs. Be careful about your diet.

Operating principle

If the cause is a factor that cannot be changed, for example, heredity, then such women need to more carefully monitor the condition of their skin. Matting products are the ideal solution in this regard. The cream not only masks imperfections, it penetrates deep into the skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous gland, thereby reducing sebaceous secretions.



The advantages of this tool include:

  1. This cosmetic product quickly removes oily shine, evens out the tone well and makes the shade even.
  2. After the procedure, the skin receives hydration and nutrition, becomes velvety and soft to the touch.
  3. After application, the composition hides various defects, from pimples to dark circles under the eyes and irritations.
  4. The nutrients included in the drug have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  5. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Has a long-lasting effect.
  7. Most of these products create an ultraviolet filter (natural SPF 6 or higher).


Any cosmetic product has negative sides. Useful care products are no exception. The main disadvantages include the following factors:

  1. Has a stable structure. It takes a lot of effort to wash it off. Cosmetologists recommend immediately purchasing a special makeup remover along with it.
  2. Mattifying face cream should be carefully selected taking into account your skin type, age and other characteristics.

What is the difference between mattifying facial products and foundations?

Many girls, when choosing a skincare product for the first time, ask a logical question: how does it differ from a regular foundation. The main difference is the therapeutic effect of the mattifying agent on the skin. It is thicker and richer. This consistency allows you to better camouflage facial imperfections and hide shine. Mattifying cream stays on the skin better and works longer, which is important for many women.

Review of mattifying face creams from popular brands

Any self-respecting cosmetics manufacturer has already released its mattifying product. Which one to choose depends on personal preference and wallet. To make it easier to navigate a wide range of products, below you can clarify the characteristics of the compositions of popular brands in an affordable price category.

Clean line

Among inexpensive creams, girls prefer products from the domestic cosmetics manufacturer Clean Line. The brand has proven itself positively:

  1. Name: Aquacream “Instant Matte”.
  2. Price: 60 rubles.
  3. Characteristics: product for young skin. The volume of the bottle is 50 ml. Has a pleasant refreshing aroma. The list of ingredients includes zinc, which regulates sebum production, and natural eucalyptus extract.
  4. Pros: pleasant smell, light gel-like consistency, does not create the feeling of a “mask” on the surface of the face, low price.
  5. Cons: slightly drying and clogs pores with prolonged use.

Baikal Herbals

If you are a supporter of natural cosmetics, then take a closer look at the following product, which contains a large number of herbal extracts and essential oils:

  1. Title: “Vitamin cocktail.”
  2. Price: 600 rubles.
  3. Characteristics: for oily and combination skin. The volume of the tube with dispenser is 50 ml. Sebum secretion decreases after a week. The composition contains St. John's wort oil, grape seed oil, juniper extract, horse chestnut, sage, and hyaluronic acid.
  4. Pros: natural base, therapeutic effect, anti-aging, has a dispenser, gel-like refreshing structure, no sticky “film”.
  5. Cons: price, does not hide redness well.


Sun Energy Green + Panthenol

For those who are going to sunbathe under the scorching rays of the sun, you will need special protection, which Sun Energy Green, which contains panthenol, can provide:

  1. Name: Sun Energy Green + Panthenol sunscreen matting.
  2. Price: 150 rubles.
  3. Characteristics: bottle volume is 30 ml. Protects from ultraviolet rays of the sun. Pleasant smell and good moisturizing. Suitable for everyday use. Endowed with anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Pros: Good quick hydration without discomfort, unisex, protects from the sun, low price. Suitable for sensitive skin in the T-zone.
  5. Cons: doesn't matte well.



The French manufacturer is very popular among Russian women. Inexpensive, high-quality cream helps them look their best:

  1. Name: Sorbet “Life-giving Moisture”.
  2. Price: 220 rubles.
  3. Characteristics: universal cream for women with a mattifying effect for oily skin. The volume of the bottle is 50 ml. Contains green tea extract.
  4. Pros: pleasant aroma and delicate texture, quickly absorbed, low price.
  5. Disadvantages: does not mattify well, rolls up, an allergic reaction is possible.



Many young ladies, having tried the cosmetics from the catalog, remained their eternal fans. The Avon brand is no exception:

  1. Name: “Balance” with SPF 15.
  2. Price: 300 rubles.
  3. Characteristics: Packaged in a 50 ml glass bottle. Has a pleasant fresh smell. Contains chia seed extract and powder. The texture is thick and absorbs relatively quickly.
  4. Pros: moisturizes well, hides skin imperfections, contains sun protection, affordable price.
  5. Cons: short-lived effect, possible rash.



This is a French manufacturer of cosmetic products with a hundred-year history. Many women trust his brand with their beauty:

  1. Name: matting day cream.
  2. Price: 220 rubles.
  3. Characteristics: daytime option for women over 25 years old with oily and combination skin. Available in a 50 ml glass jar. Color – soft pink, pleasant smell.
  4. Pros: absorbs quickly, moisturizes well, does not leave an unpleasant feeling, can be used as a base for makeup, affordable price.
  5. Cons: possible allergies.



The cosmetics manufacturer, the Libriderm brand, is known for the quality of its products. You can verify the high level of products using this cream as an example:

  1. Title: Seracin.
  2. Price: 350 rubles.
  3. Characteristics: mattifying cream for oily and combination skin. Available in a tall green tube of 50 ml. Gel texture, pleasant aroma (not for everyone).
  4. Pros: moisturizes well, absorbs quickly without leaving any traces, fits perfectly under makeup, skin feels velvety and soft afterwards.
  5. Cons: Mattifies mediocre.



The Nivea brand has been successfully presenting its products on the cosmetics market for many years. The products of this company have become a real salvation for many women:

  1. Title: Matte Perfection.
  2. Price: 200 rubles.
  3. Characteristics: mattifying cream for oily skin. Packaging – round plastic jar 50 ml. Medium density, white color. The consistency is between regular cream and fluid. Pleasant unobtrusive scent.
  4. Pros: Highly moisturizes the skin, making it soft and silky, does not clog pores, good price. Restores the water-lipid balance of the epidermis.
  5. Cons: Slightly smells of alcohol, matting is superficial.


The domestic manufacturer of cosmetic products is in no way inferior to imported ones. Confirm this with the following cream:

  1. Title: "Perfect Tone."
  2. Price: 300 rubles.
  3. Characteristics: CC cream from the Russian company Faberlic. Available in a tube with a thin spout. Volume 25 ml. Has several shades. Endowed with a rejuvenating effect. Invisible on the face.
  4. Pros: mattifies the skin well, maintaining the result throughout the day. Doesn't leave an unpleasant feeling. Not noticeable on the skin, easy to apply.
  5. Cons: you need to “guess” your shade.


The products of this company are classified as therapeutic and prophylactic products, which are intended for home use:

  1. Name: matting day cream.
  2. Price: 400 rubles.
  3. Characteristics: day moisturizer with a mattifying effect for oily and combination skin. Suitable for women aged 25–35 years. Available in a bottle with a dispenser. Volume 50 ml. The consistency is dense, the color is milky white. The smell is sweetish and pleasant.
  4. Pros: nourishes well, eliminates irritation. Has a rejuvenating effect and antioxidant effect.
  5. Cons: price is average. Low matte effect.

How to apply cream with mattifying effect

To get maximum results from the product, it must be applied correctly. The following tips will help you:

  1. Apply the cream to clean facial skin. First, wash your face with a cleanser, then wipe your face with toner. Next, use mattifying cream.
  2. Do not mix it with other creams, tonics or lotions.
  3. Do not use this product at night. The skin should rest during this time.
  4. Apply the cream with light tapping movements along the massage lines with your fingertips.

How to choose a mattifying day cream

In a store in front of shelves with cosmetics, girls doubt and are lost. By following simple rules, you can choose the right cream:

  1. Choose a manufacturer with whom you already have good experience or have had no problems. Read reviews in advance or in store before purchasing.
  2. Take a cream that suits your age category.
  3. Study the composition carefully. Don't forget about the expiration date. The smaller it is, the more natural the product.



Ekaterina, 33 years old I have been haunted by an oily shine on my face since adolescence. It didn’t interfere with my life, but it’s very unpleasant to see a mirror instead of skin in the photo. I decided to purchase a mattifying face cream from Nivea. He did not completely solve the problem, but there is a positive result. I recommend it to girls with the same problem skin areas as mine.

Alexandra, 19 years old I carefully take care of my appearance and am picky about any shortcomings, trying to eliminate them as they arise. Oily skin is the main problem I had to deal with. Mattifying cream from the famous brand Librederm helped to cope with the problem. I apply to cleansed skin in the morning and look beautiful all day.

Tatyana, 28 years old Oily skin and rashes look very ugly. I bought a matting cream on the advice of a friend. There is almost no result. On the contrary, small pimples covered his entire forehead, cheeks and chin. It was very ugly. I changed it to another product. The matte effect did not last long; I had to use special wipes throughout the day.