Maykova-Stroganova Method

Maykova-Stroganova method

The Maykova-Stroganov method is a method for determining the size and shape of organs and tissues on X-ray photographs. This method was developed by the Soviet radiologist V.S. Maykova-Stroganova in the 1930s.

The essence of the method is that on an x-ray, a radiologist measures the length, width and height of an organ or tissue, and also determines its shape. This allows you to obtain accurate information about the condition of the organ and identify possible pathologies.

To carry out the Maykova-Stroganov method, the radiologist uses special tools and software. He takes measurements on an x-ray, compares them with reference values ​​and draws conclusions about the condition of the organ or tissue.

The use of the Maykova-Stroganav method makes it possible to diagnose various diseases, such as tumors, cysts, abscesses and other pathologies. It can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and assess the dynamics of the disease.

In general, the Maykova-Stroganov method is an important tool in the work of a radiologist, which allows one to obtain accurate and reliable information about the condition of the patient’s organs and tissues.

Maykova - Stroganova method - (with Maykova - Stroganova) - Soviet radiologist, created in the 20s of the 20th century; improved modification of the x-ray method for the differential diagnosis of diseases of the larynx. The essence of the method is that the epiglottis is drawn on a flat image of the larynx (fig.); a perpendicular is drawn at right angles to it; In the area of ​​this perpendicular, rays are applied to the film at different angles, and the edge of the image border is studied from both sides. The results are sent to one point (i). We evaluate the stage of the process by the combination of light and dark stripes that are visible under direct and intersecting rays (based on the data in the table). - There are no symptoms of vallerian and its derivatives to determine the degree of expansion of cysts and their more precise localization. - With laryngeal adenoma in the area of ​​narrowing (compression) of the epiglottis, the fact of a violation of the central ratio of elements when the vocal folds close can be considered positive. - If the closure of the entrance to the gap depends on the volume of sounds, in patients with a closed laryngeal exit there is no expansion of the interarytenoid joints.