
A smear is a preparation that is used for microscopic examination. To make a smear, it is necessary to prepare a thin layer of the preparation (the material being studied), dry it and fix it, and then stain it. This process allows you to see the structure and structure of cells, microorganisms and other objects of the microworld.

Smears are often used in laboratory diagnostics to determine infections, plant and animal diseases, and assess the quality of food and water. Smears are also used in dermatology and gynecology to examine the skin and mucous membranes.

There are different types of smears, depending on what material needs to be examined. For example, to study pathogenic microbes, blood and skin cultures or milk cultures are used, and to study the quality of food products, smears from human skin or gastric lavages are used.

A special piece of glass is used to make smears. A thin layer of the test substance is applied to it, which should be clearly visible under a microscope. After this, the surface of the glass should be dry and should not stick to your hands. If the paint does not adhere to the glass surface, then you need to add a fixative. Most often, the fixative is used when staining blood. Then you need to add paint to the glass using a glass stick.

An important step is drying. This stage is necessary to ensure that the smear does not become contaminated and is clearly visible. The smear is dried for 1 to 3 days in the laboratory on a windowsill at room temperature. It is important to ensure that the smear is not exposed to direct light.

A smear is a preparation for research. A smear is a preparation for microscopic examination, made in a laboratory in a special way. First, it is a drug, meaning it is used to measure something. Literally, the word “smear” is translated as “imprint” on the fabric.

Recipe for making a smear There are several ways. A thin layer of prepared dye is placed on a glass slide. This is a very important point. If the material or suspension does not dry on the glass and gets into the dye, the coloring may be uneven and areas with different levels of color may result. One method involves using a thin film. This is what chemical analysis looks like. This film is placed on glass or on a microscope stage. There is also the thickness of the smear. It can vary: if the material was applied in an even layer, the smear is considered thick, and if there is a lot of precipitation, the consistency will be liquid.

Preparing a smear for microscopy in children If a child needs to prepare for an analysis, it is important to know what diet he should follow. To do this, the following rules must be observed: 1. Within two days before the analysis, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods from the list of prohibited foods: legumes and all vegetables, chocolate, baked goods, fatty dairy and meat products; 2. Before the study, it is recommended to eat porridge. Before analysis, you need to collect three drops of urine in a clean jar.