
Smear - A sample of tissue or other material taken from any part of the body and applied to a microscope slide for examination. The smear is used for cytological examination to diagnose various diseases.

To obtain a smear, a special disposable plastic spatula or brush is used. The material is collected from the surface of the organ or from the cavity, applied in a thin layer to the glass and fixed. Then the glass with the smear is stained with special dyes and examined under a microscope.

The most common tests are smears of the cervix (cervical smears) to detect precancerous lesions and cervical cancer. Swabs are also taken from the nasopharynx, vagina, rectum and other organs. A correctly taken smear allows you to detect tumor cells in the early stages of disease development.

A smear is a sample of tissue or other material taken from a part of the body and placed on a microscope slide for examination.

A smear allows you to obtain cells and tissues for subsequent microscopic examination. It is done by scraping or washing away material from mucous membranes, skin, or other body surfaces. The resulting material is then spread in a thin layer on a glass slide and fixed to preserve the cell structure.

After staining the smear for greater contrast, it is examined under a microscope. This allows us to identify the presence of pathological changes, inflammatory processes, tumor cells and other abnormalities.

The most commonly used are smears from the cervical canal (Pap smear), vagina, urethra, conjunctiva of the eye, as well as the contents of various cavities and ulcers. A correctly taken and properly prepared smear is an important diagnostic material in medicine.

A smear is a tissue sample that is used to diagnose various diseases. It is a fragment of material obtained from the surface of the object under study, which is then placed on a microscope slide. The doctor can then look at the cells and tissues under a magnifying glass or microscope to determine if there are pathological changes.

Swabs can be made from various parts of the body, including skin, mucous membranes, blood, urine, or other materials. For example, cervical smear