Medical Geographical Region

Medical-geographical region

A medical-geographical region (also called a medical-topographical region or a sanitation-ecological region) is a territory with relatively homogeneous natural and socio-economic conditions that determine the health of the population.

The main characteristics of the medical-geographical region include:

  1. Natural conditions - climate, landscape, air, water and soil conditions. These factors influence the prevalence of diseases.

  2. Socio-economic conditions - population density and composition, level of urbanization, development of industry, agriculture, transport. They determine the way people live.

  3. Health care system - provision of medical personnel and institutions, availability of medical care. This affects morbidity and mortality rates.

  4. Demographic indicators - birth rate, death rate, age and sex composition of the population. They characterize the health of the population of the region.

Identification of medical-geographical areas is necessary for studying the influence of environmental factors on health, planning the development of healthcare, and carrying out targeted health measures.

Medical-geographical regions are vast territories where homogeneous natural and socio-economic conditions are observed, but different causes and types of diseases of the population are observed. They are created in connection with environmental, social and economic factors that affect the health of the population and the health care system and sanitary and epidemiological well-being.

Medical geography is one of the areas of medical geography. It studies the patterns of spread of diseases, human health and related living conditions, determines the causes and factors affecting health, and develops measures to prevent them, eliminate or reduce negative consequences.

The main objectives of medical-geographical areas are to protect the population from negative impacts and assess natural and anthropogenic medical, natural, social conditions of life in accordance with the requirements of health status and environmental management conditions.

Classification of medical-geographical areas depending on the causes of the disease makes it possible to determine the level of population migration, the nature of population distribution, the state of environmental friendliness of the environment, social and economic conditions, as well as the nature of diseases and the nature of major medical problems.