Medical magnets

Medical magnets are devices based on the principles of electromagnetism and designed to remove foreign bodies from the human body. They are used in various fields of medicine, such as surgery, gynecology, dentistry and others.

Medical magnets can be of two types: permanent magnets and electromagnets. Permanent magnets are used to attract metal objects that have magnetic properties, such as iron shards or bullets. Electromagnets create a magnetic field that can attract or repel objects depending on the direction of the current.

The use of medical magnets in medicine can speed up the process of removing a foreign body from the body, reduce the risk of complications and reduce the patient’s recovery time. In addition, medical magnets are safe to use, as they do not contain chemicals and do not cause allergic reactions.

In surgery, medical magnets are used to extract metal fragments from wounds, remove foreign bodies and treat tumors. In gynecology, medical magnets are used to remove intrauterine devices and other medical devices. In dentistry, medical magnets help remove metal fillings and other foreign objects from teeth.

Thus, medical magnets are an important tool in the field of medicine, which allows you to speed up and simplify the treatment process. They are safe and effective devices that help keep people healthy.

Magnets are little helpers in medicine, without which not a single operation can be completed. Magnets are used to remove fragments and fragments after fractures. They help to reach the affected tissue during electrophoresis in order to perform plasmapheresis. With their help, doctors eliminate fatty hepatosis - lipodystrophy associated with obesity, erectile dysfunction, cysts, varicose veins, and exhausted muscles. They are the magnets. Without them it would be difficult to imagine modern medicine