Medical Transfer Point

Medical Transfer Point: How it works and why it is needed

A medical transshipment point (MTP) is a temporary medical facility created to provide medical care to victims in conditions of transshipment from one type of transport to another. It is part of the military medical service system and plays an important role in providing first aid when transporting the wounded and sick.

Often during military conflicts, natural disasters and emergency situations, there is a need to transport victims from one type of transport to another. For example, from a combat helicopter to a hospital bus, from a ship to a hospital ship, or from a transport aircraft to a medical train. MPP was created to facilitate this process and provide the most effective medical care to victims.

MPP is usually located at transport hubs, such as airports, railway stations, seaports and other places where the wounded and sick can be transferred to another mode of transport. It consists of medical personnel, equipment and instruments necessary to provide qualified medical care. The MPP may include doctors, nurses, paramedics, as well as specialists in the evacuation and transportation of the wounded and sick.

Depending on the scope of work and the number of victims, the MPP can be of different sizes and have different numbers of personnel. In the event of large-scale conflicts or natural disasters, the MPP can be expanded into a field hospital with more specialists and equipment.

The work of the MPP begins with the reception of victims, after which a primary medical examination and first aid are carried out. Then the victims are transported to another type of transport, where they will receive more qualified medical care. An important task of the MPP is to ensure safety during overload of victims and minimize the risks of new injuries or worsening of the condition.

In conclusion, we can say that the Medical Transfer Point is an important element of the military medical service system and plays an important role in the provision of primary medical care when transporting victims from one type of transport to another. It allows you to reduce the time spent on overload, ensure the safety of victims and provide them with the necessary medical care. In addition, MPP can be used not only for military purposes, but also in cases of natural disasters and emergency situations when medical assistance is needed for victims when transported to another type of transport.

It is important to note that the work of MPP requires highly qualified medical personnel and the availability of the necessary equipment and tools. Therefore, the creation of a Medical Transfer Point is a responsible and complex process that requires careful preparation and planning.

In general, the Medical Transfer Point is an important element in the system of providing medical care to victims during transportation from one type of transport to another. His work allows him to reduce time, ensure safety and qualified medical care for victims, which makes him a necessary element in the military medical service system.

Medical transfer point

Medical transfer (MT) - forces and means of the Military Medical and Medical Service deployed in places where the wounded are transferred from one transport to another (for example, from an airplane to a ship).

MPP is designed to receive seriously wounded or sick people and provide them with qualified assistance in emergency situations. It is also used to evacuate the wounded from the combat area. The MPP consists of medical and transport vehicles and personnel (including orderlies and paramedics). A medical transfer point is necessary for the fastest possible delivery of victims after accidents and disasters to a medical facility, in order to save the lives of patients.

It must be remembered that the operational calculation of each accident and all injuries cannot yet lead to an MPP equipped with ambulances. Even a strong modern trauma center with developed infrastructure may be insufficient due to the complete lack of an ambulance fleet. Therefore, MPP is one of the necessary elements of disaster medicine.