Medical Examination

Medical examination (MO) is the most important stage of the medical examination of conscripts and military personnel within the framework of the military medical commission (MMC). Military training is a mandatory stage for those who are subject to military service or enlist in special branches of the military.

The purpose of the medical examination is to determine the suitability of the draft board for military service, to determine diseases that must be treated, being on vacation, from serving in units, and the possibility of being released from the army.

When undergoing medical training, a specialist must take into account the health requirements of the conscript or military personnel, age criteria, physical growth and build of the future specialist.

Depending on the health status of the citizen undergoing medical examination, a special medical commission will be appointed, which will set restrictions or, on the contrary, give permission for further actions. Some medical specialties are included in the list of specialists who, if necessary, can be removed from service or granted permission to defer. An important aspect in the MO procedure is the ability to study the physiological state of the body, because diseases that were identified during the period of military training can affect a person’s fighting qualities. After all, service is always a health risk.

Medical examination is one of the most important tools in the civil defense system. It plays a key role in determining the suitability of a young man to defend his fatherland. It evaluates physical and mental health, and also determines the health status of a young man before serving in the army.

The purpose of the medical examination is to determine whether the young man is worthy to defend his country in war. To do this, a comprehensive examination of the young person is carried out. The examination evaluates the physical development, general health, psychological state of the young man, and his heredity. If necessary, additional examinations are carried out, additional consultations are held with specialists in various fields of medicine. This allows us to identify any possible health problems and provide the young person with qualified treatment.

Also, medical examination plays an important role in the training of military personnel. Before serving in the army, doctors are required to take additional courses in military medicine. They also conduct hands-on training and hone their skills in military simulations. Thus, even if they have any diseases, military personnel may be