
Medoflucon is a medicine that is used to treat fungal infections and prevent fungal diseases. It is produced in Cyprus and belongs to the group of antifungal agents, imidazole and triazole derivatives.

Medoflucon is available in various dosage forms such as 50, 150 and 200 mg capsules. The active substance of the drug is fluconazole, which has a wide spectrum of action against various types of fungi.

The main indications for the use of Medoflucon are candidiasis, cryptococcosis and skin mycoses. It can also be used to treat deep endemic mycoses and prevent fungal infections in patients undergoing treatment for malignancies.

However, Medoflucon has a number of contraindications, including hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor and make sure there are no contraindications.

In general, Medoflucon is an effective drug for combating fungal infections and preventing their development. However, its use should be based on the doctor's recommendations and strictly follow the instructions for use.