
Medulography is an X-ray method for examining the bone marrow. It is based on the injection of a contrast agent into the bone marrow and subsequent radiography.

Synonyms of medullography are osteomedulography and osteomyelography.

Medulography allows you to obtain information about the state of the bone marrow, its cellularity, and the presence of pathological changes. This method is used to diagnose bone marrow diseases, such as leukemia, multiple myeloma, and metastatic skeletal lesions.

When performing medullography, a contrast agent (usually iodine salts) is injected into the bone marrow through the medullary cavity. X-rays are then taken to show the distribution of contrast in the bone marrow. This allows you to assess the condition of the bone marrow and identify changes in its structure.

Medulography is a fairly informative, but invasive research method. Currently, magnetic resonance imaging, which does not require the introduction of contrast agents and is non-invasive, is increasingly used to diagnose bone marrow diseases. However, medullography is still used in difficult diagnostic cases.

A medullogram or medullograph is a way to diagnose the internal structure of the brain. It allows you to detect diseases if they exist. Simply put, this research method makes it possible to find out whether everything is normal in the brain or not? This can be useful, for example, to check a patient's condition before surgery to remove a cyst or tumor from the brain.

Medullograph: an assistant in planning the implantation or removal of teeth and dentures.

*If you are undergoing dental implantation or extraction, or are installing dentures where multiple x-rays are required, the radiation exposure may be high and the examination time may be lengthy.*


Sometimes, for a successful outcome of dental implantation and prosthetic surgery, it is necessary to take several x-rays. This may include a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) scan, examination of the upper and lower jaw, and a panoramic x-ray. Usually all these images are combined into a procedure called Medulography.

A medullogram, also known as an orthopantomogram and a telex-ray, is a multiple x-ray that does not take an x-ray of the posterior lower part of the throat. A traditional x-ray is taken by rotating a device over your teeth to bring them into focus, while taking