Meningioma Fibroplastic

Meningiomatous process: Meningiomas of fibroplastic form

**Fibroplastic meningioma**** is a pathological formation of glial cells of the meninges (meningioma paraventicular formation) with a predominance of atypical epithelial tumor cells from the adjacent brain parenchyma.

"Meningioma is usually characterized by signs of deep pathology of the nervous system. 6-13% of patients experience cortical compression, protoplastic hemorrhages, cerebral edema, spinal cord edema, brain abscesses and symptoms of intracranial hypertension"

Pathomorphological picture of meningoma: resembles fibroblastosis. The process of fibroformation is characterized by the formation and accumulation of fibril-like bundles in the tumor tissue, as well as their further ordered arrangement under the capsule capsule or growth along the periphery from the meningeal membrane or without it. There is also a predominance of the fibrous component over the vascular one. Typical accumulations of meningeal pseudoinfiltrates are observed.

Meningus or tissue from which the aneurysm of the blood vessels of the aneurysmal formation or tumor is formed, which causes the symptoms of the tumor. Menigsis is a dystrophic lesion that is formed as a result of chemical, mechanical or genetic influence.

Superficial hemorrhages are characteristic. In combination with such signs, the degree of damage to the central nervous system is determined: mild, moderate, severe.

There are at least 7 clinical variants of meningitis in structure, differing from each other in various ways. In more than 75% of patients, meningomas develop without obvious symptoms or neurological manifestations. The reasons for patients to see a doctor depend on the clinical picture (syndrome) of the disease. More often, menigmosis develops almost asymptomatically or manifests itself as a short temporary phenomenon. In general, menthematic disease does not require emergency intervention.

Clinical classification of menigomoma 1** Progressive: symptoms intensify and expand as the tumor grows and localizes.** 2 **Progressive-stable: symptoms resemble the behavior of a tumor, but practically do not intensify as the tumor grows and persist for a long time.**3 * *Stabilizing: rarely increases and usually does not lead to