Meningioma Fibrous

Fibrous meningoma (from the Latin meningioma - tumor from the arachnoid membrane, fibrosus -fibrosity - fibrousness, fibrosis) is a type of cancer characterized by the formation of benign tumors from parts of the nervous system (meningioma cells, arachnoid plexus, fibers and vascular elements ). Meningomas mainly appear from the arachnoid layer of the nerve sheath 3-6 months after head injury.

The main signs of meningiomas are pain, dizziness, general weakness, loss of consciousness and other symptoms of the tumor. In some cases, the disease goes unnoticed, so it is most often discovered accidentally during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography.

Unfortunately, meningomas cannot always be detected at the initial stage of the disease, because There are hidden symptoms of the disease that are not manifested by the patient and his environment. But if meningoma is detected, sooner or later it must be removed. Removing this type of tumor is an important task for surgeons and neurosurgeons, and may require the use of various techniques and treatment methods.

Currently, removal of meningomas is one of the main methods of treating these tumors. Two methods are commonly used: conventional surgery