Menorrhagia, Epimenorrhagia, Dysfunctional Bleeding

Menorrhagia, Epimenorrhagia, Dysfunctional Bleeding - abnormally heavy bleeding during menstruation, which may or may not be accompanied by an increase in the duration of the menstrual phase. Menorrhagia can be associated with a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body, the presence of some kind of inflammatory process or tumor (for example, fibroids) in the pelvic cavity and is also usually accompanied by the development of anemia. In some cases, no clear cause of menorrhagia can be identified.

Menorrhagia is abnormal bleeding during menstruation that exceeds the norm in both duration and volume. Often, bleeding is accompanied by a change in the duration of the cycle, general soreness and is manifested by pain when bleeding is released. It is worth noting that the cause of the development of menorrhagia can only be a hormonal imbalance. But without a doctor's examination you can't

Article on Menorrhagia, Epimenorrhea and Dysfunctional Bleeding:

Introduction Menorrhagia, Epimenorrhea and dysfunctional bleeding are abnormalities that can occur in women during the menstrual cycle. This condition can lead to various complications such as