
Merlite (Lorazepam)

**Merlit** is a drug belonging to the group of **tranquilizers-benzodiazepine derivatives**. The described **medicine** is produced by the Austrian company **Ebewe**. The pharmacological group of the drug is *tranquilizer*–*sedative*, that is, a sedative. The medicine belongs to the group of sedatives and is available without a prescription.

The sedative is effective if the patient has increased anxiety and fears, emotional stress and anxiety, psychoreflex states, and sleep disorders. It can be used as an independent remedy in the treatment of headache and pain syndrome, neuroses caused by psychosomatic disorders, drugs that lead to convulsions and changes in consciousness. Indications for use: neuroses; - anxiety, fears;

-neurasthenia and associated psycho-emotional consequences;

– psychorefractory syndrome

In cases of anxiety, it relieves anxiety and even fear. In some cases, it is used as an adjunctive therapy to treat mental and emotional disorders. It is used for increased blood pressure, pain, and concomitant changes in consciousness. The drug is used for alcoholic delirium, for which detoxification therapy is indicated. LMZ has a unique property; it is able to eliminate the symptoms of stress, although it does not begin to act as quickly as many other drugs. But it is an effective sedative for use in patients of different ages after the onset of stressful situations. In drops, the drug acts as a sedative; after administration, the following effects on the patient’s body are observed:

* Anticonvulsant; * Sedative