Bags under the eyes since childhood

It is often better to see once than to hear a hundred times. We offer you special cases of our patients with comments from cosmetologists. This article contains patients who presented with problems in the periorbital area.

Question: Painting bags.

Need professional help. Under the eyes, closer to the cheekbones, bags have formed. I had a consultation with a cosmetologist in another clinic, she advised me to fill my cheekbones with filler and the paint bags would be smoothed out. I was already thinking about blepharoplasty for good and for a long time.



The plastic surgeon refused to operate on me, saying that there were no clear indications, that I needed to find a cosmetologist and inject a dense filler just under the paint bags, onto the bone, and not touch the cheekbones. I don’t even know what to do, I’m completely at a loss. Of course I want this problem to go away from my life for a long time. I went for a lymphatic drainage massage, but the effect is short-lived, it seems to smooth out for a couple of days, but then appears again. Maybe there are procedures that will get rid of them for a long time, but I don’t know. Please tell me.


You have complex problems under your eyes - dark circles (not pronounced), nasolacrimal trench, ptosis of the skin of the lower eyelid, and, of course, eye bags.

The swelling is moderately expressed - the adipose tissue of the middle third of the face has shrunk. It’s strange that the surgeon refused to perform the operation, but in some ways he is right: you can try to do without surgery for now. What would we advise you:

  1. First, non-surgical laser blepharoplasty will reduce the skin flap of the lower eyelid and smooth out wrinkles. The cost of the procedure is 15,000 rubles.
  2. Correction of the lower eyelid area with fillers and, as correctly noted, contouring of the cheekbones. This will even out the oval of the face, “tighten” the skin, and smooth out unevenness. The cost of the procedure is from 19,000 rubles.

Results of the procedures performed.


Question: Dark circles

Good afternoon. Please advise a procedure that will help reduce these streaks under the eyes. I have lived with bluish circles under my eyes since childhood. We got it from my grandmother, she has the same thing.


Already two cosmetologists in two different relatively large Moscow clinics did not recommend putting fillers there. They say that the structure of the eyes and the skin are such that they will not help. This is true? What do you think? What else can be done without surgery? I'm 31.


Often the size of the clinic does not indicate the level of cosmetologists. The cause of your dark circles is genetically thin skin and age-related thinning of the fat layer. There are only 2 methods that can correct this problem: fillers and mesotherapy (including biorevitalization).

It is important that fillers must be injected deeply, using a cannula through the zygomatic puncture; not every cosmetologist has the necessary equipment and knowledge. The result is immediately after the procedure for 9-14 months.

Mesotherapy is only a course of procedures; the task is to tighten and rejuvenate the skin of the lower eyelid, improve microcirculation in this area.

Make an appointment with Levon Chakhoyan, such corrections are his specialty (see before and after photos)!

I sleep 8 hours a day, why can they appear? How to reduce?

Usually from fatigue and lack of sleep, but a friend of mine has them that are simply, so to speak, chronic, that is, they constantly appear. From my own experience, I can say that potatoes help me, I cut two slices in the morning and put them under my eyes, and the color evens out and the swelling is less visible. There are also various creams that help, but they are quite expensive, so try potatoes anyway)


You can be a hundred times asleep and rested, but if a person has “bags” under his eyes, he will still look tired and sick. It would seem that the problem is not serious: after all, nothing hurts, does not itch or itch. However, living with it is, at a minimum, unpleasant, and, at a maximum, it can signal significant health problems.

First, a little anatomy

The eyeball is separated from the orbit by a layer of adipose tissue, which acts as a shock absorber and is called periorbital tissue. It is separated from the skin of the eyelid by a connective tissue membrane - the orbital septum, which holds the fatty tissue inside the orbit.

Until recently, it was believed that “bags” under the eyes appear when the connective tissue membrane loses its elasticity, stretches, sags outward and cannot hold the fatty tissue inside, forming a kind of hernia. Therefore, when performing plastic surgery on the lower eyelids to eliminate “bags,” surgeons first of all sutured and strengthened the orbital septum.

However, in the summer of 2008, scientists proved that the appearance of “bags” under the eyes is due to an increase in the volume of periorbital tissue. When this increase exceeds the tension of the orbital septum, the fatty tissue protrudes it outward, extending beyond the orbit. And the volume of adipose tissue can increase due to its growth or swelling.

The “bags” caused by swelling are usually most noticeable after sleep and decrease or disappear completely in the late afternoon, when gravity and stimulated circulation cause fluid to drain from the upper body.

The “bags” associated with the growth of adipose tissue are constant and do not depend on the time of day.

Reason 1. Genetics

If the “bags” appeared in early childhood or adolescence and remained forever, the matter is most likely due to a hereditary predisposition to proliferation fiber. As a rule, the parents also have the same “decorations”.

When characteristic bulges appear under the eyes after a stormy party, the connection is easy to trace - taking alcohol or drugs in combination with insufficient sleep causes edema periorbital tissue, leading to undesirable cosmetic consequences.

TO swelling century is also caused by an excessive passion for salty foods - as you know, salt retains water in the body, a large volume of which is “stored” by adipose tissue. Including inside the eye socket.

Reason 4. Diseases

Water retention (edema) in the periorbital tissue can cause:

  1. kidney disease,
  2. allergic diseases (rhinitis, conjunctivitis),
  3. respiratory infections,
  4. inflammation of the sinuses.

Reason 5. Hormones

For many women, bags under the eyes appear during certain phases of the menstrual cycle. In such cases, fluid retention (edema) associated with changes in hormonal levels.

Reason 6. Ultraviolet radiation

Extra "burden" (edema) may appear under the eyes of overzealous fans of resorts and solariums - in this case, the “culprit” will be an excess of ultraviolet radiation.

Reason 7. Overwork

But perhaps the most common reason edema eyelid is a general overwork and eye strain, for example, when sitting for a long time at the computer or in front of the TV.

Reason 8. Age

With age, periorbital tissue, for an as yet unclear reason, gradually is growing and “sags” under the skin of the lower eyelid. Outwardly, this is manifested by the appearance of permanent “bags” under the eyes and their gradual increase.

Regardless of the cause, long-term bags under the eyes often lead to a gradual increase in pigmentation of the lower eyelids. It is visually aggravated by the shadow from the “bags” themselves, leading to the appearance of dark circles around the eyes. In some people, due to individual characteristics, the capillary network shines through the skin of the eyelids (especially after lack of sleep or excessive libations), which creates the same effect of dark circles.

What to do?

You can counteract the “bags” on your own only if they are caused by swelling of the periorbital tissue. In this case, you need to think about eliminating the causes of swelling - limit the consumption of salt and alcohol, do not get too carried away with tanning, give your eyes enough rest, cure chronic diseases (of course, if any).

If, despite this, the eyelids still do not look their best, you can apply from the range of cosmetic companies (appropriate creams, lotions, etc.) or the arsenal of traditional medicine. The latter suggests, for example, applying contrasting compresses to the eyelids - alternately cold and hot - with an aqueous infusion of sage, chamomile, tea, dill or fennel.

Particularly advanced bag fighters, such as models, have more controversial methods, such as lubricating the eyelids with anti-hemorrhoidal ointment (warning: do not try this at home!). You should also not try to fight edema with the help of diuretics - their effectiveness in such a situation is very doubtful, and considerable harm to health can be caused without a doctor’s recommendation.

If you have time and money, it is better to entrust the elimination of swelling and pigmentation under the eyes. Professional eye masks and drainage facial massage give good results and a long-lasting effect.

If the “bags” are caused by hereditary or age-related growth of fiber, only surgery – eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) – can effectively help. It consists of excising fragments of adipose tissue of the required size through a small incision in the eyelid immediately under the eyelashes or from the side of the conjunctiva of the eye, followed by plastic surgery of the orbital septum. Excision of the eyelid skin is rarely required.

The effect of properly performed blepharoplasty can last for decades.

Osip Karmachevsky