Meteorological Reaction

A meteorological reaction is a physiological reaction of the body to changes in meteorological conditions. It can manifest itself in the form of various symptoms and sensations, such as headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, etc.

The meteorological reaction can be caused by various factors, such as high or low temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, etc. For example, when the air temperature rises, a person may feel feverish, headache, and tired. When the air temperature drops, chills, trembling and other symptoms may occur.

In order to reduce the impact of weather conditions on the body, it is necessary to choose the right clothes, shoes and hats depending on the weather. It is also important to monitor your diet and daily routine so that your body can better adapt to environmental changes.

In general, a meteorological reaction is a natural reaction of the body to changes in meteorological conditions and does not require special treatment. However, if symptoms become too severe or prolonged, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

A meteorological reaction is a complex of reactions of the body to meteorological factors in the form of disturbances in the condition and functioning of internal organs and systems in conjunction with the resulting diseases. In addition, the meteorological reaction is accompanied by a number of changes in the internal environment of the human body. Meteorological sensitivity is inherent, first of all, to all living things. At the same time, two features of the meteorological reaction were identified: adaptability and energy dependence. The greater the magnitude of the meteorological factor, the greater the degree and severity of meteorological reactivity. An important feature of the meteorological response is the possibility of an indirect influence of meteorological conditions on health. Adaptation of the body to weather conditions can serve as a method of treatment; with the correct choice of the most favorable weather parameter, in this case, changes in morbidity are possible for the human body. In the process of adaptation, it is necessary to establish the relationship between the sensitivity of the body and the duration of communication with the meteorological factor. The relatively closed system “man – physical and geographical conditions of the external environment” is classified as a “total terrestrial system”, since the human body is an integral part of the biosphere. However, this system (total ground) is formed due to the very long vector length. The study of the total terrestrial system must be considered in conjunction with the study of the role of factors of anthropogenic origin in its formation. A person’s meteosensitivity changes throughout the day, since at the cellular level adaptation processes occur more intensely during certain periods. Thus, in the morning hours a person’s resistance, memory and ability to mental activity increase. On the contrary, in the second half of the day, fatigue and accumulation of toxic metabolic products in the blood increase, which leads to depletion of nerve cells and an increase in their mortality, an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, the development of neurodermatitis, and so on. The influence of meteorological factors on humans explains the occurrence of psychoses, even those that are usually considered incurable. Factors related to climatic conditions cannot be ignored, since they play an important role in the intensity of morbidity in the population. They most strongly affect various organs, functions and systems of the body. Since it is always someone who strikes first or has a greater impact on the pain, we can expect that adaptation is more sensitive at the beginning, and with further changes in the climatic situation it has degree of tolerance. It is quite likely to expect decompensation of an already existing pathology. Meteopathological manifestations are rare, but due to the nature of its occurrence and the course of the disease, these cases acquire special significance. Some population groups