
Methadone is an effective analgesic with narcotic properties. It is prescribed orally or by injection to relieve severe pain, and also in the form of syrup to suppress coughing attacks. In addition, methadone is widely used to treat heroin addiction.

Possible side effects when taking methadone include digestive upset, drowsiness, and dizziness. Long-term use of this drug may lead to dependence on it.

The trade name of methadone is Physepton.

Today, more and more often around the world, the question arises of how to help people cope with heroin addiction. Drugs today are becoming more accessible and easily accessible, making them even more dangerous. One of the most effective analgesics with narcotic properties is methadone. It is used both orally and in injection form to relieve severe pain and also in syrup to treat cough. However, with long-term use of methadone, dependence and aggravation of a person’s condition may occur, which is harmful to his health. Let's look at the mechanism of action of methadone and its side effects.

Methadone is a synthetic opiate