Silver Plating Method

The silver method of treatment (silvering) was used in traditional medicine of the Russian Empire centuries ago. Since ancient times, this ancient method of treatment was held in high esteem in the Russian kingdom, and then in the Russian state.

It was used only for the treatment of serious diseases such as epilepsy, paralysis, stuttering, colds and many others. Later this method has survived to this day.

What is the method? The whole secret is that a portion of silver is injected into the patient’s body with the help of leeches the first time, which accumulates and settles in the cellular space (hence the word silver). It is there that silver accumulates and is not removed from the body by any means of cleansing, since it self-organizes - it completes molecular bonds by itself. To cleanse the blood of accumulated silver, it is necessary to undergo treatment for several years. The doses of silver are quite impressive - they are treated with 20-15 mg of silver daily - you must admit, this is a lot! But the dose is individual for each person and is prescribed by a doctor. Do you know why you can’t use this treatment yourself and at home? Because to clean silver from silver, every day you need to wear special cotton or linen socks on your hands and feet, to which the leeches are actually applied; they greedily absorb them. By the way,