Methodology for Carrying out Therapeutic Massage and Therapeutic Gymnastics for Diseases of Children in the First Year of Life

Methodology for therapeutic massage and therapeutic exercises for diseases of children in the first year of life

Title: Methodology for conducting therapeutic massage and therapeutic exercises for diseases of children in the first year of life

For various diseases of children in the first year of life, massage is one of the most important components of complex treatment. Massage in combination with gymnastics gives a good effect in the treatment of children with diseases of the central nervous system, when the functions of movement and tissue trophism are impaired.

When performing therapeutic massage and gymnastics for children, the movements of the methodologist should be softer and more careful than when performing the same techniques on adults. For example, patting should be done with the back of a half-bent finger, first with one finger, and then with two or more. The massage therapist’s hand should move only in the wrist joint, and not in the elbow, so that only the weight of the hand, and not the forearm, acts on the child’s body.

When performing a baby massage, the methodologist should not use Vaseline or powders, which contribute to contamination of the baby’s skin. But when massaging an emaciated child with dry skin that is sensitive to the slightest touch, the massage therapist’s hands should be lubricated with sterile Vaseline. The use of Vaseline is discontinued after the child's skin reaches its normal state.

You cannot perform a massage if the child is overexcited or capricious, as his nervousness will lead to hypertonicity of the flexor muscles and inhibition of reflexes. First of all, you should find out and eliminate the cause of the child’s bad mood (hunger, disruption of the routine, fear at the sight of strangers) and only after that begin the procedure, during which you need to talk to him affectionately, creating a positive emotional tone.

Before and after the massage, the child should be wrapped in a diaper, because in young children the heat-regulating function of the skin is not yet sufficiently developed.


With muscular torticollis, the child's head is constantly tilted towards the affected muscle. With severe torticollis, asymmetry of the face, skull or shoulder girdle is often observed (on the affected side the scapula and collarbone are located higher). The causes of this disease are underdevelopment of the sternocleidomastoid muscles, with the help of which a person performs various head movements, or a birth injury of the cervical spine. For this type of disease, treatment should begin at 2-3 months of age, using: positional treatment; therapeutic massage and gymnastics.

Treatment by position. It is important that the baby’s torso on the crib is positioned symmetrically, directly in relation to the head. The child should lie on a semi-rigid mattress, with blanket bags or “rolls” placed from the baby’s armpits to the knees. The baby should be placed on its side more often. If the child sleeps on the side of the torticollis, then a high pillow is placed under his head, but if he lies on the healthy side, then the pillow is not used at all. It is recommended to frequently shift the baby and approach his crib not from one, but from different sides. In this case, light, toys, communication with an adult should be on the side of the affected muscle.

You can give the baby the correct position in the crib using special placements: a rubber ring wrapped in fabric (placed under the back of the head), as well as soft bags with sand (placed on the bed on both sides of the head or on the side of the torticollis above the shoulder girdle). It should be borne in mind that if the child often spits up, the use of styling is excluded.

You should hold the baby in your arms or on the affected side with your back to you, while supporting the head with your hand, lifting it to the healthy side. Or pick him up, turn him back to you, use your cheek to point the baby’s head towards the painful side and slightly tilt him towards the healthy side. Another way: press the baby with your chest, while the baby’s shoulders should be at the same level as the adult’s shoulders; turn the baby's head to the painful side, fixing this position with your cheek.

Therapeutic massage and gymnast