

Metrothrombophlebitis is a disease that can occur in people passing through the transport system. This usually occurs due to prolonged standing or sitting in conditions of high humidity and temperature. In this case, we are talking about the metro (metro). Therefore, this applies to places such as buses, trains

What is metrothrombophlebtitis, why is it dangerous and why is it important not to ignore the first symptoms of the disease?

Metrothrombofolbitis is a combination of thrombus and phlebitis in one area called the deep veins. The disease is characterized by a dangerous inflamed vessel that literally pierces the human skin and bulges large clots. Metroblest thrombophlebitis is an advanced form of the disease with thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower extremities. It is characterized by vascular blockage of the venous ducts, and sometimes arteries (damage to peripheral vessels), then swelling of the lower extremities, signs of skin inflammation, pain and other problems occur. In such a situation, the disease can cause serious complications. But how can we avoid the consequences of this terrible diagnosis? The causes of the disease are infectious lesions by microorganisms, infections of the pelvic organs, intoxication, chronic infectious lesions of the lungs, endocarditis, rheumatic lesions of the heart valves, genetic predisposition, heart valve insufficiency, hypertension, high blood viscosity and improper drinking regimen. Indirect reasons include genetic variants of veins - varicose veins and the fragility of their membrane