Mesangial Matrix

The mesangial matrix is ​​one of the important components of the body's tissues, which ensures its normal function. What is it and how does it interact with other tissue components?

Mesangial matrices play an important role in the formation of many tissues, such as skin tissue, lungs, kidneys, liver and brain. They are microscopic fibers that form a framework for various tissues and structures within them. The main purpose of the mesangial matrix is ​​to support the vascular wall and form hematomas. With the help of collagen and elastin, the two main components of the mesangial matrix, it can stretch and contract to adapt to changes in pressure.

Problems with the mesangial matrix may cause a variety of symptoms, including pain, swelling, bruising, weakness, fatigue, and organ dysfunction. For example, patients with kidney disease or heart failure may experience enuresis or other excretory problems. In case of injury, the mesangial matrix ensures rapid healing as well as protection of blood vessels. However, too much thickening of the matrix can lead to tissue deformation and disruption of their functions.

In addition to these important functions, the mesangyl matrix also plays an important role in the functioning of the body's immune system. It provides the accumulation of lymphocytes and macrophages, which are involved in protecting the body from infections. When the mesangial matrix is ​​weakened, the level of immunity decreases, which may increase the risk of developing infectious diseases.

The proper development and functioning of the mesangial matrix is ​​an important factor in ensuring a healthy life. Therefore, the preservation of its structure and functions should be maintained under healthy conditions. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure proper nutrition and regular moderate