Mesoscooter for nasolabial folds reviews


Negative reviews

After I started using it, the wrinkles did not decrease and they did not become less noticeable! For the first time in days I thought that I had found what I needed and this was just a salvation! But I was wrong, a month later I noticed that nothing had changed!

Girls, I did three procedures using a mesoscooter - zero effect. I used hyaluronic acid. I bought a mesoscooter with 0.5 mm needles. I did it on the forehead and around the eyes. There is no difference at all. Empty scam! Nothing helps! The wrinkles remained - no result. I'm disappointed ((It's better to go to a specialist, spend more money twice and get an effective result!

I purchased several mesoscooters to reduce the depth of wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and nasolabial folds. I have normal skin, but immediately after using it, a rash and inflammation appeared! I sterilized both the device and the skin, but every time there was terrible irritation! As a result, the skin became rougher and wrinkles became even more noticeable. If it helps someone, then it’s most likely self-suggestion!”

This mesoscooter is a strange and frivolous thing. I threw away my money on a plastic hedgehog! The pain it causes is incredible! The wrinkles did not go away, although I used it for a month. What can we say about three procedures? I thought maybe I was doing something wrong myself and went to a specialist. It would be better not to go. I suffered through this for the second time at my own expense. The cosmetologist, as it turned out, knows no more than I do. This is the impression I got. It still hurts and doesn't work!


Easy to use


NOT suitable for sensitive skin

I lightly moved the roller over my face, noticed almost nothing, and after about five minutes red dots appeared. I treated my facial skin after using the mesoscooter for two weeks! The roller has been sanitized and used correctly. I purchased the product in Tianda.



painful procedure, multiple repetitions of the procedure, high cost of the procedure in the salon

Good afternoon.
I continue my review of facial scar removal procedures! The next and no less painless procedure was the Mesoscooter!
So my impressions!
Before the procedure began, my face was cleaned of makeup, an anesthetic was applied and left under the film for 40 minutes.
The mesoscooter is used for signs of photo and chronoaging of the skin, stretch marks (striae), scars, scars, post-acne scars, aging, lifeless skin.
The procedure itself turned out to be very painful for me personally, despite the pain relief! During the procedure, acceptable “blood dew” appeared.
The rehabilitation went almost unnoticed, small areas of the skin became crusty and peeled off! After the procedure, you must use sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 50. I didn’t see any super effect and didn’t dare to undergo further procedures, because it hurt a lot!


I didn't notice any advantages.


It does not work as stated by manufacturers and cosmetologists.

I used the mesoscooter consistently from January 2014 to May, with Swiss cocktails for the mesoscooter, one cocktail for pigmentation, the second for wrinkles, once a week, as stated by the manufacturer. Moreover, I used cocktails without a mesoscooter. At first I used a mesoscooter with 0.5 mm needles, then 0.75. She carried out several procedures every other day, then again became 1 r. in Week. There is no effect. I don’t really have any wrinkles as such, but what I did have remained the same, the pigment spots also remained in place and didn’t even lighten, I covered them up and still do. In my opinion, all these mesoscooters are another scam from the cosmetics industry. Previously, there was hope for a mesoscooter and cocktails, but having realized that all this does not work, I will not buy them anymore, and I do not advise anyone to spend money on something that does not work.

I’ve been using the mesoscooter for 1.5 months-0.5 mm, the skin has become dry, peeling, there are even more wrinkles, I use it every day or every other day or two, I treat my face with serum (collagen, HA). I ​​bought it with a friend at the same time, it doesn’t dry her out, but there is no effect (she uses it regularly), Olga wrote correctly, due to the slight swelling of the skin, small wrinkles seem to smooth out after the procedure, even in the morning the swelling remains on the eyelids, and then everything is as usual. I don't see any results. I am 40 years old

Neutral reviews

This is just a miracle! I apply the serum, roll the mesoscooter up and down, left and right, diagonally in both directions. After this I apply night cream. Nasolabial wrinkles began to disappear. There is a scar on the skin, relatively “young”, the cosmetologist advised to use a mesoscooter. The skin peels, but heals faster. I always rinse the roller with hot water when changing treatment zones. Use it, you won't regret it.



Even before I decided to

laser resurfacing, I tried for a long time to deal with skin imperfections on my own. One of my experiments was a mesoscooter. After reading information on the Internet, I ordered this miracle for myself.
The mesoscooter is a roller with very thin needles, which is attached to a handle. All this must be in a special “container”. Here is a visual representation.
I chose 0.5 mm needles, the most optimal for the face. It is not recommended to take more than 1.5 mm, because this is the thickness of the skin on the face. Everything should be indicated on the hologram. Since my needles are small, they are not very noticeable in the photo, but you can try to see a huge number of them.
By piercing the skin with many needles, the regeneration process is started. The skin begins to produce collagen more intensively, thereby restoring its structure. The face looks firmer and smoother. I was hoping to achieve the effect of reducing pores and improving the appearance of post-acne scars. Of course, there were no global changes, but after using the mesoscooter, the result is still visible.
I used it, as recommended, one part at a time in different four directions: vertically, horizontally, diagonally in both directions. She pressed without really sparing herself, blood came out in places. The pain is tolerable, the most painful is the forehead and around the nose. The next day the skin usually peeled off a little. In principle, I did not need any special skills; the main thing, of course, was to treat the procedure with caution.
At the moment I am using a mesoscooter to remove the effects of laser resurfacing (the so-called mesh and slight redness). The effect is excellent, the mesh and redness are almost completely gone (before photo in the review about sanding). The lighting here is artificial, in those photos it’s natural, that’s why there’s a difference.
Pros: using a mesoscooter:
- redness that goes away after a few hours
- can be used for rosacea
- starts skin regeneration processes
— the effect is noticeable after the first use
- can replace many expensive salon procedures
— improves the effect of the cream, allowing it to penetrate deeper layers of the skin
— the possibility of infection if needles and skin are not sufficiently disinfected before use
- insignificant, but still painful procedure, although you control it yourself by pressing the roller
So many pluses against the background of only two minuses. Of course I recommend this cosmetic device!


I recommend! I described everything in the review.


The first applications are a little painful

I have been using the mesoscooter for a long time. And to be honest, I’m happy with the result. At first, of course, there was a slightly unpleasant feeling. But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. I began to notice that after about 2 months of regular use, the pores noticeably narrowed, fine lines tightened, and the skin acquired an even tone. I use it together with vitamin cocktails. There is massage, acupuncture, and improved blood circulation; the active substances of the serum are delivered with the help of mesoscooter needles to the deep layers of the skin, and this is what is needed for even more intense skin rejuvenation. In general, I am very, very pleased with the result. Who else is thinking, try it, rejuvenate yourself, I’m sure you’ll like it!

Yes, the mesoscooter is a good thing, but it is not suitable for ladies without brains, because it must be used skillfully. observe antiseptics. And it is not suitable for those whose skin is prone to scarring. and God forbid you use it for acne... it will spread the whole infection... you won’t recognize yourself in the mirror. It removes very small wrinkles well. But with large ones, you need to see a cosmetologist and the needles are not for home use, but longer ones. he bleeds out of them...

Positive reviews

I am simply delighted with the effect I got with the help of the Mesoscooter! It does its job perfectly, and there is no need to go to the salon, I do everything at home! I read the reviews, they write different things and I want to say, if they use it as it is written in the instructions, everything will be super-duper))) I even persuaded my husband, ironed out his wrinkles, so now he asks for it himself))) I recommend everything, everyone needs such an assistant. Especially since the price is just great!

I accidentally came across a review about a mesoscooter. Immediately ordered

[link]. I ordered 1.5 mm. When I received it I started to wonder if 1.5 mm is too much? But after trying it I realized it was just right. After reading the reviews, I was preparing for wild pain, but it didn’t hurt. I really rub my face regularly with a hard washcloth, maybe that’s why it’s not so sensitive. After the procedure, the redness went away within 1.5-2 hours. I was no longer ashamed of myself. I rolled an ampoule of ascorbic acid, and after rolling it, an ampoule of aloe. Then serum with librederm hyaluronic acid and thermal water as needed. The skin immediately appears more elastic. The procedure was repeated the next day. All the same. I will use it.

The mesoscooter is a really cool thing. I had severe stretch marks after giving birth. I bought a ZGTS Mesoscooter for the body 2 mm, skated the course and they became NOTICEably smaller. I’m no longer afraid to wear an open swimsuit) I bought it from professionals - the MY IRIDA store. I also want to buy one for the eyes and face with titanium needles 0.3 mm

Once, while reading one of my favorite forums in the section dedicated to beauty and health, I came across a discussion of such a miracle as a mesoscooter. Having delved into the essence, I came to the conclusion that the reviews of real people who are not interested in advertising the device deserve attention. Having decided to join the beauty, I wandered for a long time in the thickets of the Internet, simultaneously learning all kinds of information about varieties, purposes, manufacturers and fakes. It happened, I decided to order a mesoscooter with 0.5 needles for the face.
For the first use as mesorollic cosmetics, I bought pharmacy vitamin C in ampoules, since the recommended hyaluronic acid raised doubts (I had experience using it, but somehow it didn’t work out). Having waited until evening, she began to perform it with trepidation, and strictly according to the instructions. Well what can I say. I did not feel the terrible pain that many wrote about, and the skin punctures were well felt. Apparently, pain sensations are individual and depend on the sensitivity threshold; in general, it is quite high for me. My face was red, like after a bath, and at first it was a little hot. At the end of the process, I applied vitamin C to everything that was treated (face, neck, hands) and left for 20 minutes, then rinsed with cool water. The next morning there are no traces of the evening execution, the face is fresh and rested.
After carrying out 15 procedures at an interval of 2 days, I felt the effect - the skin on the face and neck became denser to the touch, a little lighter and fresher, pores and small folds (on the nasolabial lips) were less noticeable. I’ll take a break and then repeat the course, I hope the mesoscooter will be enough for another 10-15 procedures. And then. I'll order a couple more, and maybe for the body. It's a shame it's so short-lived though.
P.S. Unfortunately, I can’t post a photo yet for technical reasons)



Previously, I already had a mesoscooter with 0.5 mm needles. I used it with different serums for the face area.
And now I wanted to buy a mesoscooter with 3mm needles. This is the most I know. It is written that such needles are needed for weight loss and the treatment of cellulite.
You won’t believe it, but I ordered it on eBay and it cost me 50 rubles. So interesting, they all cost 150 rubles, but 3mm needles are sold for 50 rubles)) Apparently he is not popular and people are afraid of him


It looks like this:
but this is when approaching)) Don’t be alarmed))
This is how it was packaged: in a sealed bag with instructions in English. The needles of the mesoscooter are covered with a plastic cover.
To be honest, my rollerball with 0.5 needles was packed much better. I already wrote that it was in a cardboard box, and in the cardboard box there was a plastic case for the mesoscooter.
And below are photos of instructions:
I used it for my buttocks. Without cream and other nonsense. I decided to just pierce it to make it more elastic. I roll it carefully, because 3mm is felt, not like 0.5mm))) But it’s not criminal, it’s normal for me.
I remind you that the device is individual, you cannot let anyone try it, much less use it. Every time before and after the procedure we sterilize him (I sterilize him with a chlorhexidine solution). We use it on the area (not just one mesoscooter, and roll it over the entire body, over the face, etc.)
I'm happy with the purchase)

Hi all! I'm really delighted with the Mesoscooter! Great stuff, I heard a lot about it, but couldn’t find where to buy it, and when I saw that it was on sale, I immediately ordered it! Delivered quickly, so I didn't have to wait long. After several days of use, I noticed the result and was simply shocked at how effectively it smoothes out wrinkles, my joy knew no bounds! I highly recommend it to everyone, a very necessary thing for any woman who has crossed the threshold of youth!

I didn't expect such an effect. My mother did not believe that I would have fewer stretch marks, but after using the mesoscooter, she changed her mind. Stretch marks not only became less noticeable, they became smaller on their own, as if they had tightened! It is great. I’m going on vacation at the seaside, I’m trying to get rid of them as quickly as possible, so I do it almost every other day, two!

I use. True, only 3 times so far. IT WORKS! True, I didn’t have acne, but I do have wrinkles. It helps from the first use. Good luck!

girls! it WORKS, but! You need a non-Chinese rollerball, so that your entire face will be destroyed by allergies or the needle will break even worse! FDA certificate is required, made of special surgical steel, and it is best to buy it from a cosmetologist, with advice on use, and not on the website on the recommendation of a stranger. it's your face! take care of him! The cosmetologist must advise what to use it with, what to smear on the face after, also not everything in a row!

Girls, who have used a mesoscooter at home specifically for wrinkles or scars, what are your reviews? Did it help? I took a 0.5 mm mesoscooter and anti-scar serum, this is the third day I’ve been using it. I don’t see the effect yet, but my complexion has evened out. Do you have experience using it? experts

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

I wandered around, nothing special happened, the Moscow beat, probably, and they won’t buy it.

I bought a 0.5 mesoscooter, but it’s too early to say, I rolled it over my face 2 times, I took it because of the nasolabial folds. I’m also interested in who got what results. Is it really possible to remove folds and wrinkles at home?

For my body I want to remove stretch marks and fat

What nonsense can you read here?! It seems like they are written by teenagers who just want to believe in all sorts of fairy tales and advertising spam! Young ladies, you don’t need to be a professional to understand simple and logical things - if a nasolabial fold has already appeared, then this is already age-related gravitational ptosis (drooping) of the facial tissue, especially if the skin biotype is thick. roll it or don’t roll it .. you can, of course, also try Crex-Pex .. and wait, maybe it will help. Stretch marks are when the integrity of the dermis is broken - the same divergence of the edges as any wound, only without violating the integrity of the most superficial layers, so at first a red muscle layer is visible in this gap, within six months a scar will form - it doesn’t care about your needles! If only it were that easy!! So you are being scammed by all and sundry. this is the national pastime of Russian women; in Europe it is not such a Klondike as in Russia. oh, and you idiots!! Bless yourself.

Woman, why is she so angry? )

no, I’m not a professional, otherwise I wouldn’t be so feisty))). Mesoscooters help, but don't expect a super effect. It just makes your face fresher and that's all. I tried it 10 times, nothing special. Someone writes that almost the first time the wrinkles disappeared. DON'T BELIEVE IT. This is all nonsense, I wasted my money on everything. It would be better to do mesotherapy

Related topics

I’m writing a review))) The thing is really worthwhile! Is it true. If you roll regularly, the results are visible in just a week. I bought it here. Happy as an elephant! No advertising. Pure gag)))

Girls, this is the second time I’ve used the mesoscooter. I like it, although after the second time I noticed peeling of the skin, as if dead cells were leaving. I immediately noticed changes in my complexion, it became fresh. and the swelling under the eyes went away. I am also happy as an elephant, I really hope that with constant use I will achieve good results.

I also use a foam roller, the results after it are impressive. The skin is dense, elastic, smooth.+

to have a noticeable effect, then 0.5 needles are not enough, you need from 1 mm, and then only with anesthesia and until bloody dew roll with a cosmetologist in the clinic, and not at home in the bathroom, then yes, there is a result in terms of post-acne and ptosis skin

Mesoscooter and professional cosmetics directly from Israel at low prices. Consultation with a cosmetologist on the selection of cosmetics.

I have large post-acne scars, pitted cheeks, enlarged pores. I purchased a mesoscooter with 1.5 mm needles (I wanted 2 mm, but it was not on sale). I also bought anesthetic cream and hyaluronic acid. I found a specialist who performed two procedures on the entire face, as expected - until bloody dew, with anesthesia. I already did the third procedure for myself at home, only for scars, also until there was bloody dew. Pores have really shrunk! The complexion evened out, the face became fresher. The scars are still in the same condition. I think it takes at least 6 times for visible changes to occur. I really hope and believe - after all, now the skin in general looks better

In recent years, a device such as a mesoscooter for home use has gained particular popularity on the Internet.

Is it really as effective as the advertisement promises: it stimulates collagen synthesis, promotes the penetration of active components of cosmetics into the deeper layers of the skin, helps eliminate post-acne marks and solve many other problems?

Or is advertising, as usual, deceiving naive buyers and they are simply trying to sell you a completely unnecessary and useless device? Let's figure it out 🙂

What is a mesoscooter

A mesoscooter, or also called a dermaroller, is a small roller covered with a layer of microneedles.

The effectiveness of this device is based on two principles:

  1. Minor damage to the skin using microneedles, in response to which regeneration processes are launched in the skin, which in turn promotes skin rejuvenation.
  2. Creation of channels through which nutrients from special cocktails applied before the procedure penetrate into the skin.

Overall the idea is good. After all, one of the problems in the skin care process is the need to overcome the epidermal barrier in order to deliver the active components of cosmetics to the deeper layers of the skin. And if at the same time you can also stimulate collagen synthesis, then that’s great. So what's the catch?

You may already know that these devices are divided into mesoscooters for home use and mesoscooters for professional or medical use.

Mesoscooter for home use

Mesoscooters for home use have needles up to 0.5 mm long, usually 0.2 or 0.3 mm, and can be used with regular serum or cream for home care.

Mesoscooter for professional use

Mesoscooters for professional use have needle lengths from 0.5 mm. And when working with a mesoscooter with needles larger than 0.5 mm, only sterile preparations are used, and not cream or serum that you have in a jar in your bathroom.

Because when using a professional mesoscooter, the integrity of the skin is violated, contact with blood is possible, and such procedures can only be carried out by a cosmetologist with a medical education in a cosmetology office, where it is possible to ensure compliance with the rules of asepsis/antiseptics and use sterile preparations.

What the sellers of mesoscooters are silent about

The catch in advertising a mesoscooter is that most of the promised effects - such as penetration of the active components of cocktails into the dermis, stimulating collagen synthesis, smoothing scars, reducing the depth of wrinkles - are only possible when using professional mesoscooters with needles 0.5 mm long or longer.

And then, according to the reviews of many cosmetologists who use mesoscooters in their practice, when working at a length of 0.5 mm, the results are usually very mediocre. And only when working with needles from 1 mm, when the skin is treated until there is blood dew, is it often possible to really achieve good results.

Is it possible to use a professional mesoscooter for home care?

In this case, many of you probably have a question: is it possible to use a professional mesoscooter for home care? Of course not.

Firstly, because companies that officially sell professional mesoscooters and sterile cocktails for them will not sell these products to people without medical education and a cosmetologist diploma.

And secondly, you don’t give yourself, say, intravenous injections or Botox injections yourself - you go to a medical institution to see specialists.

Treat the use of a professional mesoscooter in the same way. Because during this procedure there is a violation of the integrity of the skin, there is contact with blood, there is a risk of infection and serious allergic reactions, so you cannot carry out this procedure yourself at home.

Of course, some readers may object to me that now you can buy anything on the Internet, including professional mesoscooters and sterile preparations for them. And YouTube is full of videos where girls without any medical education or cosmetologist diplomas roll their faces with mesoscooters with 1 mm needles until there is blood dew and everything is fine, it’s simple, and you can easily cope with this task.

I can emphasize that in this case I am only expressing my opinion, and with reasoning, and it’s up to you to decide whether to listen to my opinion or not.

Reviews from cosmetologists about the mesoscooter

You may also be interested in knowing the attitude of practicing cosmetologists towards the mesoscooter.

I can confidently say that cosmetologists have different attitudes towards mesoscooters. Some cosmetologists regularly use this device in their work and are quite satisfied with the results. Other cosmetologists tried it and for some reason were disappointed in this device. And some cosmetologists are not even going to use a mesoscooter in their practice.

Because a mesoscooter, like any product, has not only its advantages, but also disadvantages. Moreover, this procedure cannot be called irreplaceable. Today, cosmetologists have at their disposal many other means that allow them to initiate regeneration processes in the skin in response to damage. There are also various hardware methods that also make it possible to create channels in the skin for deeper penetration of the active components of cosmetics.

Is it worth buying a home mesoscooter?

So is it worth buying a mesoscooter for home care? If you decide to try this procedure, then to solve serious problems - such as smoothing post-acne scars, stretch marks after pregnancy, reducing pronounced wrinkles, increasing skin turgor, when significant activation of collagen synthesis is necessary - it is better to contact a cosmetologist with a medical education who works with professional mesoscooters, that is, with needles larger than 0.5 mm.

And for home care you can use mesoscooters with needles up to 0.5 mm. Of course, such a mesoscooter will not provide significant activation of collagen synthesis, and will not ensure the penetration of active components of cosmetics into the dermis. Therefore, there is no need to create illusions and place high hopes on a home mesoroller.

But this does not mean that such a device is completely useless. It’s just that a home mezroller only works within the epidermis. And basically it can only carry the active components of cosmetics into the deeper layers of the epidermis, so the result of its use will largely depend on the effectiveness of the cosmetics you use.

And if you don’t like the idea of ​​using a mesoscooter or have contraindications to using this thing, don’t worry and don’t think that you’re missing out on something.

Today there are quite a few other means with which we can prolong the youth of our skin and I, of course, will regularly talk about such means in my videos.

Contraindications to the use of a mesoscooter

By the way, about contraindications. Even a mesoscooter for home use has not only indications, but also contraindications. Both general - such as pregnancy, lactation, and local - inflammatory processes in the affected area, herpes, etc.

Therefore, before buying a mesoscooter, consult with a cosmetologist - you can use the mesoscooter in home care and what serums or creams you should buy to eliminate existing problems.

Because using a mesoscooter can cause exacerbation of acne, exacerbation of herpes and other diseases. And the cosmetologist will collect anamnesis and tell you whether you can include a mesoscooter in your home care or whether it’s still not worth it.

Don't forget to throw away your roller!

And one more important point. If you use a mesoscooter, please follow all the rules for using this device.

When preparing this video, I came across reviews on the Internet from some happy owners of a mesoscooter like: I bought a mesoscooter six months ago, I use it almost every day and I’m very pleased!

Well, this is simply beyond good and evil! The mesoscooter is used once a week. On average, one mesoscooter is enough for 6-8 sessions, that is, for one course. After this, the needles become dull and the mesoscooter needs to be thrown away. After a few months, of course, you can repeat the course, but to do this you need to buy a new mesoscooter.

Who already uses a mesoscooter - tell us about the results of use in the comments. And also write what other devices for home use the advertisement encourages you to buy, and perhaps I will talk about these devices in my videos.

What else is useful to read:

Olga Fem

For more than 10 years, I have been helping my clients prolong the youth of their skin and give it a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. Now, with the help of my books “Self-instruction manual for skin care #1”, “55 mistakes in facial care” and self-massage of the face “Renaissance”, almost everyone can improve their skin condition!