
The essence of mesotherapy is that a therapeutic cocktail, the composition of which depends on the problem, is introduced in microscopic doses into the desired area at the level of the middle part of the dermis (mesoderm), i.e. to a depth of 3-4 mm, and directly affects the pathology. The procedures are carried out with thin special and short atraumatic needles.

The cocktail consists of at least five components. To treat edema, diuretic cocktails are selected (for cellulite, by the way); for acne - vitamins and antiseptics; from the vascular network - vascular strengthening; for wrinkles - collagen, fashionable hyaluronic acid and vitamins.

Since the ingredients of the cocktails consist of quite active substances, allergies in patients are an absolute contraindication for mesotherapy. Allergies can occur both in the form of local skin reactions and in generalized forms (for example, Quincke's edema).

With regular injections or taking pills, the medicine affects the entire body, and only a small part of it reaches the desired place. Injections have a reflexogenic effect to some extent (skin receptors are irritated when injected).

The course duration usually consists of 10-12 sessions. In one session, as a rule, 10-20 cubes of medicine are administered. Multiple injections are performed automatically, quickly and painlessly. The injected drugs last 5-7 days.

An additional effect is achieved by influencing the skin receptor apparatus. The minimum dose of the drug used for one session is 4 ml (2 ampoules).

Mesotherapy is not recommended during pregnancy, menstruation or immediately after surgery. When treating cellulite, the result can be achieved in cases where several anti-cellulite techniques are used simultaneously. Mesotherapy alone will not be enough.

As with any intervention, after mesotherapy local allergies, redness, vasodilation, injection marks and soreness may occur.

For some cocktails (including anti-cellulite), cholelithiasis is a contraindication, since the stones can begin to move due to the fact that the base of the drug has a choleretic effect.