Mycosis imbricate

Mycoses are a large group of infectious diseases caused by fungi. They affect the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails. One of them is mycosis cheripitsiformis. This type of mycosis is caused by fungi that live in tropical climates. It is also called lichen desquamosa or lateritis.

Manifestations tiled

Mycosis imbricata is a serious disease that can occur in people living in warm, humid climates. This fungal infection is one of the most common skin diseases.

Mycosis skullcap (m. Imbricata) is a saprotrophic type of pathogen that is often found in children. Outwardly it resembles a skin lesion (lichen) with a characteristic scaly structure. It is the only species of fungus of the genus Microsporum that has a connection with humans as the definitive host. Its size is 20–30 microns, oval in shape, dotted with many microspores arranged in a circle in five rows. Consists of clusters of mycelium,