Microcurrent lymphatic drainage of the face and neck

Microcurrent lymphatic drainage received its name because of the pulsed current used, which affects the skin and lymph nodes of the human body.


The hardware technique is effective in eliminating and relieving swelling, congestion, wrinkles, age spots and other natural signs of skin aging. This technology helps restore the condition of the skin, its tone, elasticity, color on any part of the body, be it thighs, legs, stomach or face.


Stagnation of lymph occurs in any part of the body, but it is most often observed on the lower extremities and in the face, especially under the eyes.

  1. Microcurrent facial lymphatic drainage. An effective technique that helps remove swelling, redness, reduce the depth and number of wrinkles in the décolleté, neck and, directly, the face. It can be used both independently and after other hardware and manual cosmetology procedures or surgery.
  2. Lymphatic drainage of the eyes. Allows you to improve the structure of the skin around the eyes: elasticity and firmness returns. As a rule, it is performed together with facial lymphatic drainage using microcurrents.
  3. Lymphatic drainage of the legs. Relieves legs from swelling, varicose veins, stretch marks on the thighs, cellulite
  4. Lymphatic drainage of the body. The technique is aimed at activating metabolic processes and stimulating blood flow, which helps to remove extra pounds.

Indications for use


Hardware-type lymphatic drainage is prescribed for:

varicose veins (initial stage);

excess fat deposits;

decreased muscle tone and constant fatigue;

decreased elasticity and firmness of the skin;

inflammation and swelling;

the presence of small scars and other mechanical damage to the skin;

the first signs of skin aging;

presence of acne, stretch marks, scars.



Microcurrent lymphatic drainage cannot be performed in the following cases:

various blood diseases;

blood clots in blood vessels;

malignant and benign tumors;

diseases associated with the spine;

lactation period and pregnancy;

severe cardiovascular diseases;

How is microcurrent lymphatic drainage therapy performed?


The procedure consists of the following steps:

preparation – the skin is cleansed of impurities and cosmetic products using special gel-like products;

massaging - done in the direction of lymph movement, for this purpose a cream is applied to facilitate the specialist’s work;

tubes with current are applied to the skin;

hTo finish, a soothing and moisturizing cream is applied.

The procedure algorithm directly depends on the area to be treated. But it is always carried out in this direction: collarbone, neck area, chin, cheeks, lymph nodes behind the ears, eyelids, eyebrows, forehead and the area where hair begins to grow.

The average course of treatment consists of 8-10-12 procedures - much depends on the type and condition of the skin (degree of aging).

How do microcurrents work?

Hardware therapy uses pulsed current - from 10 to 500 μA. Due to the low current strength and delicacy of the effect, the patient does not experience any discomfort. Microcurrents penetrate aged or damaged cells, promoting their healing and restoration.

After the procedure

The results of microcurrent lymphatic drainage are noticeable after several procedures: swelling and inflammation disappear, the skin surface is evened out and takes on a healthy appearance. However, temporary and slight enlargement of the lymph nodes is possible.

The Irina Kuprina Center for Aesthetic Medicine performs microcurrent lymphatic drainage using modern and reliable equipment, which ensures an effective result after a course of therapy.

We will help preserve your youth and eliminate age-related changes on your face and body. And in order to consolidate the result, it is recommended to carry out a course of procedures at least once every six months or a year.

Microcurrent therapy is a type of hardware cosmetology. The effect of using microcurrents is based on the gentle effect that multi-frequency low-voltage current pulses have on the skin, lymphatic system and muscle tissue.

Microcurrent therapy is a type of hardware cosmetology. The effect of using microcurrents is based on the gentle effect that multi-frequency low-voltage current pulses have on the skin, lymphatic system and muscle tissue.

Microcurrent therapy is a variety hardware cosmetology. The effect of using microcurrents is based on the gentle effect that multi-frequency low-voltage current pulses have on the skin, lymphatic system and muscle tissue. The beneficial effects that microcurrents have on the body have been known for quite some time. This is why microcurrent facial lymphatic drainage and other procedures based on this technology are offered today by many cosmetology clinics.


Microcurrent therapy allows you to:

  1. successfully combat such manifestations of age-related changes as wrinkles and hyperpigmentation;
  2. get a noticeable facial rejuvenation effect without damaging the skin
  3. perform a face lift based on a gentle stimulating effect on the subcutaneous tissue;
  4. relieve muscle spasms, restore atrophied muscles and stimulate metabolic processes in the skin at the cellular level;
  5. stimulate regenerative processes in the skin; increase the intensity of lymphatic drainage processes.

Thus, microcurrent lymphatic drainage of the face makes it possible to normalize all processes occurring in skin cells, which leads to a clear improvement in its condition and appearance, returning elasticity, youth and freshness to the tissues. The ability to perform facial lifting or rejuvenation without surgery - only through hardware cosmetology - is a rather attractive alternative to plastic surgery.

Another important feature of microcurrent facial lymphatic drainage is its compatibility with most other cosmetic procedures. Besides microcurrents increase the effectiveness of cosmetic products, improving their absorption. This allows cosmetologists to use microcurrent rejuvenation and microcurrent lifting as key methods in the complex therapy of age-related skin changes.

The standard microcurrent facial therapy procedure lasts 30 minutes, and to achieve a sustainable result, 5-10 sessions are required with a regularity of 2 procedures per week. In order to maintain and improve the results obtained after an intensive course, it is recommended to repeat the procedure once a month.

A course of facial microcurrent lymphatic drainage procedures can be completed in the cosmetology department of the Scandinavia clinic. To sign up for the procedure and find out all the details you are interested in, please call: 600-78-77.


A fresh appearance thanks to the influence of current at the cellular level is an achievement of modern hardware cosmetology. The microcurrent facial procedure has received flattering reviews, taking into account some contraindications. With each repeated procedure, skin cells are rejuvenated and regenerated with new energy. Preventing skin aging and creating a clear contour has become an achievable goal.

What is microcurrent for the face

The patented cosmetology technique of weak currents is called microcurrents. Within a few sessions, the effect of an elastic, toned face is noticeable. Stimulating skin cell activity increases the amount of collagen and elastin. The reaction of the electrodes significantly improves the lymphatic system and metabolism of the body, helping to reduce swelling.

Operating principle

The new rejuvenation method is effective thanks to low-frequency electrical impulses. It has a positive effect on the layers of the epidermis, less actively on the muscles and blood vessels of the face. The procedure is carried out with a device specially designed for this purpose, to which nozzles are connected. The operating power of the electric current is low. It is aimed exclusively at skin cells without affecting the nerve endings.

Indications for the procedure

Microcurrent facial therapy is effective in anti-aging stimulation of the epidermis, reducing signs of fatigue and tightening the skin. Recently, positive reviews of the microcurrent procedure for rosacea have increased. Therefore, the service is in demand in various areas of cosmetology.

Microcurrents in cosmetology are used for:

  1. improving complexion;
  2. correction of skin surface contours;
  3. reducing the number of wrinkles;
  4. for dry or sensitive skin;
  5. combating age-related cell decline.

Microcurrents in plastic surgery for:

  1. tissue regeneration after surgery;
  2. combating the appearance of cellulite;
  3. treatment of lymphostasis;
  4. eliminating the consequences of liposuction;
  5. reduction of pigment spots.

Microcurrents in dermatology for:

  1. treatment of acne, seborrhea;
  2. relieving swelling, fluid and lymph stagnation;
  3. treatment of atopic dermatitis;
  4. camouflage scars, cicatrices.


The effect of microcurrents

The main effect of microcurrents is to create an aesthetically attractive appearance without much expense. The result of targeted electrical action is a reduction in fine wrinkles, an emphasized oval of the face, and the elimination of folds on the chin. With the help of a special device, it is possible to get rid of sagging facial muscles. Charged particles create a healing reaction - microcurrent facial lymphatic drainage. Systematic microcurrent sessions for the face improve blood circulation and eliminate skin defects: wrinkles, scars, dilated capillaries.

Advantages and disadvantages

A cosmetic procedure has more benefits than negative consequences. The advantages include:

  1. hardware impact safety;
  2. high tolerance by the body;
  3. sedative, calming effect;
  4. provides skin rejuvenation;
  5. work of one tool.

The disadvantages of microcurrent therapy include:

  1. the need for a large number of sessions;
  2. slow-acting, physiotherapeutic method;
  3. requires additional home care;
  4. Some areas of the body cannot be exposed to current (carotid arteries, heart, eyeballs).

Types of microcurrent therapy

Depending on the problem, cosmetologists distinguish the following types:

  1. Microcurrent skin lifting - aimed at facial muscles that require active nutrition, tightens the skin.
  2. Microcurrents for the eyes – provides muscle tone around the eyes, promotes tissue repair.
  3. Microcurrents for the eyelids – stimulation of the cells of the thin layer of skin near the eyes;
  4. Microcurrent lymphatic drainage – acts on cells with massage properties and removes accumulated fluid.
  5. Reprogramming of facial muscles - restoration of nutrition and cell activity, elimination of facial wrinkles.
  6. Disincrustation – closes small pores on the surface of sensitive skin.
  7. Microiontophoresis – tightens pores, reduces swelling and scars, acts as a peeling.


In order to use any type of microcurrent massage service, you need to know about contraindications. This includes:

  1. violation of skin integrity;
  2. acute chronic diseases;
  3. cardiovascular diseases;
  4. epilepsy;
  5. oncology, neoplasms;
  6. pregnancy and lactation;
  7. herpetic rashes;
  8. the presence of a pacemaker, implants.


Microcurrent therapy device

To carry out the procedure professionally, high-quality equipment is used:

  1. ESMA, Galatea (Russia),
  2. Bio-Ultimate Gold (USA),
  3. Ionto-Comed (Germany).

The equipment of the devices is the same: an electronic unit and spherical or pear-shaped electrodes. Some sets include additional gloves for hand massage. The procedure may differ in the way it transmits electronic impulses to prevent skin aging. Stationary electrodes can be installed on certain areas of the face. The specialist moves the movable electrodes independently.

Preparation for the procedure

The work of a specialist begins with the preparatory stage. You first need a consultation, where the specialist will competently determine the presence of skin problems. At this stage, the number of sessions is assigned, possible contraindications and features are identified. After the specialist determines the client’s skin type, it is necessary to clean the surface to be treated of cosmetics. Next, apply a conductive mask with a gel consistency. It is recommended to drink plenty of liquid the day before visiting the beauty salon. This will speed up cell restoration and cleansing.


Stages of microcurrent therapy for the face:

  1. Cleansing the skin of cosmetics, treating with a refreshing tonic.
  2. Applying a cosmetic product.
  3. Setting up the device.
  4. Beginning of the session with electrodes along the massage lines.
  5. Cleansing the surface of the skin from gel.
  6. Applying a special mask (up to 20 minutes).
  7. Applying cream for individual skin type.

Use at home

The benefits of biocurrent have been noted by many women for home care. According to customer reviews, the effect will be less pronounced than in the photo in the salon. A simplified model of a cosmetology device copes with the task of a home facial massager and supports the results of professional therapy. These include: “Gezatone Ionic-Ultratonicm 365” and “Beauty Irism 708”, “BioWave Gezatone” and “AV-012”. The latter eliminates lymph stagnation well and relieves swelling. The recommended time of continuous exposure to microcurrents at home is much shorter than in the salon (up to 20 minutes).

How to do microcurrents correctly

Each session consists of several stages, the main ones being:

  1. normalization of skin balance;
  2. facial biolifting;
  3. introduction of biologically active substances;
  4. lymphatic drainage of the surface of the facial muscles;
  5. exfoliation.

A specialized device with an electrode and cosmetic preparations are used, which act as conductors and provide glide. In some cases, the procedure can be performed with massage, conductive gloves. Along with aggressive influences, such as chemical peelings and laser resurfacing, microcurrents are allowed to be used regardless of the time of year.


Consequences and complications

The frequency of current pulses and duration of exposure are designed for a positive effect on the human body. Side effects include mild tingling, which is considered normal during this procedure. According to some customers, there is a metallic taste in the mouth. Complications may occur due to intolerance to the effects of electric current, incorrect actions or incompetence of the technician. Clients who have dental implants and pins cannot always get access to microcurrents. Due to possible unpleasant consequences.

Analogues of the procedure

In terms of its mode of action, microcurrent therapy can be compared with biostimulation, mesotherapy and myostimulation. Each type has its own specific tasks. The biostimulating device uses current of different frequencies, selecting the depth of impact for the regeneration of tissues, muscles and blood vessels. For other devices, it uses pulsed current, which is precisely directed to certain areas of the face, neck and muscle fibers. Such procedures are carried out only in medical clinics by appropriately qualified specialists.

The cost of the service depends on the problem area that needs correction, the complexity of the work and the category of drugs used. The course of microcurrent therapy procedures includes up to 12 sessions followed by consolidation of the resulting effect once a month. Choose the best option by comparing the cost of microcurrent services in different salons in Moscow.

Salon name Address Price
"Petrovka Beauty" Moscow, st. Petrovka, 19, building 5 From 1990 r.
SEREBRO STUDIO Moscow, st. Profsoznaya, 25 From 800 to 1300 rub.
LADY DI Moscow st. Novaya Basmannaya, 10, building 1 From 700 rub.
"Line Vita" Moscow, st. Vilisa Latsisa, 27, building 1 From 800 to 1500 rub.
"Ostel" Moscow, sh. Shchelkovskoye, 79, bldg. 1 From 1000 to 1800 rub.
XXI CENTURY Moscow, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 113 From 750 to 3000 rub.

Moscow, st. Goncharova, 8/13

From 1500 rub. "Veri" Moscow, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 12 From 2100 rub.


Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 65, building 1 From 2500 rub.

"CITY STYLE" Moscow, st. Malaya Ordynka, 11 From 1500 to 2500 rub.


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