Mikulicha Cut

Mikulicz incision: Causes of disease development and treatment methods

Mikulicz rupture is a disease that is characterized by damage to the facial nerve and leads to disruption of the functioning of the facial muscles and eye muscles. This is a fairly serious condition as it can lead to numerous complications and loss of function if not treated promptly.

In this article we will look at the reasons that cause the development of the disease "mykulic cut", diagnostic methods and, of course, ways to treat it.

The cause of a cut (stretch) of the facial nerve is injury or disease. For example: - A blow to the head, a skull fracture; - Surgery to remove a brain tumor. A sprain occurs when the head is turned sharply, when a force exceeding its strength acts on the nerve, and the nerve fiber is torn. The strength of the facial nerve is not great. A stretched nerve can recover on its own, which takes 2 to 5 years after the injury. But it is extremely rare that it is restored to full functionality (in a very small percentage of cases).

However, the development of a mikulic incision is not always associated with injury. In some cases, spontaneous (primary) traumatic syndrome is observed. The most common cause of spontaneous or secondary (after injury or surgery) rupture is spasm of the masticatory muscles caused by chronic pathology of the ENT organs: sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries or its complications. A spasm occurs due to irritation by the current of the inflamed mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the pharynx, where the lower part of the facial, namely the greater palatine, nerve is located in the capsule. Due to the narrowing of the fibrous canal, stretching or tearing of the branches of the nerve is possible, including