Almond oil in cosmetics

Let's have an almond meal? Only we will not be talking about a sickly tender conversation at all, but about soft and delicate facial skin care with the help of almond tree oil.

The beauty of flowering bushes attracted not only poets and artists of all times, but also skilled craftsmen and scientists of antiquity. So already in Ancient Egypt, rich women knew about the wonderful properties of this oil and used it to preserve youth and beauty.


The Ancient Glory of Almonds

Benefits of almonds for skin

Almond seeds, often mistakenly called nuts, are a rich source of beneficial vitamins and microelements that promote natural nutrition and cell renewal. Therefore, even just eating them regularly can significantly improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails.

  1. Vitamin E - just 1 handful of seeds (about 30 g) contains more than 70% of the daily dose of this powerful antioxidant, which slows down the aging process and protects the skin from exposure to UV radiation.
  2. Vitamin A stabilizes the water-lipid balance and thereby stimulates deep hydration.
  3. Vitamin F helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents inflammation.
  4. B vitamins delicately penetrate the skin layers, fight irritations, restoring healthy radiance and elasticity to the skin.
  5. Collagen provides skin elasticity, prevents the formation of new wrinkles and smoothes existing ones.
  6. Oleic, linoleic and other organic fatty acids tone and moisturize the skin, making it soft and surprisingly soft.

It is important to note that in cosmetology, organic cold-pressed oil of only sweet almonds and their seeds is used. Unlike its bitter relative, it does not contain toxic hydrocyanic acid. Accordingly, it is non-toxic and harmless. Therefore, be careful when choosing an oil - only cosmetic and in no case essential!

For maximum effect, it is recommended not only to use almond-based products externally, but also to regularly consume a small amount of almond seeds. According to studies conducted in the US and UK, 30 g of almonds per day is enough to protect the body from premature aging, reduce the risk of heart disease and normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Indications and contraindications

Thanks to its light texture, almond oil is suitable for any skin type. It is quickly absorbed, leaving virtually no oily layer or shine behind. That is why it can be used even for oily and combination problem skin without fear of the formation of comedones and the production of excess sebum.


Uses of almond oil

And yet, the main task of this product is to combat age-related changes in the skin and the adverse effects of the environment.

This means it is ideal for dry and normal skin in winter, when frost and wind provoke peeling, redness and irritation.

You should also add almond oil to your daily care at the first signs of skin aging, dull tone, clearly visible expression wrinkles, decreased tone and the appearance of swelling and “sagging” of the oval of the face.


Almond oil is considered the least toxic and practically hypoallergenic.

However, the possibility of individual intolerance to the product cannot be ruled out. Therefore, before performing any of the above procedures, be sure to do a test on your wrist.

In addition, you should not apply almond oil before going out into the sun - it does not have ultraviolet protection. In such a situation, the risk of pigmentation is extremely high.

Use of almond oil in facial care

Almond oil is used both in pure form and as part of cosmetics.

At the same time, supporters of natural cosmetic compositions can prepare a skin care product themselves or purchase products from leading brands or domestic manufacturers. Below are some examples of popular products containing this natural ingredient:

  1. Almond face cream from Nevskaya Cosmetics brand. Economical version with a volume of 40 ml.
  2. Nivea face and body cream with almond milk not only moisturizes the skin, but also gives it a sweet trailing aroma.
  3. Almond mask - a scrub for all skin types from the Crimean manufacturer “Living Masks” contains the above-mentioned essential oil of bitter almond in minute quantities for more effective peeling.
  4. Almond series from eco-brand WELEDA. Designed specifically for those with sensitive skin. The delicate care products from this line do not contain perfumes.
  5. Melvita Stick Levres lip balm of French origin made entirely of natural oils (almond, macadamia, hazelnut, etc.)


Cosmetics with almond oil

The versatility and at the same time uniqueness of almond kernel oil lies in the fact that it helps to cope with a number of tasks as simply as possible, without resorting to chemical ingredients at all.

Makeup remover

In daily care, almond oil can be used to remove makeup and prepare the skin for further cleansing and nourishing. To do this, apply the oil to a cotton pad and wipe your face with light movements. It is important that this method is suitable even for removing stubborn cosmetics without additional effort and excessive friction, which injures the skin.

You can also prepare a two-phase makeup remover for sensitive skin and eyes. You will need:

  1. almond oil 50 ml;
  2. castor oil 5 ml;
  3. cornflower blue water 10 ml;
  4. chamomile water 10 ml (these hydrolates can be purchased at natural cosmetics stores).

Mix the components in a glass bottle and shake before use to mix the oil and water phases.


Makeup remover

Scrubs for cleansing and exfoliation

Homemade scrubs with almond oil gently cleanse dull and lifeless skin from dead skin cells, restoring its healthy glow, and also eliminate minor flaking while moisturizing dry facial skin.

  1. Deep cleansing scrub with coffee.

For the most delicate procedure, take not ground coffee, but coffee grounds - 2 tbsp. spoons, finely ground brown sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, almond oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Before the procedure, steam the skin by applying a damp, warm towel for a few minutes. Then apply the scrub and rub in with light massage movements for 2 minutes. Then rinse off the scrub with warm water. If necessary, you can apply moisturizer. This is usually not necessary, since the oil is sufficiently moisturizing for the skin, and the caffeine helps retain moisture in the cells.

  1. An all-almond scrub for dry skin.

To cleanse dry skin, you can only use almonds and its derivatives. Prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp. finely ground almonds (flour-like state) and 2 tbsp. l. oils On a clean face (without makeup), apply the mixture to the skin in a circular motion, leave for 5 minutes for a nourishing effect and rinse with warm water.

  1. Scrub mask with sea salt.

You can get rid of blackheads and post-acne using a scrub, which contains: 0.5 tsp. fine sea salt, 1 tbsp. l. black cosmetic clay, 1 tsp. almond oil, boiled water. Combine all ingredients into a thick, creamy paste, apply to face, lightly rubbing, leave for 15-20 minutes. After washing off, you can do a light peeling massage.


Scrubs with almond oil

  1. Mask for sensitive skin.

Often, sensitive skin does not tolerate soap products. In this case, a cleansing mask with almond bran will help perfectly. To prepare it, steam 1 tbsp. l. bran for 10 minutes, add 0.5 tsp to the resulting pulp. almond oil. Apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes, rinse with massage movements.

Masks against acne and for problem skin

  1. Almond bran is no less effective for acne.

To do this, prepare a paste of bran and milk (for dry skin) / water (for normal skin) / hydrogen peroxide (for oily skin), then apply it to the acne and leave for 5-10 minutes. Wash your face and do a contrast shower for your face.

To relieve inflammation, make a mixture of 1 tbsp. l tablespoon of calendula tincture and 3 drops of almond oil. Use a cotton swab to lubricate the inflammation until complete healing.

You will need 1 tbsp. l. blue clay, 1 tsp. almond oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil.

Mix the ingredients in a bowl, apply to the face, cover with cling film for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off using a cotton pad or sponge. Apply a light moisturizer.

When used regularly, this mask tightens pores, lightens post-acne, and reduces rashes.

Anti-wrinkle compresses

There is an effective recipe for a very fragrant, nourishing mask against unpleasant age-related changes.

In a blender, mix several medium-sized strawberries and a spoonful of cream (if you have dry skin, feel free to use the fattest ones). Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. spoons of almond oil.

Apply the mask to the face, neck and around the eyes for 20 minutes. Relax while enjoying the pleasant scent. Do not wash off the remnants of the mask, just remove them with a paper napkin.

For the skin around the eyes

Crow's feet in the reflection are unlikely to please a girl. Due to its light consistency, almond oil is excellent for caring for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Therefore, you can simply “drive” a few drops of almond oil into the skin of your eyelids every day, leaving for 30-40 minutes. Remove excess with a napkin.

To enhance the effect, add a few drops of liquid vitamin E. The application technique is similar, but the dose of tocopherol, which nourishes the skin of the eyelids and smoothes out wrinkles, increases. It is better to carry out a similar procedure before bedtime.

For lips

  1. Chocolate mask-scrub.

The combination of cocoa powder and almond oil allows you to gently scrub your lips, eliminating all flaking. This is especially valuable for those who prefer matte lipsticks in their makeup.

So, in a tablespoon, mix half a teaspoon of cocoa and a few drops of oil. Apply the mask on your lips for 20 minutes. When it hardens, use a cotton pad soaked in warm water to gently wipe it off in a circular motion along the contour of your lips.


Lip masks with almonds

  1. Moisturizing mask with honey.

You can heal microcracks, nourish the skin of your lips with vitamins, and make them velvety and attractive by regularly making a mask of liquid honey and almond oil. Apply the mixture to your lips, cover them with cling film so that the honey does not spread, for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and also apply a drop of oil on top to secure the result.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Unlike the popular castor oil, almond oil does not stimulate the growth of hair follicles. But in turn, it perfectly strengthens the hair, makes it strong and shiny. If we are talking about eyelashes and eyebrows, then this is quite enough to make the look more expressive and the image bright.

Lubricate your eyelashes and eyebrows with a mascara brush (cleaned), but do not store the oil in a bottle from an old product. It is better to pour a few drops into a spoon each time and dip the brush there. It is also recommended to use brushes with natural bristles, they are softer.

Once a week, do spa treatments: soak cotton pads in oil heated in a water bath and apply to eyelashes and eyebrows for 15 minutes. Remove any remaining oil with soft paper napkins.

For massage

Almond oil serves as a good base for self-contour facial massage. It's no secret that massage movements should be carried out only on a moistened surface, so as not to stretch thin skin and provoke new wrinkles.

Almond oil is absorbed gradually and does not require constant addition. At the same time, it has a better and deeper effect on heated skin with a directed lymph flow.

In this way, a double rejuvenation effect is achieved: using mechanical action with a combination of the natural properties of almond seed oil.

Of course, as in all cases of using almond oil for cosmetic purposes, systematicity is important here.


Almond essential oil is widely used in cosmetology and is valued for the mass of useful substances it contains. The product is sold in almost any pharmacy. Find out how to use it yourself at home with the greatest benefit for your beauty and health.

Almond oil - properties

The oil has a light, pleasant smell, a sweetish taste, and the color is transparent with a yellow tint. The structure is not very dense, calorie content is 900 kcal per 100 g. The substance contains a lot of vitamins that have a wonderful effect on the body and hair. The advantage of almond preparations is that they are suitable for any skin type, have no contraindications, and do not cause allergies. Beneficial properties of almond oil:

  1. enriches with vitamin E: participates in the process of cell regeneration, slows down aging, smoothes wrinkles;
  2. enriches with vitamin A: moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  3. enriches with vitamin F: soothes the sebaceous glands, fights acne, acne, and excess oily hair;
  4. has an exfoliating effect on the skin of the face, lips and body;
  5. has anti-inflammatory, softening, analgesic properties, helps with minor burns and injuries;
  6. effectively helps with bloating and constipation, and has a laxative effect.

Almond oil - composition

The oil level in sweet and bitter almond grains is about 60%; the substance is extracted by cold pressing (pressing the kernels). Almond oil contains vitamins A, E, F, group B, plus mineral salts. Almost half of the volume is occupied by oleic acid. The substance also contains linoleic and palmitic acid, amygdalin, tocosterol, phytosterol, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other active substances.


Almond oil - application

The uses of almond oil are very diverse due to its versatility. Extracts from only sweet varieties are suitable for cooking, while bitter varieties are suitable exclusively for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The cake obtained by squeezing is also useful. The product is very soft, so it is suitable for caring for delicate and sensitive areas of the skin: around the eyes, lips, décolleté, intimate areas, armpits.

Main ways to use the hood:

  1. Almond oil is very popular in cosmetology: as a moisturizer in most creams, nourishing masks, shampoos and balms.
  2. In cooking it is used as a vegetable - for dressing salads, preparing desserts, sauces. Gives dishes a special, subtle aroma.
  3. Actively used in massages, warming and softening the skin.
  4. As a medicine in aromatherapy: it has a calming, relaxing effect, improves memory and strengthens the nervous system, fights insomnia.
  5. For medicinal purposes it can be taken orally: for bronchitis, constipation, hyperacidity, herpes, dermatitis.
  6. Approved for the treatment of children, does not cause allergic reactions: for massage, for skin diseases, irritations and inflammations, improves blood circulation and moisturizes the child’s skin.

Almond oil during pregnancy

Most young mothers are faced with the problem of stretch marks (stretch marks) on the body, which cause a lot of aesthetic and moral discomfort. It is difficult to avoid their appearance, because the body naturally grows, the skin stretches, and then sharply loses weight and decreases in size. You can prevent large, deep stretch marks by using almond oil during pregnancy and the first time after childbirth.

Thanks to its rejuvenating effect, the substance perfectly fights wrinkles and stretch marks, and is suitable for both dry and combination skin areas. The composition cannot cause any harm to either the woman or the development of the fetus. It is recommended to use it in combination with lavender or rosemary extract regularly throughout the entire period. Several recipes that will help for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks:

  1. Mix carrot juice with 2 tablespoons of almonds. Use as a lotion for problem areas.
  2. Grate the zest of one lemon, combine with one tablespoon of almond extract, add 150 g of natural yoghurt, store in the refrigerator. Use as a peeling for problem areas of the chest, thighs, and abdomen no more than 2 times a week.
  3. 5 tbsp. almond extract and 5 drops of lavender extract. Rub into stretch marks 2 times a week.


Almond oil in cosmetology

Almond oil is very popular in cosmetology. It is part of most moisturizing, nourishing, and strengthening products. The product is contained in sunscreens and sprays, as it protects well from sunburn and rays, in makeup remover lotions, and anti-aging creams. Almond seed extract is used to produce some vitamins and medicinal ointments.

Almond oil for skin

The benefits of almond oil for skin are truly enormous. It nourishes dry areas of the skin, saturates and moisturizes, exfoliates dead cells: the composition can be used for heels and elbows, chapped skin, legs and other parts of the body after shaving. On oily skin, the substance tightens pores, relieves inflammation and redness, and treats overactive sebaceous glands.

In addition, almond oil can help in the treatment of skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis: the product relieves itching and irritation, soothes sore spots. Almond extract warms up well and increases blood circulation, so the composition is used for anti-cellulite and other therapeutic massages: with regular procedures, the skin becomes firm and elastic.

Almond oil for face

When used daily, almond oil for the face is very valuable: it rejuvenates, reduces wrinkles, improves the overall color and condition of the skin. It can be added to your moisturizer, one to two drops per serving. How to use almond oil for face:

  1. As a means for removing makeup from eyelids and eyelashes: easily moisten a cotton pad or napkin in a warm oily liquid, carefully remove makeup, avoiding contact with the eyes, wipe with a second damp pad.
  2. For age bags under the eyes: 5 ml of almond extract and a drop of sandalwood - apply every day before bed.
  3. As a mask for dull skin: dilute oatmeal with warm water, mix into a paste, add two teaspoons of almonds and 2 drops of patchouli.
  4. If you want to get rid of freckles or age spots, wipe them every day with this mixture: a teaspoon of almonds and 2 drops of grapefruit extract.
  5. Regularly massaging your face with warm oil will keep your skin elastic, tightened and toned.
  6. Oil can eliminate oily shine, pimples and blackheads, prepare the following mask: a tablespoon of almonds, two tablespoons of honey, two drops of tea tree.


Almond oil for lips

Almond oil is good for lips: it softens chapped skin in winter, nourishes and protects from the sun in summer. To improve your lips and give them a beautiful, smooth look, use this balm: mix a teaspoon of almond extract and 3 drops of lemon juice, wipe your lips. There is no need to rinse off; wait until the balm is absorbed. Lip color will improve significantly, becoming more uniform and vibrant.

Almond oil for hands

The best way to use almond oil for your hands is to add a few drops to your cream each time before applying. It will enhance the properties of cosmetics and its quality, as well as the result, will be much better. Sweet almond oil helps well in winter, for cracked, rough skin. Soak a cotton sponge in it and apply to the driest areas for 5 minutes, then gently rub over the entire surface of your hands.

Almond oil for hair

Almond oil is beneficial for hair: it stimulates hair growth, makes it healthier and more beautiful. Here are some recommendations for its use:

  1. Use the product in summer: every time before washing your hair, apply a little oil to the roots and ends of your hair, then comb along the entire length. This will protect your hair from ultraviolet rays and help keep it healthy at sea, in the country or just in the city under the scorching sun.
  2. Vitamin E contained in the oil is beneficial for dry, damaged hair. Add a few drops to shampoo or conditioner - this will give your hair strength, shine, and beauty. Rinse thoroughly with water.
  3. Almonds can be good for stimulating hair growth. Lubricate weak, sparse eyebrows and eyelashes with it. Recipe for the head: massage the skin, rub homemade balm into the roots before washing. Prepare the mixture as follows: for a teaspoon of light almond extract – 2 drops of ylang-ylang.


Almond oil for nails

Almond oil is used for nails: it strengthens the nail plate and makes it smoother. The product helps to cure dry and brittle nails and get rid of microcracks. At the same time, almonds soften the cuticle and prevent its rapid growth. You can add a few drops to salt baths for your hands before a manicure, or simply rub into your nails and cuticles before bed.

Almond oil - instructions for use

To achieve maximum effect, you must follow the rules. Instructions for using almond oil:

  1. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it must be warmed to body temperature before use.
  2. It is better not to use bitter oil at home; take only sweet or mixed oil.
  3. Oral administration: for cough, sore throat, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - 10 drops 3 times a day, only the sweet variety.
  4. For ear infections and colds: apply ear drops at night, 8 drops throughout the day.

Almond oil – price

Almond seed oil is commercially available; it can be found in any pharmacy or in a specialized section of a supermarket, ordered and purchased in an online store. The price of almond oil varies from 40 to 1,300 rubles, depending on the manufacturer, the size of the bottle and the presence of additional products in the composition, in addition to the base. Essential oil for aromatherapy (50 ml) can be bought inexpensively, for 50 rubles. Another type of squeezed sweet varieties for cooking can be purchased at a cost of 800 to 1000 rubles.

Video: Almond oil for hair


Tatyana, 28 years old It’s true that almonds help with stretch marks! My mother told me this, so it’s a proven method. I have already given birth to two and the stretch marks are barely noticeable. I make a lotion from almond and lavender oils, soak gauze in it and apply it to the stretch marks for 5-10 minutes. I can’t tell you which almonds specifically, the package just says almond oil, the price is affordable.

Yana, 22 years old I think you need a special aromatherapy lamp to appreciate the actual fragrant “part”. I tried without it, I don’t know what to do with the jar. I shouldn’t have bought it in the store, I smell it, the smell is weak, but I wanted it to be bright, like incense. I tried mixing it with grapefruit and tea tree, adding it to hand cream. I don't see any particular effect.

Irina, 36 years old I’m sharing my experience: I’ve been applying it to the roots and ends before washing my hair for 2 months now, the condition of my hair has really improved, I managed to smooth it out, make it lighter, shiny and thick. True, I don’t have an essential oil, but a special one for hair, which also contains coconut, sesame and others, but I think pure oil will have the same effect.


Despite the development of the cosmetics industry and the mass production of modern care products, an increasing number of women are looking for time-tested recipes that contain natural ingredients. Natural plant oils have proven themselves best as a fatty base for creams, masks, massage products, and bath additives. One of the most popular of them is sweet almond extract.

The history of using almond oil to care for the skin of the face and body, hair and nails has centuries-old traditions. This miraculous balm was used by the queen of ancient Egypt, the famous beauty Cleopatra, to maintain youthful skin and her exquisite beauty. Almond oil has not lost its relevance even today.

The product, obtained by cold pressing (pressing) the fruits of the almond tree, is characterized by a unique biochemical composition and is classified as a hypoallergenic product. It is recommended to use almond oil at home for the face and against wrinkles at any age. It is sold in almost any pharmacy and eco-shop, and its price is affordable for anyone, regardless of income.

Thanks to its light texture, almond seed oil is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving a greasy, shiny film on the surface, and helps get rid of wrinkles. Combining the elixir with various additives will allow you to independently prepare care products taking into account your skin type, age-related changes and existing cosmetic defects.

Why is oil good for the skin and does it help against wrinkles?

Who is suitable for using this oil?

Spruce is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular oleic and linoleic acids, which are involved in the production of collagen fibers in the dermis, which are responsible for the framework of the skin.

The oil contains a whole complex of water- and fat-soluble vitamins (carotene, A, E, D, F, group B), mineral salts, antioxidants and bioflavonoids.

Thanks to such an impressive composition, almond oil for external use has the following healing effects:

  1. Smoothes out the fine network of wrinkles around the eyes, on the temples and reduces the depth of facial folds (nasolabial triangle, forehead, bridge of the nose);
  2. Brings flabby, dry, tired and dehydrated skin back to life;
  3. Saturates skin cells with valuable moisture and nutritional components;
  4. Eliminates irritation and peeling, including on the delicate skin of babies;
  5. Improves the condition of aging skin;
  6. Helps in the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, herpetic rashes, burns, activating cell regeneration processes;
  7. It has a keratolytic effect - it qualitatively softens the epidermis and softens the stratum corneum;
  8. Protects the skin from the appearance of new wrinkles;
  9. Increases skin elasticity;
  10. Nourishes the delicate skin of the lips;
  11. Strengthens the skin's ability to withstand adverse environmental factors (active ultraviolet radiation, wind, frost, dust);
  12. Nourishes the skin of the body during massage;
  13. Qualitatively removes cosmetics from the skin, eyebrows and eyelashes, dissolving harmful particles and without damaging the outer layer of the epithelium;
  14. Stimulates the growth processes of hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, gives the rods shine and silkiness.

Basic rules and precautions

Almond oil in cosmetology is used as an independent product, as well as in combination with other oils, essential oils, food, cosmetics and medicinal plants.

Allergies to the product are rare, but the possibility of adverse skin reactions (redness, peeling, rashes, swelling of tissues) to the application of the composition cannot be ruled out.

Experts recommend applying the oil in its pure form to previously cleansed skin, tapping the composition with fingertips. To enhance the penetration of oil into the dermis, it should be preheated in a water bath.

  1. Those with oily skin should use the oil with caution. If necessary, 15 minutes after applying it, blot the face with a clean napkin.

Mask recipes depending on the woman’s skin type and age

Anti-wrinkle mask recipes for skin types and problems

  1. Purifying mask for oily skin with enlarged pores

The procedure helps remove accumulated sebum in the pores and soften the skin. A tablespoon of blue clay is diluted with warm mineral water until a thick paste is obtained, 5 ml of almond oil is added to the mixture and mixed thoroughly.

The mask is applied to a steamed face, for example, after a bath, and left for about 10 minutes, after which it is removed with a warm decoction of parsley root.

  1. Moisturizing mask for sensitive skin

After the mask, the skin is smoothed due to increased saturation of cells with moisture. In a glass bowl, grind one chicken yolk with 10 ml of almond oil, add a little liquid honey to the mixture, apply to the face, neck and décolleté for 20 minutes. Wash off the composition with warm boiled water.

  1. Fruit mask for all skin types

The procedure helps to tighten the oval of the face and saturate the skin with microelements. Puree the pulp of a ripe banana, add 5 ml to the pulp. almonds The mask is applied for 15 minutes to a previously cleansed face and neck.

  1. Toning mask for aging skin

The procedure improves the appearance of sagging skin, making it firm and silky to the touch. Grind 20 g of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, mix the powder with 5 ml of almond oil, add 1 drop each of neroli, patchouli and sandalwood esters.

If necessary, dilute the resulting thick mass with heated mineral water. The mask is washed off with a warm decoction of string and yarrow after 20 minutes.

  1. Chocolate refreshing anti-wrinkle mask

Cocoa in combination with almonds is an ideal way to improve your complexion and quickly bring your skin into perfect condition before an important meeting. Melt 40 grams of dark chocolate bar in a water bath, combine with a dessert spoon of sweet almond oil.

The composition is kept on the skin until completely dry and washed off with a cotton swab dipped in a heated chamomile infusion. After the procedure, it is recommended to wipe your face with an ice cube of green tea.

How to use oil for wrinkles around the eyes

How to use in the delicate eye area?

Almond oil against wrinkles under the eyes works delicately and effectively. To improve the condition of the delicate and thin skin around the eyes, reduce wrinkles, get rid of dark circles and bags under the lower eyelid, you should use only the most gentle nutritional mixtures.

Here is one of the proven recipes for homemade skin cream in the eye area: combine 4 ml of avocado and almond oils, add 2 drops of rose essential oil and carrot seeds.

A few drops of the composition are applied to the eyelids and area under the eyes 2 times a day, gently tapping with fingertips and in no case stretching the epithelium.

A little about reviews

Observations of practicing cosmetologists suggest that about 90% of women who used almond oil in one form or another for facial skin care noted a significant improvement in the condition of the skin. Moreover, the beneficial effects of the product are observed both among those clients who regularly undergo salon procedures, and among those ladies who use only the achievements of home cosmetology.

Almond oil for wrinkles has received well-deserved rave reviews from beautiful ladies of Balzac and older age. This all-natural product can work wonders to make your skin healthy and glowing at any age.