Mineral water instead of thermal water

If necessary, thermal water can be replaced with ordinary mineral water. What is the meaning of thermal water? The fact is that it is from thermal springs - purified and enriched with minerals and trace elements necessary for the skin. Only mineral water should be chosen with a small amount of salts.


Mineral water infused with herbs can be mixed with essential oils. Take pharmaceutical chamomile (or calendula, depending on the condition of the skin, or both of these herbs in equal proportions), the required amount of mineral water which will be used as a base. Heat mineral water until hot, but do not boil, add a little chamomile to it. Let sit until completely cool (at least 30 minutes). Then filter the resulting infusion. Add half or a full teaspoon (depending on the volume of the mineral water, take a full one for a liter, half a liter for half a liter) of essential oil, as an option I recommend coconut. Shake everything and pour into a spray bottle. It refreshes the face no worse than thermal water from the low-price segment.

Girls, who replaced thermal water with mineral water? What mineral water do you use (company/brand/number)?

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Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

What is the meaning of thermal water? How to use it and why?

I tried to do this. Firstly, I bought an atomizer for this purpose, fortunately there is a lot of this stuff on the Internet now. Because part of the effect is due to finely dispersed water dust, so you need a good sprayer. Secondly, you need to make sure that the mineral water indicates that it is from deep thermal springs, not from any other. Unfortunately, I don't remember the brand. But this can be found in a regular supermarket, it costs 3 kopecks.

How can you replace thermal water with mineral water? who told you such nonsense?
The composition and purposes are completely different, you can wash your face with mineral water, but there is no substitute for thermal water.

What is the meaning of thermal water? How to use it and why?

I tried to do this. Firstly, I bought an atomizer for this purpose, fortunately there is a lot of this stuff on the Internet now. Because part of the effect is due to finely dispersed water dust, so you need a good sprayer. Secondly, you need to make sure that the mineral water indicates that it is from deep thermal springs, not from any other. Unfortunately, I don't remember the brand. But this can be found in a regular supermarket, it costs 3 kopecks.

True, in the end I still switched back to the Vichy thermal spring, because no two thermal springs are absolutely identical, each water has a unique composition. And this one suits me. And there’s less hassle, and it costs 300 rubles, whatever.

Related topics

How can you replace thermal water with mineral water? who told you such nonsense?
The composition and purposes are completely different, you can wash your face with mineral water, but there is no substitute for thermal water.

How can you replace thermal water with mineral water? who told you such nonsense?
The composition and purposes are completely different, you can wash your face with mineral water, but there is no substitute for thermal water.

Just how you can replace thermal water with mineral water. who told you such nonsense?
The composition and purpose are completely different, you can wash your face with mineral water, but there is no way to replace it with thermal water. I read somewhere a review from a cosmetologist that it is practically the same in composition. And thermal water was invented for convenience (to carry with you).

I tried to do this. Firstly, I bought an atomizer for this purpose, fortunately there is a lot of this stuff on the Internet now. Because part of the effect is due to finely dispersed water dust, so you need a good sprayer. Secondly, you need to make sure that the mineral water indicates that it is from deep thermal springs, not from any other. Unfortunately, I don't remember the brand. But this can be found in a regular supermarket, it costs 3 kopecks.

On the contrary, Vichy dries me out. There's salt in there, what should it moisturize with? In general, *** what kind of thermal water is this?

and Vichy dries me out, I won’t buy it again
It was great in the summer, not so much in the fall
although it probably depends on the season, it would provide at least a drop of hydration.

Author, mineral water cannot replace thermal water, at least La Roche Posay or Aven. The latter relieve irritation and redness as if by hand, but I haven’t noticed this with mineral water (I wash my face with mineral water)

Dear, educate yourself better that even the composition is completely different. If you decide to save money and come up with something of your own, this does not mean that it will replace a certain product and does not mean at all that it is right. If you have a brain, then there is probably no carbon in thermal water. gas If you are a fool, then it is better to sit and be silent.

Dear, educate yourself better that even the composition is completely different. If you decide to save money and come up with something of your own, this does not mean that it will replace a certain product and does not mean at all that it is right. If you have a brain, then there is probably no carbon in thermal water. gas If you are a fool, then it is better to sit and be silent.

Sorry, I missed a word: nerves, of course, need to be healed)))

I really liked the sulfur thermal water from Frais Monde, sold in pharmacies, in Russia - this is a new brand. The girl consultant recommended it, I decided to try it and was very pleased. I recommend. But I wouldn’t replace it with mineral water, in my opinion it’s still not the same at all.

I wash my face with mineral water, but have never used thermal water at all. what is it for? is it really necessary?

If you are a fool, nothing will help. You really should have gone gray in your chemistry and physics classes too. Because you know very little. that you cannot understand the difference between mineral water (with and without gas content) or ordinary table mineral water from thermal water. A fool is a fool, what can you do? Once you were born this way and that, you can’t use your brains anymore. I tried to explain to you that this is not the same thing, I responded to your insult in kind, which actually surprised you so much later. You got what you deserve


say hello
Plain water does not moisturize, but dries out the skin. It evaporates and pulls water molecules out of the skin. Also many simple drinking mineral waters. And thermal ones are absorbed, their composition is close to physiological solution, i.e. to our lymph, blood, etc. I tried washing my face with mineral waters - they dry and tighten. On the contrary, Uriage is like a light cream, the skin is soft. Moisturizing lasts a long time.

If you are a fool, nothing will help. You really should have gone gray in your chemistry and physics classes too. Because you know very little. that you cannot understand the difference between mineral water (with and without gas content) or ordinary table mineral water from thermal water. A fool is a fool, what can you do? Once you were born this way and that, you can’t use your brains anymore. I tried to explain to you that this is not the same thing, I responded to your insult in kind, which actually surprised you so much later. You got what you deserve


say hello
Plain water does not moisturize, but dries out the skin. It evaporates and pulls water molecules out of the skin. Also many simple drinking mineral waters. And thermal ones are absorbed, their composition is close to physiological solution, i.e. to our lymph, blood, etc. I tried washing my face with mineral waters - they dry and tighten. On the contrary, Uriage is like a light cream, the skin is soft. Moisturizing lasts a long time.

Don't quarrel, ladies)
Personally, I support one of the previous speakers - the Frais Monde thermal bath is awesome. Moisturizes very well, does not dry out the skin or tighten it. This is the second year I've been using it.)

Chemical composition of the product "Borjomi"
Nutrients, vitamins, microelements per 100 g:
Water: 100.0 g
Potassium: 3.0 mg
Calcium: 13.0 mg
Silicon: 1.1 mg
Magnesium: 10.0 mg
Sodium: 200.0 mg
Sulfur: 0.8 mg
Chlorine: 50.0 mg
Aluminum: 100.0 mcg
Boron: 1200.0 mcg
Titanium: 4.0 mcg
Fluoride: 800.0 mcg
Strontium: 480.0 mcg
Vichy thermal water is hydrocarbonate-sodium. There are up to 5.1 g of minerals per 1 liter. If this indicator is higher than 1 g/l, the water already belongs to the class of increased mineralization.

Smart guys, every cosmetologist knows that the best moisturizer is hyaluronic acid. Moisturizing sprays are called places and thermal water is a crazy waste, so much money for a bottle of water that really costs a penny

How can you replace thermal water with mineral water? who told you such nonsense?
The composition and purposes are completely different, you can wash your face with mineral water, but there is no substitute for thermal water.

Indeed, it is so. Thermal water can contain up to 15 minerals, while mineral water can contain only 6. T. is very beneficial for facial skin; it is usually from hot springs (up to 40°), which means it is very clean and soft for the face. M. - used internally, because a bit harsh on the face. It is not very recommended to completely replace T. with M. From the latest research.quote="Guest"]
How can you replace thermal water with mineral water? who told you such nonsense?
The composition and purposes are completely different, you can wash your face with mineral water, but there is no substitute for thermal water.

Girls, who replaced thermal water with mineral water? What mineral water do you use (company/brand/number)?


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Good evening. My question will be short and simple. What mineral water can replace thermal water?

I consider mineral water of low mineralization, so as not to dry out the skin with a large amount of salts. I have Novoterskaya)

Novoterskaya is just salty))) Approximately the same as Bagyati. I think Arkhyz is better suited)))

Well, let's say it's average. High mineralization in Narzan, Borjomi, Essentuki, etc.

I froze this medium cube and poured it into a bottle. I don’t really like the effect of it (especially after cleansing masks))). So I’m thinking, maybe some other herbal flower infusion would be suitable?

All these waters, in my opinion, are carbonated. The pharmacy did not recommend this for my face.

Yul, the gas can be released, this is not a problem) but it is better to have less salts.

Yeah, I didn't even think about it))

Yes, low mineralization and more alkaline. And definitely without gas

And I replaced the thermal bath with hydrolates, that is, aromatic waters. I bought a rose, rose hips and an apple. And kelp - but I don’t spray it, I spread masks. Now I’m pouring myself and rejoicing))

off-topic question - where to find a good spray bottle for them, and second - where do you get water?)

I still have an awesome spray bottle after using Herbalife water with vitamin C. It is small and has a lid. Just what you need. I think that any Herbalife specialist can get hold of such containers

I also have a spray bottle in my household (sorry, but it’s true)) toilet fragrance, which is liquid like water. I washed it thoroughly to remove the smell, poured water and sprayed it for all sorts of household needs. It won't be bad for the face either, the splashes are quite small. But you need to wash it thoroughly. This is a last resort option)))

I got some water from a soap maker's store. They are called hydrolates