
Myotomy is a surgical operation that involves cutting muscles to reduce their volume or eliminate contracture. It can be performed on various areas of the body, including the arms, legs, neck and head.

Myotomy can be performed either openly or using endoscopic techniques. In the first case, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin and muscle and then removes part of the tissue. In the second case, special instruments and cameras are used that allow the operation to be performed through small incisions.

The purpose of myotomy is to reduce muscle volume and improve their mobility. It can be useful in treating contractures caused by various diseases or injuries. Myotomy can also help treat muscle spasms and joint pain.

However, before performing a myotomy, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and determine which muscles will undergo surgery. You also need to consider the possible risks and complications associated with this procedure.

In general, myotomy is an effective treatment for many diseases and injuries related to muscles and joints. However, it should be carried out only by qualified specialists using modern technologies and equipment.

In modern times, a surgical operation called myotomy has received many applications and has become one of the most common. It is in demand in cases where a patient has one or another muscle pathology. Myotomy is classified as a reconstructive type of operation. It is important to understand that this is what is often performed on children. This operation can be classified as reconstructive. It can also be compared with organ-preserving. The operation can be used even in the presence of a fully formed skeleton. It can be used for deformation of those muscles that usually develop primarily during the growth of individual bones.

The essence of myotomy.

The human body has a large number of muscles. Sometimes fusion and contraction occur between them. This pathology can occur for several reasons. A person may have disorders such as congenital or acquired. It should also be noted that the muscles between each other are partially or completely susceptible to scarring during surgery. This type of injury is called an anastomosis. That is why many patients are diagnosed with a similar pathology, which is called ankylosis. To eliminate such violations, a surgical operation called "