
Mirgorodskaya is a natural drinking and medicinal table bicarbonate-calcium mineral water. Also used for external use. Natural Mirgorod water is formed at a depth of about 20 meters and has a constant temperature.

It is recommended to use for the prevention and treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, as well as high blood sugar levels. Mirgorodskaya still water contains a little more than 0.16 g of carbon dioxide per liter (with virtually no carbon dioxide -0.08 g/l). Mineral water from Mirgorod stably retains its organoleptic characteristics during six months of transportation and ensures maximum similarity to the natural water of this source for the final consumer of water. For almost two centuries, Mirgorodskaya mineral water has been a national product of Ukraine, which goes through complex stages of quality control. Constant monitoring by specialists allows us to obtain a high quality product. High-quality mineral natural drinking medicinal water “Mirgorodskaya” of drinking quality is recommended as a table low-mineralized drinking drink to stabilize carbohydrate, fat, cholesterol metabolism, improve liver function, strengthen the body’s immune forces, and prevent the formation of stones. “Mirgorodskaya” is successfully used to treat various intestinal diseases; skin diseases; endocrine glands. It restores the functioning of the cardiac and vascular system and prevents heart obesity. Doctors recommend drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach. This normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract. Perfectly suited for therapeutic diets. It is advisable to drink mineral water at room temperature. But sometimes it requires heating. Room temperature water reduces the load on the kidneys and does not cause a sharp change in the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, it is better to drink water in the morning, when the stomach is not at all busy with work. Therapeutic effect