Mirror Laryngeal

A laryngeal speculum is a medical device that is used to examine the inner surface of the larynx. It is a glass mirror in a round frame, mounted on a metal rod at a certain angle. The frame diameter is 16 - 25 mm.

The Laryngeal Mirror is used to diagnose and treat various diseases of the larynx, such as laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, as well as to monitor the condition of the vocal cords during operations and other medical procedures.

To examine the larynx using a Laryngeal speculum, a doctor or healthcare professional places it in the patient's mouth at a certain angle and slowly moves it along the larynx. This allows you to see the condition of the vocal folds, vocal muscles, mucous membranes and other tissues of the larynx.

The use of a laryngeal speculum has several advantages over other methods of examining the larynx, such as laryngoscopy or bronchoscopy. First, the Laryngeal speculum is safer and less invasive than other methods because it does not require inserting instruments into the patient's throat. Secondly, the Laryngeal mirror allows you to obtain a more detailed image of the larynx and its structures, which can be useful for accurate diagnosis of diseases.

However, the use of the Laryngeal mirror also has its limitations. For example, it may not be effective when examining deep parts of the larynx or when there is a lot of mucus in the airways. Additionally, some patients may experience discomfort or pain when using the Laryngeal Speculum.

In general, the laryngeal speculum is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the larynx. Its use allows you to get a more accurate picture of the condition of the larynx and vocal organs, which can help in choosing the right treatment and preventing complications.

**Laryngeal Speculum** is a surgical instrument that is used for visual inspection of the laryngeal surfaces. The main function of such an instrument is to reflect light and examine the inner surface of the larynx in order to carry out additional procedures to correct any abnormalities. Also, the laryngeal mirror is an integral part of the kit of a professional otolaryngologist.

The mirror is made of glass