Homemade makeup remover milk

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Today, every store offers a good selection of makeup removers for any skin type and any wallet: milk, toner, two-phase liquid, the now fashionable micellar water... but even among this variety, sometimes there is nothing to choose from. Something stings the eyes, another popular product mercilessly dries out the skin, this expensive “wash” doesn’t wash away anything, but here it’s just mineral oil. Finding the perfect product through trial and error can take a lot of time and even more money. Therefore, the number of girls who are switching to homemade cleansing cosmetics is increasing. It also takes care of the skin and does not contain any “chemicals” in its composition. We offer you 5 of the simplest and most popular recipes.

1. Witch hazel based eye makeup remover


Witch hazel is known among cosmetologists for its ability to effectively lighten and refresh the skin, as well as relieve swelling. So an eye makeup remover based on it will help get rid of not only stubborn mascara, eyeliner and shadows, but also dark circles under the eyes.

2 tablespoons witch hazel extract
2 tablespoons of any cosmetic oil (olive, almond, jojoba oil, etc.)
2 tablespoons purified water

Add all ingredients to a suitable container (an empty cream jar, for example) and shake well. Use the finished product in the same way as the usual “wash” from the store.

2. Cleanser based on jojoba oil and vitamin E


Jojoba oil is not even really an oil, but rather a liquid wax. Its chemical composition is very close to sebum (also known as the water-lipid mantle of the skin or simply sebum), so jojoba oil is a universal moisturizer that does not cause irritation. Vitamin E is also in good standing in cosmetology and even bears the title of “vitamin of youth”. After all, it is a powerful antioxidant that promotes natural skin regeneration. So this recipe will help not only get rid of makeup, but also wrinkles.

50-60 ml jojoba oil (standard bottle)
1 capsule vitamin E
Opaque bottle

Squeeze the contents of one vitamin E capsule into the oil, drop by drop. Shake. Pour the resulting mixture into an opaque bottle. This is a must, because jojoba oil can easily deteriorate when exposed to light.

3. Makeup remover and fast eyelash growth


The basis of this simple recipe is grape seed oil, which is considered one of the most useful, but at the same time “soft” in cosmetology, so it is recommended for sensitive, as well as oily and combination skin. In addition, it is quickly absorbed. He will be accompanied by castor oil - much “heavier”, but indispensable for healthy and more lush eyelashes, as well as thick eyebrows (which is fashionable these days).

3 tablespoons grape seed oil
1 tablespoon castor oil

The manufacturing process is no different from the previous ones. The only subtlety: for daily use of this product you need much less. So this recipe can safely be called the most economical.

4. Use coconut oil


Coconut oil can safely be called a universal cosmetic assistant. After all, it can be used on its own, without even mixing with other ingredients. For example, as an ideal nourishing agent for the skin of the body. It can also be used to remove makeup and at the same time moisturize the skin. Just rub the oil into the skin with light massage movements and remove the dissolved cosmetics with a cotton pad.

5. DIY Universal Cleansing Wipes


This recipe is especially popular among lazy beauty maniacs. After all, you can put the napkins next to your bed and remove your makeup right in bed, without having to go to the bathroom and spend half an hour in front of the mirror, scaring away sleep.

Roll of thick paper towels
2 tablespoons of any suitable oil (almond, olive, etc.)
2 cups purified water
A few drops of tea tree oil
Plastic container

Cut a roll of paper towels in half


Add 2 tablespoons of oil to purified water and microwave for a minute. Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the finished mixture. Place paper towels in a container and fill with the mixture. After a couple of minutes, remove the cardboard sleeve



Store wipes in an airtight container. Tea tree oil will act as a natural preservative, protecting them and your face from bacteria. But remember that the service life of homemade makeup remover wipes should not exceed 2-3 weeks.


Using homemade cosmetics, you can not only gently cleanse your face, but also correct common mistakes in eye makeup.

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Many women still believe that a simple wash with soap is enough to cleanse their face in the evening. However, this procedure dries out the skin, and high-quality waterproof cosmetics often only smudge. Anyone who, for various reasons, does not use store-bought products, or when they are not at hand, can resort to traditional methods of removing makeup.

​Eye makeup remover recipes

Removing eye makeup requires the most careful approach. This is due to the fact that the skin around the eyes is the thinnest and most sensitive, and most mascaras are quite persistent and it is not easy to clean the eyelashes without getting smudged circles.

  1. The simplest option for removing eye makeup is to use regular Vaseline for this purpose. It should be applied to the eyelashes and then carefully removed using a cotton pad or napkin.
  2. Also, any basic cosmetic oil or regular olive oil is perfect for removing eye makeup. Apply it to a cotton swab and gently wipe the skin; for convenience, the swab can be pre-moistened. Almond oil will slow down aging and protect from ultraviolet radiation, peach oil will give elasticity to the skin, castor oil will strengthen eyelashes.
  3. A simple two-phase product will not only remove makeup, but also get rid of swelling and improve the condition of the skin, as well as accelerate the growth of eyelashes. To prepare it you will need: Castor oil and grape seed oil and simple non-carbonated mineral water. Mix the oils in equal proportions and add half a glass of mineral water to them, shake before use. In a tightly sealed container, this product can be stored for about 1 month.
  4. For those with sensitive eyes and delicate skin, a product based on children's cosmetics is perfect. To prepare it, take tear-free baby shampoo, baby oil and a glass of water. Dilute the shampoo with water in a ratio of 1:4 and add 10 drops of oil, shake several times before use.
  5. The following remedy will help speed up eyelash growth and relieve eye fatigue. To prepare it you will need 1 part castor oil, 10 parts sweet almond oil, 2 parts each of cornflower and chamomile infusion. Mix all the ingredients in a glass or porcelain container and seal tightly - this way it can be stored for about a month. However, this product is not suitable for those who wear contact lenses.

Makeup remover oil for dry skin

For those with dry and normal skin, various oils are perfect for makeup removal. They will not only carefully clean it, but also add elasticity, provide additional nutrition, slow down aging and protect from ultraviolet radiation. It is recommended to use makeup remover oil as follows:

Take a thin cloth and apply the selected oil to it, evenly distributing it over all areas;

Apply the napkin to your face for about half a minute, then lightly massage the skin;

Remove the napkin, add a little more oil to it and apply it to your eyes for about 1 minute;

Carefully remove makeup from eyelashes and skin around the eyes;

Then take a highly absorbent cloth towel, soak it in hot water and place it on your face for half a minute;

Wipe your face along the massage lines, removing any remaining oil (repeat these two steps until the skin is completely clean);

Rinse your face with cool water.

To remove makeup, you can use any cosmetic oils, as well as ordinary olive and sunflower oils, but of the latter it is better to use only those that have undergone maximum purification.

You can also prepare various mixtures for removing makeup by adding a few drops of ether to the base oils or mixing the latter in different proportions. Such products should be selected based on the individual characteristics of the skin. Below are some simple and most popular recipes:

A mixture of castor oil and grape seed oil taken in equal proportions.

A mixture of olive and rapeseed oils in a ratio of 1:2.

A mixture of olive and almond oil in a 4:3 ratio with the addition of vitamin E.

A mixture of jojoba oil and aloe juice in a 1:2 ratio.

Peach oil and mineral water in a ratio of 1:5.

Makeup remover for oily skin

For those whose skin is characterized by increased production of sebum, and is also prone to irritation and acne, use makeup remover oils only with great caution. But in addition to oils, there are a number of folk recipes based on different types of milk and herbal decoctions. They are best suited for removing makeup from problem skin.

The only drawback of such products is their relatively short shelf life compared to oil mixtures (no more than a week).

  1. A product with cognac and lemon juice will perfectly remove makeup. To prepare it, you will need: a glass of heavy cream, an egg yolk, a tablespoon of cognac and three lemon juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth; store the finished product in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container.
  2. A milk decoction of string and chamomile will moisturize and soothe the skin, and also relieve irritation. To prepare, take dried string and chamomile in equal proportions, based on the calculation - 1 teaspoon per glass of milk. Boil the milk and pour it over the prepared herbal mixture, leave to steep until it cools to room temperature.
  3. Homemade cucumber milk will help to gently cleanse acne-prone skin. For it you will need one small cucumber and ½ glass of milk. Boil the crushed cucumber in milk for about 10 minutes, then wait until it cools completely and the product is ready for use.
  4. A green tea-based makeup remover will help dry out inflammation and normalize sebum production. To prepare it, make a strong tea brew and mix it with rice milk in a 2:1 ratio.
  5. A product made from banana and rice milk will not only remove makeup, but also nourish the skin and make it smooth. To prepare it, mash 1 banana, add 1 tablespoon of rice milk to it and stir until smooth. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face in an even layer for 10 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Natural makeup removers will carefully and delicately cleanse the skin, and most importantly, they can be prepared at any time from the products on hand. All you have to do is choose the recipe that suits you.

How do you remove makeup? Share your recipes and tips for use in the comments!

Do you spend a lot of money on different makeup removers? There are many effective ways to remove makeup without using commercial chemicals. Natural products for gentle and caring makeup removal are considered the most effective and gentle on facial skin. They do not contain chemical ingredients and do not dry out your skin.

Take care of yourself and BE HEALTHY!

Tips for removing makeup

When removing makeup, remember: it all depends on what kind of makeup you apply to your face. If you're one of those girls who covers your face with a layer of foundation, powders your cheeks, and lines your eyes, then you'll likely need a lot of time to remove your makeup, especially if your mascara or eyeliner is waterproof. You may encounter the same problem if you apply a bright and long-lasting lipstick of good quality to your lips.

For others, the process of removing makeup should not be a big problem. Simply wash your face with warm water and soap to remove excess makeup. Don't forget that this is not the end of the work! After all, this is not enough to completely remove powder, foundation, blush, which means that you need to stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom a little longer. In any case, the process of removing makeup will not take you more than five minutes, but then your face will become beautiful, clean and radiant.


Make it a rule to never go to bed without removing your makeup, because the next morning you will wake up with stains all over your face, and you can also “earn” acne, because you will not deprive your skin pores of the opportunity to “breathe.”If you often fall asleep without removing your makeup, your skin will become oilier, acne, pimples and blackheads will appear. Even if you are very tired, do not be lazy to take five minutes and wash off your makeup properly.

If you wear contact lenses, be sure to remove them before removing your makeup because cleanser can get into your eyes and cause irritation or even deform your contact lenses.

Natural makeup removers at home

  1. Natural yogurt: Apply a little natural yoghurt to your face, leave for 10 minutes, then remove with a cotton pad slightly moistened with water.
  2. Warm milk: Heat a few spoons of milk and dip a cotton swab in the milk. Apply a little at a time onto the skin, paying attention to those parts of the face that have received a lot of makeup (for example, the eyes). In these places, lightly press the cotton pad, but not too hard, so as not to cause irritation and pain. Don't forget to thoroughly rinse off the milk after the procedure.


  1. Olive oil: ideal for women with dry skin. Just apply a few drops of olive oil to your face and smear it with light massage movements of your fingers. Rinse off with warm water. If after this your face is too oily from oil, wash your face again and pat your face dry with a napkin. Olive oil is considered an excellent eye makeup remover because it does not irritate this delicate and sensitive area.
  2. Hazelnut (hazelnut) oil: Suitable for women with oily skin. Hazelnut oil will not harm the skin or make it oilier, but will have the exact opposite effect. It is recommended to apply to the face in the same way as olive oil.
  3. Chamomile and olive oil: prepare an infusion of chamomile flowers. Soak a cotton swab in the chamomile infusion and add a few drops of olive oil to it. Apply this product to your face, paying special attention to the area around the eyes. This product is great for caring for the sensitive area around the eyes, and also soothes puffy eyelids and reduces bags under the eyes.


  1. Almond oil: As you can see, oils are really great homemade makeup removers because they moisturize the skin and help remove makeup residue. Almond oil is suitable for the sensitive area around the eyes to remove mascara or eyeliner. You just need to put a few drops of almond oil on a cotton swab and swipe it over your skin. If you wish, you can mix almond oil with a few drops of castor oil, because it will help strengthen your eyelashes.
  2. Jojoba oil: This is another great method that will help you get rid of makeup residue in a few minutes and also give your skin softness and elasticity. Mix one spoon of jojoba oil with two spoons of water and stir. Dip a cotton swab into the resulting liquid and begin to massage your facial skin with soft circular movements; continue until you have washed off all the makeup.


  1. Petrolatum: Vaseline is perfect for removing powder and eyeliner, because the oils it contains are great at dissolving these cosmetics. Apply a little Vaseline (just a little!) on a handkerchief, soft napkin or cotton pad and gently rub it over your face in the areas where you applied makeup. Since Vaseline is quite thick and greasy in structure, rinse it thoroughly with warm or hot water, adding soap if necessary.
  2. Canola oil: If you mix canola oil with olive oil, it only takes a few seconds to remove any makeup. Add 3-4 teaspoons of each oil to a cup and mix well. Soak a cotton pad in this product and apply it to your face with gentle movements: you will see how quickly all the makeup comes off! Don't forget to wash your face as soon as you finish the procedure.
  3. Strawberry: To prepare strawberry makeup remover, you will need 5 large berries and 3 spoons of natural yogurt. Mash the strawberries in a bowl, add yogurt and mix well until a homogeneous thick mass forms. For convenience, you can mix these ingredients in a mixer, then it will work faster. Apply this product to your face with circular massage movements and leave for a few minutes. After this, thoroughly wash off the mask and once again “walk” over your face with a cotton swab dipped in warm water to remove any remaining makeup.
  4. Yogurt and lemon: This is a great way for any skin type. Preparing such a remedy is not at all difficult: just mix one spoon of natural yogurt with one spoon of lemon juice. Apply the product to your face, neck and décolleté, because it will help not only remove makeup, but also exfoliate dead cells and refresh the skin. Leave for a few minutes, then remove with a cotton swab moistened with warm water.