Hammer Ledge

The malleus is a protuberance at the front of the femoral neck that serves to connect the head of the femur to the acetabulum. It is shaped like a hammer and is one of the key elements of the hip joint. The malleus protuberance is an integral part of human anatomy and plays an important role in the stability and mobility of the hip joint.

The malleus bone consists of two main parts: the neck and the body. The neck of the bone is shaped like a cylinder that connects to the head of the femur. The body of the bone is shaped like a curved rod and connects the neck of the bone to the acetabulum, where the hip joint is located.

An important function of the malleus is to provide stability to the hip joint and prevent dislocation. This is achieved because the malleus bone serves as an attachment site for muscles that stabilize the hip joint during movement. In addition, the malleus bone provides shock absorption when walking and running, which helps reduce stress on the hip joint and prevent damage.

However, with some diseases or injuries, the malleus bone can be damaged or lost. This can lead to instability of the hip joint, as well as pain and limited mobility. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the hammer bone and, if necessary, carry out treatment.

In conclusion, the malleus bone is an important element of the human hip joint. Its function is to provide joint stability and shock absorption during movement. Damage or loss of the malleus can lead to serious consequences, so it is necessary to monitor its condition and provide timely treatment if necessary.

Hammer seeding of the stump Hammer seeding (pe-add and mc-dp according to rjc): seeding of the lateral elevation of the stump. Hammer notch is an external surgical intervention in the carinal region. Hammer jaw: a protrusion of the corporal or ram, breaking out from the lateral wall into the mandibular notch and participating in the perception and reduction of the mass located in the posterolateral part of the upper temporomandibular joint. In the presence of a fracture of the temporal bone in the area of ​​the opening of the oil particle, after reposition of the fragments, chronic forrainage often occurs between the plate of the body of the temporal bone and the corporal or talus, as a result of which inflammation of the soft tissues occurs, accompanied by limitation of the movement of the lower jaw. In order to eliminate this deformation, it is recommended to surgically remove the pronounced mammary cavity.