Mondora Disease

Mondor's disease is a progressive acute arterial disease that usually manifests as stenosis of the deep layers of the arteries and dilatation of the deep veins. It manifests itself in an acute form and is manifested by discomfort, pain, phlebitis and swelling of the lower extremities. Develops despite prolonged compression treatment. The disease is common among men over 50 years of age. They are also the main victims of the discovery. The history of the disease is associated with the names of two French surgeons - Jean-Baptiste Mondor and Alexandre Murphy. Their intense rivalry began in their youth and continued throughout their careers. Mondor said that a surgeon is an artist for the good of society, but Murphy considered his own calling to be more honest and noble, because it causes pain to living people. Despite the rivalry, Jean-Baptis was the most capable student of Alexander Murphy, and more than 250 of the most important works belong to his pen. More than a thousand surgical instruments are patented in his name. This man was a real hero of his time - selfless and dedicated to his work, an experienced, talented surgeon, a first-class teacher. But pride drew him into a network of vice, led him into despair, moving him further and further from his goal. However, Mondor always remembered that he was Murphy's surgeon and continued to repeat his experiments in surgery. Because of this, a rift occurred between the two surgeons, and then a real war broke out against each other.

Mondor's goal was to relieve the patient's pain; Murphy thought about cutting off a limb from an immobilized wounded man before the ambulance arrived. It was for this reason that Murphy conducted his experiments during World War II. To this day, many medical historians claim that Alexander Murphy is also credited with other crimes related to human experiments.

Most experts do not agree with this view. Mondor disease quickly became a popular topic among researchers. Many researchers have been involved in solving pain in the limbs, Mondor has received wide recognition. A few years after the discovery of the French genius, he died. Many experts consider him the only surgeon in the world who has achieved incredible success in the field of medical discoveries, but his fanatical passion for the topic did not bring him worldwide fame.

Mondor's disease is a rare disease that most often occurs in men between 30 and 50 years of age. The causes of the disease have not yet been precisely established, but it is believed that this may be due to metabolic disorders in the skin, as well as heredity or hereditary factors.

When the disease occurs, painful bumps or dense nodules of various sizes appear on the skin of the arms and legs. They are bright red in color and have a hard surface. Itching and redness are usually absent. Foci of the disease gradually begin to increase

The surname Mondor means "in honor of death." I don't like the expression "Mondor's disease" because there is no such classification system and it is usually mentioned in a vague context. If you meant "Mondor's syndrome" or "Mondor's disease", then I am ready to help write the article below. But I need more information so you can tell me what you would like to tell me about the disease.