
Monomania is a mental disorder characterized by complete absorption in one idea or subject. This disease is accompanied by obsessive thoughts and actions, as well as excessive preoccupation with these objects. Typically, monomaniacs live in their own world, completely detached from reality and focused only on their ideas.

The history of Monomania was described in ancient times by Greek philosophers. However, this phenomenon was first studied in the 19th century by psychologists who studied it in patients with schizophrenia. The disease has been studied by psychiatrists in recent years, especially during World War II.

Symptoms Monomaniacs may experience several symptoms, including:

- Excessive passion for one idea, business or activity - Obsessive thoughts about the subject of passion, for example, constant repetition of the same phrase or thought, reluctance to think about something else - Wasting time on the subject of passion - Physical changes: dilation or reduction of the pupil when seeing objects associated with monomania - Strange actions, i.e. the behavior of monomaniacs can be varied and unpredictable - Mood disturbances and a depressed state as a result of worry and suffering due to their obsessions

Treatment The most effective treatment for monomania