Morbid Indifference

About which so much has been said. What is the reason for people's interest in this emotion? First of all, this is due to the fact that we are far from indifferent to a person’s life, but at the same time we are far from empathy. People suffering from apathy have no desires and strive for nirvana, but their lives are often quite difficult and suffering. And these people feel pity for others, but at the same time they cannot empathize and care about them. The most interesting thing is that they are not able to accept their own mistakes; they believe that all problems arise solely because of other people.

Psychologists say that patients suffer from a loss of all interest in life. All past plans, thoughts and experiences seem completely unimportant to them. No emotional outbursts overwhelm them in moments of success. Pleasant events in life do not bring smiles and joy. The desire to do anything disappears, composure and carelessness appear in everyday life. There is no feeling of fear when it comes to rude actions. Uncontrolled indifference develops into aggression. Most well-known psychotherapists know only the superficial cause of this pathology - the consequences after long-term experiences. This could be the loss of a loved one, financial problems or forced relocation. But often the reasons are much deeper - in childhood, the mother or father rejected the child and often used physical punishment as educational measures. The baby unconsciously comes to the conclusion that he is absolutely useless to the world and has no right to exist. Then, the baby gets hooked on the experience. It is he himself who forms the attitude towards all important events in his life. The child is afraid of the future, which a new, unidentified facet of the world is now opening to him. Psychologists say that a problem such as apathy causes the development of depression.

Apathy always indicates a person is very depressed. You need to be attentive and very careful if a loved one is next to you and exhibits this pathology. There are several reasons for this defeat of the soul. The main one is imaginary overwork from the usual way of life, gray everyday life. In most cases, suffering from an illness “poisons” the very essence of a person, his condition, his attention. He withdraws into himself, tries to hide from the outside world, shifts all responsibility onto others, and is in constant anxiety and a state of restlessness. Such a manifestation of behavior by a person “kills” the person’s personality. It is very important to help a person get out of this state in a timely manner by providing psychological support to people in order to prevent mental illness.

Brain studies show that areas in the area associated with motivation control mood, emotions