
A morphogram is a graphical method of representing the morphological properties of a word. It allows you to visualize the morphological features of a word and makes it easier to work with them.

The morphogram consists of two parts: morphological and graphic. The morphological part indicates the morphological characteristics of the word, and the graphic part indicates its graphic image.

The morphological part of the morphogram indicates the following morphological characteristics of the word:

  1. Part of speech.
  2. Number (singular or plural).
  3. Case (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional).
  4. Gender (masculine, feminine, neuter).
  5. Kind (perfect or imperfect).
  6. Conjugation (first or second).
  7. Mood (indicative, imperative, conditional).
  8. Time (present, past, future).
  9. Face (first, second, third).
  10. Number (singular, plural).

The graphic part of the morphogram shows what the word looks like in accordance with its morphological characteristics. For example, if a word is singular, masculine, and first person, it will be represented as a masculine small letter and first person.

Using a morphogram helps to quickly and accurately determine the morphological properties of a word and simplifies working with it. This is especially useful for those who study foreign languages, since the morphogram allows you to quickly determine gender, number, case and other morphological properties of words.

Morphological analysis of a word as a part of speech

Morphological characteristics Initial form: morphological. Part of speech: Adjective. The entire word is a variable part of speech, inflected according to the second type.

You can choose other signs for this adjective.