Morgagni Disease

Morgagni disease

Murian disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract that affects the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi and alveoli of the lungs. In most cases, it leads to the development of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, which in turn can cause the development of irreversible respiratory failure. Most often people over 40 years of age get sick. This is an inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. Blinker's disease, named after the Italian physician Giovanni

Morgagni, Disease

Morgagni disease is a rare systemic connective tissue disease characterized by inflammatory changes in the heart, lungs and blood vessels.

The name of the disease comes from the name of the Italian physician and anatomist Girolamo Frederico Morgagni (G. V. Morgagni), who described it in 1792. Morgagni is common among children and young adults, and can be associated with many other conditions, such as heart failure, pulmonary embolism, respiratory infections and bleeding disorders. However, until now this disease has not received wide recognition in medicine, and knowledge about it continues to develop.

Symptoms of Morgagni disease Symptoms of Morgagni disease can begin at an early age, but most often appear during adolescence and adulthood. Main symptoms include: * Chest pain * Shortness of breath * Rapid breathing * Cough * Feeling of suffocation * Fatigue * Fever * Swelling of the lower extremities These symptoms can occur individually or in various combinations.