Wrinkled lips what to do


When caring for their facial skin, many girls forget that their lips need care. Oddly enough, they are also susceptible to wrinkles.

Of course, today there are many lipsticks and glosses with a moisturizing effect on sale. These products are quite suitable as protective products, but they cannot replace full-fledged care.

Why do wrinkles appear on the lips?

Of course, the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles is age. However, even young girls can notice them on their lips. The culprit may be a lack of vitamins, stress, a hereditary factor, or individual characteristics of skin prone to dryness and flaking.


By the way, it is on lips with dry skin that wrinkles most often form. Moreover, sometimes the situation is aggravated by the fact that, trying to get rid of the unpleasant “crust” on the lips, girls either injure the skin with too rough scrubs, or even tear off pieces of skin, which is why wounds appear.

Prevention is easier than cure

For normal lip skin, in addition to using decorative cosmetics with a moisturizing effect, it is enough to lubricate the lips with a nourishing cream at night, and also use special balms or hygienic lipsticks during the day.


Those who are predisposed to early wrinkles on the lips, that is, those with dry skin, need not only to diversify their diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits, but also to constantly use lip moisturizers. These are not only balms, but also masks and creams.

Ideally, it is better to remove lipsticks from your cosmetic bag altogether, as they dry out the skin; it is better to purchase moisturizing glosses, preferably with UV filters.

How to remove wrinkles on lips: the best recipes

If you already have wrinkles, this is not a reason to resign yourself to constantly masking them with cosmetics. It’s quite possible to get rid of them, or at least make them less noticeable.

You should begin to intensively moisturize and nourish the skin of your lips to make them as soft as possible. Not only the usual hygienic lipsticks, but also masks will come to the rescue.

For example, this simple recipe will do:

Anti-wrinkle lip mask


  1. a few drops of olive oil
  2. half a teaspoon of honey

Apply this composition to your lips for ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse with warm water and then apply nourishing cream or balm.

Lip care oils

If you are allergic to honey, you can make masks from a mixture of various cosmetic oils. Especially good:

  1. wheat germ oil;
  2. peach, apricot;
  3. grape seed;
  4. rosehip oil.

Simply mix them a couple of drops or apply separately daily for ten to twenty minutes, and the effect will not take long to appear.

Peeling for lip wrinkles


After the skin of the lips has softened, you can proceed to peeling. The product can be purchased at the store or prepared independently.

Suitable abrasive particles:

  1. sleeping coffee grounds,
  2. ground oat flakes,
  3. crushed sugar.

Honey and oils are added to them, everything is mixed and applied with massaging movements to the lips.

Dairy products can also be used as additional ingredients:

Then the composition is left on the lips for five to ten minutes and washed off. Apply cream. Such procedures are repeated periodically - that is, once or twice a week.

Vitamins to nourish the skin of the lips

To enhance the effect, it is useful to take vitamins, for example, Aevit. The contents of its ampoules can also be directly applied to the skin of the lips or added to cosmetic oils for masks.

Don't forget about herbal ingredients. Banana with sour cream or cream, pear puree with olive oil and other options are easy to prepare, since these products are found in almost every home.

Massage and gymnastics for lips

Massage and facial exercises are suitable as additional means to combat wrinkles.

Lip massage rules

  1. You can massage your lips with your fingers after applying cream or oil to them.
  2. The facial muscles should be relaxed and the mouth should be opened slightly.
  3. Finger movements should not be too strong.
  4. At first it is stroking, then patting, then rubbing, as it were, and it needs to be completed, as in a regular massage, with stroking movements.
  5. After finishing the procedure, do not forget to apply a moisturizer or mask.

Anti-wrinkle lip massage with a teaspoon

A massage with a teaspoon gives a good effect. The actions are similar to finger massage, only in this case it is done with a spoon.

Her cool touches additionally stimulate blood circulation in the massaged area. And it, in turn, accelerates metabolism, promoting skin rejuvenation.

Lip exercises

Mimic exercises have a similar effect. However, they must be done carefully so as not to stretch the skin around the mouth. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect.

Proper care combined with well-chosen cosmetics will give quick and high-quality results, and within a month you will notice obvious improvements!

Author: Laura - website www.Korolevnam.ru – Women's online magazine.

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Wrinkles on the lips are visible mainly in old age, but sometimes even young people and teenagers can see wrinkles on their lips. It may be due to excessive dryness, lip biting, smoking, using cheap low quality lip products etc can be the cause of wrinkles. You can reduce lip wrinkles with home remedies, hence it will be inexpensive for you. With these simple tips you will get smoother and softer lips.

Wrinkles on the lips: folk remedies for treatment

Here are some simple beauty tips to get rid of lip wrinkles.

1. Vitamin E oil

Apply vitamin E to your lips before going to bed every night. This oil will nourish and smooth out wrinkles and fine lines on the lips. Apply vitamin E to your finger and gently massage your lips. Do this every night for best results in reducing lip wrinkles.

2. Papaya juice

Apply papaya juice on your lips and leave on for 30 minutes. Papain is an excellent enzyme present in papaya to treat lip wrinkles. These natural treatments should be done daily if possible or at least 2-3 times a week for best lip wrinkle treatment results.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon paste works very well to give some relief in lip wrinkles. This will help get rid of wrinkles and deep wrinkles. Just apply cinnamon paste on your lips and leave it on for 30 minutes. Do this daily to effectively remove lip wrinkles.

4. Coconut oil

Coconut oil nourishes dry lips, dryness is one of the causes of wrinkles on the lips. Massage your lips daily at night using coconut oil and wash off in the morning. This product will also make your lips smooth and rosy. Coconut oil has various vitamins that will surely remove deep wrinkles on the upper lip gradually.

5. Almond oil

Regular massage with almond oil will show great benefits in smoothing out wrinkles on the lips and around the mouth. You can do this every night to treat wrinkles above and around the lips.

6. Oatmeal

Prepare a paste of oatmeal with milk and apply it on your lips and the skin around your lips. Keep this on for 15 minutes, then wash off. This simple treatment has 3 benefits. This is a cure for lip wrinkles, lightens the darkness around the mouth and also reduces pigmentation on the lips.

7. Sugar and lemon juice

Mix sugar with lemon juice. Use sugar with fine crystals. Apply this on lips for 15 minutes. Then gently scrub your lips and rinse. Try this every day and you will soon get good results. Lines will be less visible and lips will become softer. This scrub will also turn dark lips pink.

Beauty Tips to Prevent Lip Wrinkles

  1. Use good quality cosmetics.
  2. Do not wear lipsticks for a long time and remove them at night.
  3. Use lip balms when lips are dry.
  4. Drink 7-8 glasses of water.
  5. Cut down on smoking.
  6. Use lip balms with SPF when you go out in the sun.

The beauty tips mentioned above will definitely help you remove lip wrinkles and your lips will become softer and smoother.

Minor lines and folds on the lips may appear even when you are still in your 20s. They are called perioral wrinkles, and they look quite unattractive. This is usually the first sign of aging to show on the face. The good news is that there are some ways to get rid of this problem. You can also prevent their recurrence with simple daily skin care routines.

7 steps to get rid of lip wrinkles

1. Exfoliation

This procedure can help instantly get rid of fine wrinkles on the lips. You can purchase special exfoliating products or make your own natural remedy using sugar (brown or white) and a little honey. Apply it by gently stroking the area with your fingertips, which will help remove dead skin cells and release healthy new ones, revealing younger-looking lips and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

2. Apply the balm regularly

Keep your lips moisturized throughout the day to prevent drying and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. You can use Vaseline if you're not sensitive to it, but it's worth spending a few dollars on a good balm or moisturizer. You don't need a very expensive product, and even a balm from your local drugstore can be just as effective as a brand-name one for under $20. There are also products that not only moisturize, but also quickly make lips plumper. Choosing them is not easy as there are hundreds or even thousands of products on the market. A little research and some trial and error will help you find the right one.

3. Protection

A good balm also provides a sun protection factor of at least 15, which helps slow down the aging process of the skin. This prevents the premature appearance of lip wrinkles. There are also foods that provide antioxidant protection, which can also help slow the aging process. You should minimize sun exposure as much as possible, especially if you suffer from severe facial wrinkles. You can also try wearing a hat or using an umbrella.

4. Hydration of the body

It is necessary not only to moisturize the skin of your lips, but also to protect your body from dehydration by drinking plenty of fluids daily. Dry lips are one of the first symptoms of dehydration. Don't forget to drink water, especially when you sweat due to the weather or physical activity, it can help reduce the appearance of lines and folds on the lips, and will also help slow down the aging process and prevent further development.

5. Quit smoking

Smoking is one of the most dangerous habits. It negatively affects blood flow, which is the main reason why the skin suffers from this addiction. It is also one of the main causes of severe, unsightly wrinkles on the lips. Just look at any heavy smoker and you will see that his lips are dry, wrinkled and stained. Tar and other chemicals can build up on your lips, leaving them looking ugly. You just need to get rid of this addiction, and your body (including your lips) will be grateful to you.

6. Massage

It is worth massaging your lips regularly if you want to quickly reduce the appearance of wrinkles. You also need to massage the entire face. This improves blood circulation and helps tighten the muscles around the mouth, as well as prevent and slow down premature aging of the skin (including lips). You can use Vaseline or any good massage balm to thoroughly moisturize the area and help get rid of this problem.

7. Procedures in beauty salons

If there are very deep wrinkles on the lips and you need to quickly achieve significant results, there is always the option of undergoing lip augmentation procedures. Minor treatments such as injections and laser treatments can be effective ways to get rid of wrinkles quickly. The only problem is their high cost, which can reach hundreds of dollars. If you need a painless and affordable solution, then you just need to find a good lip augmentation product. Careful research will point you in the right direction and help you find a product that is safe and effective.