Wrinkles on the chin photo

Hello. Anyone who has encountered this problem: I’m only 31 years old, and I’ve had numerous wrinkles on my chin for two years now. They go on the chin from the edges of the lips in arcs downwards: deep and long. I blame the habit of walking with my head low. How can I get rid of them or is nothing going to help?

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

A cosmetologist will help you. He will advise you on fillers and meso threads. No amount of cream will fix this.

Inject the hyaluronic acid a couple of times a month, and then maintain it once every six months, and there will be no trace left


Who cares how old you are - if you are, it means your turgor is weak, which means you already need to support yourself with hyaluronic acid

don't walk around with such a head =)
try a good moisturizer, I recommend chrisal

Some teeth may have been removed and the holes were not closed. Do not smile widely, watch in the mirror how you yawn, whether these places wrinkle, yawn more restrained. I put cotton wool under my lower lip at night in the area of ​​wrinkles, and do an oil massage with these cotton wool behind my lip. Less deep steel.

Some teeth may have been removed and the holes were not closed. Do not smile widely, watch in the mirror how you yawn, whether these places wrinkle, yawn more restrained. I put cotton wool under my lower lip at night in the area of ​​wrinkles, and do an oil massage with these cotton wool behind my lip. Less deep steel.

The Lulu Ultra exercise machine works well for wrinkles on the lower part of the face. Read about him on the official website. website, where you can also see photos and videos that clearly show that Lulu Ultra helps.

Related topics

Try a cream with probiotics, but in general creams are of little help in dealing with wrinkles

My work involves constant travel and business trips, so I don’t have much time for facial care. A colleague told me about Handel cream. Ordered on the official website, delivery in Moscow - 2 days. They delivered it at a time convenient for me. I use it regularly and take it with me on trips. Based on the effect, I can say that the cream has a positive effect on the structure of the skin, softens, moisturizes, and fights sagging. A good product at a reasonable price. Try it, maybe it will help too)

Anya, why won’t it help? Common expression wrinkles that can be removed. Creams are useless - I’ve been through this myself. You need to raise the corners of your lips a little; perhaps the ideal option would be to tighten the skin with Silhouette Soft threads. I did this myself at Medinnov’s clinic with Alexander Vitalievich Polev - my face was transformed, of course, and this without any lifts. But you need to consult a specialist and decide with him what is personally suitable for you as a correction.

Hello. Anyone who has encountered this problem: I’m only 31 years old, and I’ve had numerous wrinkles on my chin for two years now. They go on the chin from the edges of the lips in arcs downwards: deep and long. I blame the habit of walking with my head low. How can I get rid of them or is nothing going to help?

Hello. Anyone who has encountered this problem: I’m only 31 years old, and I’ve had numerous wrinkles on my chin for two years now. They go on the chin from the edges of the lips in arcs downwards: deep and long. I blame the habit of walking with my head low. How can I get rid of them or is nothing going to help?

Wrinkles are inevitable. No matter what you do, at 31 you will no longer look 16. You can, of course, shed a certain number of years, but certainly not 15

Wrinkles are inevitable. No matter what you do, at 31 you will no longer look 16. You can, of course, shed a certain number of years, but certainly not 15

Agree. And you certainly won’t rejuvenate so much with all sorts of washes and waters. You will, of course, become more well-groomed, but I doubt it younger.

removed wrinkles on the chin. My chin is structured in such a way that it forms a bend and an unsightly wrinkle because of this. Xeomin was administered. It stopped curling and began to smooth out little by little. The sensations are, however, a little strange. It’s like when you can’t wrinkle your forehead as usual, but when you move your chin with difficulty and a little unusually. My cosmetologist Elina Vasilenko told me that this is normal. In six months I will start to wrinkle again, just like my forehead. If it smooths out well, I’ll repeat it in six months.

removed wrinkles on the chin. My chin is structured in such a way that it forms a bend and an unsightly wrinkle because of this. Xeomin was administered. It stopped curling and began to smooth out little by little. The sensations are, however, a little strange. It’s like when you can’t wrinkle your forehead as usual, but when you move your chin with difficulty and a little unusually. My cosmetologist Elina Vasilenko told me that this is normal. In six months I will start to wrinkle again, just like my forehead. If it smooths out well, I’ll repeat it in six months.

Some teeth may have been removed and the holes were not closed. Do not smile widely, watch in the mirror how you yawn, whether these places wrinkle, yawn more restrained. I put cotton wool under my lower lip at night in the area of ​​wrinkles, and do an oil massage with these cotton wool behind my lip. Less deep steel.

removed wrinkles on the chin. My chin is structured in such a way that it forms a bend and an unsightly wrinkle because of this. Xeomin was administered. It stopped curling and began to smooth out little by little. The sensations are, however, a little strange. It’s like when you can’t wrinkle your forehead as usual, but when you move your chin with difficulty and a little unusually. My cosmetologist Elina Vasilenko told me that this is normal. In six months I will start to wrinkle again, just like my forehead. If it smooths out well, I’ll repeat it in six months.


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Regardless of the reason that gave rise to the appearance of wrinkles in the lower part of the face, they not only show age, but also give a gloomy expression. In recent years, even young people have begun to look for ways to remove wrinkles on the chin. There is also a hereditary factor in the appearance of such a problem, but such cases are rare. In most cases, these are the consequences of bad habits and poor nutrition, as well as fluid intake. But this too can be dealt with.

Why do wrinkles appear on the chin?


Folds in the lower part of the face are noticeable much more often than in other problem areas. The presence of wrinkles on the chin immediately spoils the facial expression. But few people think about why their appearance is typical even for 20-year-olds.

Causes of grooves on the chin:

  1. excessive exposure to active sun;
  2. insufficient water balance in the body;
  3. prolonged depression and anxiety;
  4. incorrect posture;
  5. improper sleep patterns;
  6. bad habits;
  7. abuse of facial expressions;
  8. incorrect diet.

In parallel with procedures and remedies aimed at getting rid of wrinkles on the chin, you should:

  1. control your habits,
  2. seeks to get rid of some of them.

What will help overcome wrinkles?

The modern arsenal of cosmetology offers several methods that will help not only prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the lower part of the face, but also actively resist them. This:

  1. homemade anti-wrinkle face masks, creams (including homemade anti-wrinkle cream) and gels;
  2. procedures using special equipment;
  3. injections;
  4. clinical methods.

When choosing any method to combat wrinkles, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, age, skin type and the presence of contraindications.

Home remedies to get rid of wrinkles

Representatives of the fair half do not have to run to the clinic for radical procedures if they have deep wrinkles on the chin. It is possible to get rid of grooves using gentle and inexpensive means.

Cosmetic forms


To combat grooves on the chin, creams, gels and masks are suitable. Among the products of modern cosmetology, the most popular products are:

  1. Anti-myoaging line from Vichy helps to relax and smooth the skin due to the presence of microparticles that fill unevenness.
  2. Derma Genesis cream from L'Oreal with special components aimed at the production of collagen and elastin fibers. With daily use for 12 weeks, you can get rid of wrinkles for a long time.
  3. Cream Skin Naturals from Garnier One of the few products that can be used during the day. Actively evens out the structure of the skin and activates all metabolic processes within it.

Home Remedies

To prepare masks, compresses and lotions, you can use the components that are available. The main thing is to pre-cleanse the skin, follow temporary recommendations and carefully remove the compositions.

  1. Moisturizing mask, which is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. You need to grind 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. oatmeal Add enough warm milk to get the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture for 5 maximum 10 minutes. Wash off with a weak tea solution.
  2. Warmed olive oil Apply to the chin, cover with a napkin for 15 minutes. Then wash with warm water.
  3. Contrast compresses. Prepare two containers with cold and hot water. Alternately apply cloth napkins soaked in hot or cold water for 1 minute. Perform 20 applications.

When using masks, lotions or compresses you need:

  1. alternate compositions,
  2. Avoid daily use
  3. Always thoroughly cleanse your skin first.

What methods do clinics and beauty salons offer?

Not all women are able to fight wrinkles day after day. There is a category of beauties who are skeptical about various cosmetic forms and prefer only clinical and salon methods.

On the one hand, hardware and radical procedures give a quick effect, but on the other hand, all procedures are expensive, require correction every few months, and have contraindications and side effects.

Techniques used in salons


To get rid of wrinkles on the chin, cosmetologists use methods that are aimed at activating metabolic processes and producing substances necessary to improve the texture of the skin. This:

  1. Microcurrent therapy. Briefly, the microcurrent procedure is as follows: using electrical impulses, certain layers of the epidermis are affected, thereby increasing muscle tone and the production of collagen and elastin.
  2. Lifting. Thermolifting of the face is one of the most popular techniques, since contraindications and side effects are minimal. Wrinkle smoothing occurs using radiofrequency energy.
  3. Laser correction. Alignment of folds using laser energy.
  4. Chemical peeling. Acids are used to clean the upper layer of the epidermis, after which the wrinkles become less deep. The procedure is quite painful.
  5. Photorejuvenation of facial skin. Skin renewal using laser beams. At the same time, the production of substances necessary to align the structure of the epidermis is activated.

When visiting salons, women should remember that each of the procedures gives a quick, but not long-lasting effect and requires periodic repetition.

How to get rid of wrinkles - radical ways


When neither cosmetic forms, nor massages, nor hardware methods have led to complete elimination of folds on the chin, women have to resort to cosmetology clinics.

Clinical procedures also provide quick results that last longer than hardware methods. They also have a number of contraindications, possible negative consequences and high cost. Although in pursuit of the desire to become beautiful, this stops few people.

Methods used in clinics:

  1. Beauty injections. This was the name previously given to Botox injections. Now there are several other drugs with a similar spectrum of action that are used by injection. But they all tend to relax the muscles that contribute to the formation of wrinkles.
  2. Surgical lift. With this method, wrinkles are completely smoothed out, but periodically appear again. Experts do not recommend performing this procedure for the chin more than 2 or maximum 3 times.
  3. Insertion of implants from one's own tissues, which plays the role of subcutaneous fat. The likelihood of allergic reactions and rejection is reduced to zero. The effect of the operation lasts for several years with proper care.
  4. Artificial implants. Small thin plates that are implanted under the skin. When done correctly, the result is permanent.

When contacting salons and clinics, it is worth remembering that after such procedures, the skin on the chin requires more active protection than before.

After radical procedures you will have to:

  1. refuse solarium and sunbathing;
  2. Carefully monitor your diet, fluid intake and use of decorative cosmetics to remain beautiful.

How to prevent wrinkles from forming on the chin?

You need to start fighting wrinkles before they appear. And at the same time, you don’t have to do any supernatural actions, but only:

  1. avoid active sunlight, especially from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
  2. use sunscreen;
  3. apply proper moisturizing using masks, gel and cream;
  4. watch your posture;
  5. observe water and food regimes;
  6. adhere to a balanced diet instead of exhausting diets;
  7. to refuse from bad habits;
  8. take the correct position while sleeping;
  9. give up the habit of grimacing.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about how to remove a deep crease on the chin using DERMAFILL GLOBAL XTRA injections:

Most tips do not require any additional funds, but only control over your habits. Getting rid of them, even gradually, will give better results than radical clinical procedures. After all, no lift will help if the charming woman does not stop pulling her chin up.

You can find more information on this topic in the Wrinkles section.

Sometimes even a small age-related change on the face changes the overall impression of a person’s appearance. And for women it is important to please people, especially the opposite sex. Therefore, the question arises of how to remove wrinkles on the chinif such a problem arises.

Why do folds appear?


Folds appear not only in older people, but also in relatively young girls. The reasons may be different, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, exposure to the external environment and quality skin care. If you know why wrinkles on the chin formed, it will be logically clear how to get rid of them. This is exactly how cosmetologists act when examining a patient and prescribing professional decorative and caring cosmetics.

That is, if the skin is dry due to the wind, then it must be moisturized and protected during subsequent contact with street air. If you have negative effects from the sun and ultraviolet radiation, you should take care of nourishing the dermis and applying products with SPF.

Wrinkles on the chin - reasons:

  1. Age. Each age category involves its own type of change in the skin, and from 45 years old it loses collagen reserves and actively changes its appearance.
  2. Expression of the same type of emotions. If a person is prone to the same facial expressions, then over time the skin “remembers” this state, as a result the face constantly has its shade. It is especially clear that a person often sincerely smiles by the crow’s feet near the eyes, and that he is sad by the drooping nasolabial folds.
  3. Incorrect spinal position – curvature. After all, it is the musculoskeletal system, the pillar of the body, and the position of the neck and lower row of teeth also depends on it. If certain muscles around the lower row of teeth are overly tense, you may eventually notice a formation of crease on the chin .
  4. Incorrect sleeping position . If the chin is pressed to the body, then prolonged positioning of the body causes the skin to retain marks on the epidermis. Wrinkles appear, including if you rest on your stomach. This also includes the duration and quality of sleep.
  5. Skin loss of moisture. If the skin dries out for any reason, it ceases to have elasticity. And these are the properties that slow down the formation of wrinkles throughout the body.
  6. Food . A lot has been written about this, but knowing it and putting it into practice are two different things. With a lack of vegetable fats, vitamins and minerals, the entire body suffers, and the skin is a litmus test. As soon as the healthy eating system is disrupted, the dermis gives the first signs: peeling, acne, loss of elasticity, a feeling of tightness, and dryness.
  7. Water balance . It is a matter of habit to drink as much water as doctors recommend for each kilogram of body weight. When there is an imbalance of fluid, many negative consequences occur, to which the dermis reacts quite quickly.
  8. Aggressive weather : sun rays in the heat, frost and wind, dry, dusty air dry out the skin, disrupt water and oxygen metabolism. This skin surface is prone to inflammation, itching, and a significant increase in wrinkles on the body. The corners of the mouth and hands are usually the first to make themselves felt.

If you understand exactly what from the list takes place in your lifestyle, then the answer to the question of how to remove wrinkles on the chin will become clearer; all that remains is to choose a method of getting rid of it.

Approaches to rejuvenation of this area


Skin care should be comprehensive, regular and effective. Single attempts to change something will bring insignificant and short results, then everything will go back to normal. Moreover, the sooner a girl begins to think about incorporating competent self-care into her lifestyle, the greater her chances of looking younger than her years later.

The best period to start taking action is 25-27 years, when all you need is to maintain a fresh appearance, take care of your skin, and prevent early wrinkles. Then, over time, you won’t have to rack your brains about how to remove wrinkles on the chin or in other areas.

There are different approaches to maintaining beauty or rejuvenation. Each representative of the fair sex uses those methods that fit into the style and rhythm of life, preferences and characteristics of the body. That is, if you have a busy schedule and are prone to allergies, you need to do this: create an optimized care plan that does not take much time, with hypoallergenic ingredients.

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Traditional methods

Traditional methods include recipes to reduce deep wrinkles on the chin. They don’t know how to get rid of them completely, since they only affect the upper part of the skin, which is responsible for overall freshness, color of the epidermis, and exfoliation. And thorough rejuvenation, smoothing out deep folds is the specificity of the lower layer, protected by a membrane through which particles of ordinary products in the refrigerator do not pass.

However, you also need to work with the top layers; for this there are many recipes using vegetable oils and other bases. After all, in the absence of funds for a consultation with a cosmetologist and professional cosmetics, it is undesirable to do nothing. You can choose the most effective masks, creams, and cleansing methods to do everything possible at this stage.

To make your chin beautiful and smooth, you should do the following at home:

    1. Peeling procedures: exfoliation of dead cells, light smoothing of the skin surface (frequency – 2 times a week).
    2. Masks that moisturize the skin with a tightening, nourishing effect. These can be homemade options or ready-made products from store shelves.
    3. Using retinol, it usually comes as a component of a cream. Retinol is found in olive and grape oils, as well as in vitamin A capsules.
    4. Application of kernel oils in combination with massage.
    5. Contrasting temperatures - water or a damp towel. Alternately expose the skin of the chin to cold and heat.

This approach will allow you to achieve a good external result and will not allow serious changes with age.

Home treatments: exercises

They can be performed independently and as an addition to cosmetic care methods. They do not always require a large investment of time and money, and they are also harmless. In order to remove wrinkles on the chin, you need to do exercises. They consist of strengthening the facial muscles by tensing them. At the same time, the fingertips secure the skin in those places where creases should not appear in the end. This applies to each facial massage line, which is responsible for the overall firmness and freshness of the face. Favorite gymnastics for the chin:

  1. Sit on a chair and make your back straight, hands on your knees. We pull the movable jaw forward, while stretching the skin; you can curl your lips into a tube. Hold the position for 6 breaths and repeat this 9 more times.
  2. In the same position. Extending the “o” sound while creating a three-dimensional ring with your lips. The duration of the statics is 15 seconds, then do 20 repetitions.
  3. Tightening the cheeks, moving the lips strongly to the side. The tension in the dermis should be felt, which means that the exercise is working as it should. 15-20 repetitions, do not forget about statics.

Such loads cannot be given for two years after facial surgery, as well as in the presence of oncology.

Home treatments: massage


Some experts believe that without a massage from a qualified specialist, no effective rejuvenation is possible. This is effective, especially with the use of special oils and products.

Sometimes just this course is enough to get your face in order. But there is an option for self-massage that can have an effect if you learn it. And science is not complicated if you pay attention to details. They consist of observing massage points, pressure and correct approach.

A favorite recipe for many: run your middle and index fingers upward from perpendicular along the line of the corners of your lips to the level of your cheekbones. Then, without looking up from the surface, make an arc that “looks down” to the temple, lingering on it for a couple more moments. Do this 5-8 times, then do the same with the middle folds of the phalanges on the same fingers.

The purpose of any massage is to accelerate the blood, saturate the dermis with oxygen, then it is nourished from the inside with a large amount of vitamins and fats, improves the condition, and increases elasticity. And in this situation, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the appearance of the face becomes younger.

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Home treatments: creams, masks for wrinkles

They are purchased in stores or other retail outlets, selected according to the type of dermis and the promised effect. But you can make it just as good with your own hands using products that you regularly buy for your family. Masks are created on the basis of vegetable or milk fat with the addition of drops of ethers and purees of vegetables and fruits, sometimes juices are added there.

  1. Pour 100 g into a deep bowl. cream, mix them with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a few drops of peach seed oil, you can add chopped oatmeal for thickness. Apply and wait about 30 minutes, rinse. You can safely expect smoothing of the dermis and whitening after just a few uses. It will nourish the cells with vitamins and make wrinkles less noticeable.
  2. Soak 10 gr. gelatin, and also add the juice of half a lemon, mashed half a banana (you can use avocado) and a tablespoon of full-fat milk. Mix the ingredients, put it on your face, walk for 15 minutes, rinse. A banana can make the epidermis whiter and visually cleaner, the area with folds will be saturated with jelly and smooth out, and lemon will restore metabolic processes.
  1. 10 gr. Mix heated beeswax with tea tree oil and shea butter, or jojoba (5-10 drops of each type). After washing, apply a thin layer to dry dermis. It is better not to use around the eyes, only on the lower part of the face.
  2. 5 gr. melt Vaseline and add tsp. coconut oil, then 7 drops of lavender essential oil. The procedure with this cream is done after a shower, so that the dermis is steamed and the pores receive nutrition better.

Be sure to apply the mixture on the wrist or inner bend of the elbow for the first time and wait a few minutes. If there is no reaction, then you can continue on your face.

Cosmetological methods


Cosmetology can smooth out wrinkles on the chin, and knows well how to get rid of them. But all doctors insist that it is rarely possible to achieve long-term results without comprehensive and constant maintenance of skin condition. Therefore, remedies are prescribed that are suitable for each specific case, depending on the characteristics of the dermis and the body as a whole.

For fine wrinkles, peeling mixtures are used, which, due to their chemical composition, affect the skin without harm. But Botox and Dysport have a controversial reputation among patients, because sometimes unforeseen situations happen. However, if you visit a good cosmetologist, the likelihood of a positive outcome is high.

A similar procedure, called revitalization, consists of subcutaneous administration of the drug in several procedures. And in a week you will be able to see the fruits of your efforts. Only after six months will you need to go through this again, since the effect does not last longer.

Spot correction is used in the case of single wrinkles, which can be filled with a special liquid. Thereby forcing the fold to level the surface of the epidermis. Also, creases are treated with light pulses, radio waves, and ultrasound.

Surgical intervention

Surgery involves the need to make an incision in the dermis to perform the manipulation. This is considered a last resort, that is, it is done only when necessary, a threat to health, life, or the impossibility of other methods of correction. In this case, implants are introduced into the body or other procedures are performed.

Sometimes a fold is a consequence of a scar or bruise that has healed, but the shape is deformed, and extra creases have formed on the dermis. This can only be entrusted to a professional whose qualifications are beyond doubt, in order to minimize risks. You can verify this by reading educational documents, as well as reading reviews about its activities.

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Prevention of wrinkles

In the absence of folds or at the slightest hint of their appearance, it will be useful to carry out prevention. It is also needed by those who have already corrected this deficiency or are still in the process. The basis is regularity and discipline; these principles will help preserve the beauty and youth of your face for a long time, a pleasant fresh appearance and maintain the status of an attractive woman.

To do this, you need to reconsider your regular emotional background, which muscles are more toned than others. That is, if the cheekbones are relaxed, then nasolabial folds will appear on the dermis much faster. But they have few options for weakening the muscles if a person smiles regularly, albeit not very widely. Interestingly, the practice of a controlled half-smile (or smiling with your eyes, pulling your cheekbones towards them) significantly improves self-esteem and wins over the people around you.

And finally, do not neglect your inner world. Whatever you do, it is reflected in a person’s appearance. Moreover, with age, marks can sometimes say more about the owner’s essence than he is able to tell others about himself.


Folds on the chin are due to dryness and loss of elasticity of the skin. If she does not receive the required amount of nutrients, then she becomes weak and “remembers” creases when she expresses emotions on her face. Age-related changes in the body and genetic predisposition also have an impact.

External reasons include bad weather conditions and dry air, as well as improper care (or lack thereof). There is a feeling of tightening of the dermis, then peeling and an unkempt appearance. This means that the skin is dehydrated, then you need to do this: increase the amount of water consumed, plus immediate external care (like first aid).

To get rid of folds on the dermis, you should choose a combat tactic: a cosmetologist (with additional tasks at home) or folk remedies. The first works with deep layers, affects the rejuvenation processes by crushing particles of mixture ingredients, the second visually improves the condition of the dermis and exfoliates. Also, do not neglect physical activity, do at least a couple of dozen squats a day. And you should always remember about nutrition for beautiful and healthy skin.