Wrinkles under the eyes at 30 years old, photos for women

Many women, by the age of thirty, are faced with the problem of age-related changes in the form of wrinkles; the most vulnerable area is the skin around the eyes, this is where the first wrinkles appear. The problem usually does not have a clearly expressed nature, but, nevertheless, it gives the fair sex a lot of anxiety and discomfort.

The biological parameters of the body at this age stage make it possible, even in a short time, with careful care, to significantly change the situation. We will tell you how to get rid of age-related changes in this article.

What irregularities on the face are typical for women and where are they located?

First of all, at the age of 30, women are concerned about the phenomenon of “crow’s feet” around the eyes. Wrinkles-arrows fan out from the outer corners of the eyes to the temporal areas. As a rule, these are facial wrinkles, which are partly already static in nature.

That is, with facial expressions they are indicated, of course, more clearly, and with a calm position of the facial muscles they look like unobtrusive grooves, which are most noticeable in specific lighting; these changes are also clearly visible in the photograph.

The second thing that can be observed is a thin network of static small wrinkles that covers the upper eyelid and partially the lower eyelid area. This type, unfortunately, already belongs to the age factor, but fortunately, at this period of life it can be successfully corrected using simple methods of influence.

Third thing can occur at the age of thirty - the effect of a slight creasing of the upper eyelid. Such wrinkles are considered gravitational, usually do not take on a purely static nature, and can be corrected.

Another area of ​​localization of facial wrinkles is the arched arrow-grooves running from the inner corners of the eyes towards the outer corners. They are usually less noticeable than crow's feet, but can also be present, located in the area of ​​the tear trough.

Reasons for appearance

Individual physiological

  1. The individual structure of the face, both the bone base and the pattern of the muscle structure are important here. For some people, with the same smile, a minimum of folds are formed, while for others, even with the slightest movement, deep and obvious grooves are outlined.
  2. The hereditary potential of the skin to produce substances necessary for tone and elasticity.
  3. Myopia, which causes you to regularly squint your eyes to see something.
  4. Dry skin types on the face are more vulnerable to wrinkles.
  5. Increased emotionality, accompanied by excessive facial activity.


  1. Unbalanced nutrition, when there is a lack of fiber, proteins, and vitamins.
  2. Improper nutrition, when food is consumed with harmful foods that pollute the body in the form of excessively fatty and fried foods, as well as foods with artificial preservatives, dyes, and flavoring additives. As a result, detoxifiers such as the liver and kidneys are disrupted, leading to the accumulation of toxins.
  3. Drinking insufficient fluids.
  4. Alcohol and smoking poison the body and lead the epidermal cells to large losses of moisture and oxygen.
  5. Incorrect sleep and wakefulness patterns.
  6. Sleeping on your stomach, face down, or on your side, which causes the area around your eyes to squash for a long period of time.
  7. Excessive exposure to sunlight.
  8. Prolonged exposure to cold and wind.
  9. Excessive eye strain as a result of reading, working at a computer, or being in the sun without protective glasses. Here, convulsive contraction of the circular muscle fibers occurs, which has a paralyzing effect on blood microcirculation and inhibits metabolism, which leads to loss of moisture, lack of oxygen in the cells and a decrease in the overall quality of nutrition of the epidermis.
  10. Stress, tendency to dramatize situations, hypochondria, pessimism.
  11. Lack of proper physical activity or its excess.
  12. Use of low-quality decorative and cosmetic products.
  13. Excessive use of decorative cosmetics.
  14. Incorrect handling of the skin around the eyes during care procedures, when scrubs are rubbed into the delicate area or when removing makeup or applying creams, the skin is stretched in different directions, produces too rough an impact on this delicate part.
  15. Skin care products that do not meet its characteristics are used.

External conditions

  1. The ecological situation of the place of residence, when the air contains harmful industrial impurities.
  2. Region of residence, for example, with a dry climate or with a predominance of cold times with very low temperatures or a sharply continental type of climate. The skin is exposed to active aggressive temperatures or dries out due to a lack of humidity in the atmosphere.
  3. When moving from a region with excess humidity to a place where air humidity is normal. Here the skin will need a long time to debug intracellular mechanisms in order to maintain normal levels, so the first thing that comes under attack is the dermis in the periorbital area.

All this together forms the types and types of wrinkles characteristic of the age of thirty. Frequent swelling that appears at this stage has a particularly strong effect, no less than facial habits.

They not only stretch the skin, forming a corrugated mesh effect, but also seriously aggravate facial wrinkles-arches running from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, since bag-like accumulations of lymph under the eyes hold the skin for a long time under the pressure of such an overhanging volume in the form of a fold.

That is, While, as a rule, there are no established irreversible changes, the time for age-related wrinkles has not yet come. But with any aggressive influence of the environment, with an incorrect daily routine and diet, or some diseases that deplete the body, cell restoration processes do not occur as actively as at an earlier age.

Effective means

Let’s take a closer look at how to remove around-the-eye irregularities on the face. First of all, these can be folk methods, as well as store-bought masks and creams. All products must perform the following complex effect on the skin:

  1. nutrition;
  2. hydration;
  3. removal of edema;
  4. soft lifting;
  5. freeing the skin from dead cells, cleansing the skin;
  6. protecting the skin from aggressive environmental influences.

That is, a number of products are selected to satisfy all the specified needs of the epidermis around the eyes. Some products may have a multifunctional effect, but in order to achieve maximum results in the fight against wrinkles, you should acquire a whole arsenal, starting from properly selected skin cleansing products and ending with moisture and nutrition products.

Creams, in addition to care, also perform an important function of protection from weather influences and ultraviolet radiation.

Basic cosmetology techniques for caring for delicate eyelid skin at home

What to do to smooth out uneven areas around the eyes:

  1. Self-massage around the eyes
  2. Gymnastics for the periocular muscles.
  3. Warm compresses with nourishing ingredients.
  4. Cooling compresses to relieve tension in the eye muscles.
  5. Masks made from ingredients that nourish and moisturize the skin.
  6. Masks for relieving swelling.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods at this age provide great benefits; they are quite capable of coping with many manifestations without the use of purchased cosmetics for care in the form of masks.

  1. Masks with aloe juice, tree-like or with gel-like pulp of aloe vera. The juice or gel is gently applied to the skin. Keep it for ten minutes and wash it off, take the mask twice a week, it perfectly moisturizes the skin and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. Lemon and protein mask. Nourishes and tightens the skin around the eyes. Take the beaten egg white and mix it with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply for 7-10 minutes, no more than once a week.

If you add a pinch of salt to this composition, it will act as a light peeling agent. In this case, you need to wash off the mask after five minutes.

Banana mash with a fork, it is better to take overripe fruit. Beat with a piece of butter at the rate of one tablespoon of butter for two tablespoons of pulp. Apply the product for half an hour, rinse with warm water. The mask has an active nourishing and softening effect, smoothes out even deep wrinkles.

From gelatin mass You can prepare a collagen supplement for your skin because it contains this substance that your skin needs. Gelatin swollen crystals, which have taken the form of a single jelly-like substance, are mixed in half with softened butter. The mask is applied for a quarter of an hour and washed off with warm water.

The procedure is taken once every seven days; with regular use, it returns elasticity and density to the skin.

Yeast component activates metabolic processes in the skin, toning it. The yeast mixture, made from a dry semi-finished product according to the recipe recommended on the package, is mixed with unrefined cold-pressed olive oil one to one.

Take the procedure for about half an hour, rinse with warm water. The mask is made no more than once in a seven-day period. It is advisable to use it in the evening, when you no longer plan to go outside.


As masks and creams, you should choose those that contain the following substances:

  1. Ceramides and panthenol for skin restoration.
  2. Antioxidants in the form of vitamins A, E, C.
  3. A substance such as coenzyme Q10 also works well, strengthening the skin and provoking cell renewal.
  4. Responsible for hydration are glycerin and hyaluronic acid.
  5. For elasticity and tone - collagens and elastins.
  6. Regulators of protein synthesis - peptides.
  7. Sun filter substances, SPF factor.
  8. Preferred are natural ingredients in the form of oils and extracts that nourish the skin and activate metabolic processes.


Creams are indispensable as a care product, and even more so as a means of protection.. While folk recipes offer a large selection of masks, creams with a light texture and suitable for everyday care cannot be found on this list. Moreover, if we are talking about such an important issue as protection against photoaging and seasonal climatic conditions.

Apply the cream with light tapping passes with your fingertips, starting from the upper eyelid area, moving from the inner corner to the temples and down to the lower eyelid, completing the circle at the bottom of the inner edge of the eye.

Tapping activates the movement of lymph and blood circulation, which will create better conditions for the skin to absorb beneficial ingredients.

Eye cream Korres “Wild Rose”. Vitamins A and E contained in wild rose oil daily care for the skin of the eyelids, fighting expression lines, and a microelement such as provitamin B5 helps the skin absorb and retain moisture.

A very light and delicate product. Betaine derivatives make the epidermis elastic and strengthen it. The cream also comes with ultraviolet protection effect SPF 15.
Caudalie, Pulpe Vitaminee – eye cream for the first wrinkles. Substances from grape seeds create a powerful shield against the harmful effects on epidermal cells from the well-known enemies of youth - free radicals.

Extracts from chamomile and ferns create a lifting effect, calendula relieves inflammation. The glycerin component moisturizes, and tetrapeptides fight crow's feet.


Masks for this age category can be purchased from various representatives of the cosmetics industry, in a very wide price range. Eyelid masks from Green Mama, Black Pearl, Vichy, Clinics and others - a whole range of effective products that differ in properties and prices.

It’s not at all necessary to shell out a lot of money for an effective mask., it is important that the product suits you and produces the exact desired effect. Useful ingredients can be found in both expensive and cheap products. In addition, this type of care for combating wrinkles at the age of 30 can be successfully replaced with self-prepared formulations.

Masks have an effect only when used regularly in the form of courses of 10-12 procedures. When choosing eyelid masks at 30, beware of overfeeding the skin or depleting it with too powerful lifting procedures.

The purpose of masks here is more to activate the natural natural forces of cells. This is the most effective approach that will not only neutralize the problem of today, but will create a reserve of strength and youth for the epidermis for many years to come.


If wrinkles at this age are deep and creams cannot cope with them, you can resort to procedures such as Botox, photorejuvenation, ozone therapy or microcurrent therapy. Before resorting to these methods, try to solve the problem with the complex effects of gymnastics, massage, folk recipes and specially selected creams.

The problem of how to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes can worry even very young women, because the skin of the eyelids is thin and dry, so it is susceptible to aging early. Emerging crow's feet, first noticed in the mirror or in a photograph, cause considerable distress, but there is no reason to panic - getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes is quite possible. Using the recommendations from this article, you can significantly improve the condition of your eyelid skin and delay age-related changes.

Is it possible to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes?

To find out whether it is possible to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes, you must first become familiar with the characteristics of the skin of the eyelids.

The skin near the eyes is thin and easily stretched; if it were thick and rough, it would limit the mobility of the eyeballs and reduce visual capabilities.

In addition, there are practically no sebaceous glands in it. Due to the lack of natural fatty lubrication, moisture quickly evaporates from the depths of the skin. Since all metabolic processes occur in a liquid medium, they freeze in the epidermis, deprived of moisture. This leads to loss of elasticity and early aging, as a result of which knowledge becomes relevant: how to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes.

Rich facial expressions in this area also help stretch the skin. At the age of 24–25 years, expression lines become noticeable even in a relaxed state, forcing you to look for ways to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes.

Knowing the features of the epidermis of the eyelids helps to consciously approach the care of this area, and with regular procedures, get rid of shallow wrinkles under the eyes. In cases where deep wrinkles appear, modern cosmetology methods will help to cope with them.

Getting rid of expression lines under the eyes

Expression wrinkles are one of the first to appear under the eyes. How to get rid of this sign that shows age? First, let's look at the reasons that contribute to the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Causes of wrinkles

It is generally accepted that frequent smiling and laughter provoke the appearance of wrinkles. But you shouldn’t limit yourself in showing positive emotions. There are other factors that cause expression lines under the eyes; we’ll look at how to get rid of them below.

One of the main enemies of the skin is the sun. In addition to causing photoaging, it also causes squinting, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles under the eyes. To counteract this factor, it is necessary to use sunscreen every time you leave the house and wear sunglasses in clear weather.

Expression wrinkles under the eyes also appear from improper handling of the area around the eyes. This area requires delicacy; its thin skin should not be stretched, as frequent stretching can cause it to quickly lose its elasticity. The following factors contribute to stretching of the eyelid skin:

  1. Incompetent facial massage. All massage techniques should be performed only along massage lines. In the periocular area, massage lines run from the center to the temples - along the upper eyelid, and from the temples to the center - along the lower.
  2. Improper application and removal of makeup. Makeup application and makeup removal should also be done along massage lines, without strong pressure. The cream should be driven in with light patting movements with your fingertips, trying not to displace the skin.
  3. Rubbing the eyelids with your hands or a towel. Try not to rub your eyes. After washing, do not wipe your face, but pat lightly and apply cream to damp skin.
  4. Swelling of the eyelids. Regular swelling of the eyelids in the morning leads to stretching of the skin, loss of elasticity and the formation of wrinkles. Try to determine the cause of swelling and eliminate it.
  5. Incorrect sleeping position. Sleeping on high pillows interferes with the drainage of lymph, which causes morning swelling of the face. Sleeping face down on a pillow helps stretch the skin. The most favorable position for maintaining a youthful face is considered to be sleeping on your back with a low pillow.

The use of alcohol-containing lotions and other care products also contributes to early aging of the skin of the eye area. For makeup removal, use only cosmetic milk or cream intended for dry skin.


If you constantly keep the skin of your eyelids moisturized, it will retain good tone for a long time, and wrinkles will appear on it much later. And even if shallow expression wrinkles have already formed, proper care of the area around the eyes with regular high-quality hydration helps get rid of wrinkles under the eyes.

  1. Before each application of the cream, the skin must be moisturized. This can be tonic, regular or micellar water, regular or cosmetic ice, homemade masks. Applying cream to unmoisturized skin is useless at best. Indeed, due to a lack of moisture in the depths of the skin, the active ingredients of the cream will not be able to be active.
  2. After any contact of the skin with water or moisturizers - ice, home masks, tonic, it is necessary to apply cream. This will create a protective film that will not allow the liquid to quickly evaporate and will facilitate its penetration into the deeper layers of the skin. During the day, moisturizing creams are used for this purpose; at night, oily night creams are used.
  3. Do not forget about the internal hydration of the body, observing the optimal drinking regime - 1–1.5 liters of clean water daily.

You can enhance the positive effect of regular moisturizing by using various eye masks.

By regularly following these rules, you can achieve a significant improvement in the condition of the eyelid skin and get rid of wrinkles under the eyes when they are not very pronounced. For cases of more pronounced age-related wrinkles, in addition to regular moisturizing measures, special procedures are used, which we will discuss below.

Quickly get rid of wrinkles under the eyes

It often happens that you need to look good for a certain date - a family celebration or other event. For such cases, there are methods to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes quickly.

One of such effective measures is a plasticizing mask, which quickly tones the skin and smoothes out wrinkles. It is prepared from the beaten white of 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and wheat flour. You should get a thick dough.

Apply a homemade plasticizing mask around the eyes, covering the temples and upper cheeks. In this case, you need to lie on your back, relaxing your facial muscles, because this mask has fixing properties. You need to keep the mask for 20-30 minutes until it hardens, and then remove it, apply moisturizer and after it is absorbed, you can start applying makeup.

There are also ready-made cosmetics that have a similar effect.

They also allow you to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes quickly, however, as with a homemade plasticizing mask, the effect of their use will be temporary.

Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes using cosmetology methods

If there are deep wrinkles under the eyes, how to get rid of them, cosmetology currently offers many methods. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Botulinum therapy, or botulinum toxin injections, is one of the most effective ways to combat expression wrinkles. The effect is achieved due to the temporary immobilization of facial muscles under the influence of weakened neurotoxins produced by bacteria that cause botulism.

Mesotherapy is the introduction of anti-aging drugs into the skin through multiple microinjections. Particularly effective is this type of mesotherapy, such as biorevitalization, in which products based on hyaluronic acid are introduced. Hyaluronic acid is the most effective means of deeply moisturizing the skin. It is also used for highly effective anti-wrinkle contouring procedures.

Contour plastic surgery eliminates wrinkles under the eyes by filling the skin folds from the inside with gels based on hyaluronic acid or collagen. Filler injections are made along deep wrinkles and tear grooves. The smoothing effect occurs not only due to the mechanical filling of the cavities with fillers, but also due to the moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid.

Chemical peeling of the area around the eyes is performed with low concentration acids. At the same time, the upper layers of the skin are destroyed, which stimulates its regeneration and rejuvenation with the disappearance of fine wrinkles and increased tone.

Laser resurfacing is one of the most popular methods of rejuvenation, which involves removing particles of old skin to stimulate its regeneration. For the area around the eyes, its gentle version is most often used - fractional thermolysis, which allows you to calculate the strength of the laser for each individual case.

Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes at 30

Many women who have crossed the thirty-year mark are concerned about wrinkles under the eyes; how to get rid of this annoying sign of age at 30?
Proper treatment of the area around the eyes and regular moisturizing is the key to a long-term absence of noticeable wrinkles. However, after 30 years, to maintain the youthful appearance of the skin around the eyes, some additional measures are required - the use of special anti-aging creams and serums for the skin of the eyelids, as well as, if necessary, some of the methods of modern cosmetology - botulinum therapy, biorevitalization, chemical peels.

Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes at 40

Forty-year-old women often develop noticeable wrinkles under their eyes; how can you get rid of this defect in appearance at the age of 40?

If before the age of forty it is still possible to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes with the help of home remedies and special anti-aging serums and creams, then after overcoming this milestone, to preserve the youthful appearance of the eyelids, heavy artillery will be required in the form of botulinum therapy, biorevitalization, chemical peelings, contouring using fillers on based on hyaluronic acid. Wrinkles under the eyes at 40 years old are something that modern cosmetology can easily cope with.

Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes at 50

Fifty-year-old ladies are usually characterized by deep wrinkles under the eyes; how can you get rid of this age-related sign at the age of 50?

At 50 years old, the desire to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes is no less than at a younger age. Moreover, age-related changes become more and more noticeable - wrinkles under the eyes deepen, “notches” appear along the orbital bone at the temples, and the tear groove deepens. All these signs of aging are successfully combated by such methods of modern cosmetology as contouring with fillers based on hyaluronic acid, laser resurfacing, chemical peelings, biorevitalization, botulinum therapy. Using these methods helps get rid of wrinkles under the eyes at 50 years of age and beyond.


The skin of the eyelids, due to its characteristics, is most vulnerable to aging factors, so the problem of how to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes arises in women at a fairly young age. Proper care of the skin around the eyes, regular frequent moisturizing and the use of modern cosmetology achievements help to delay the appearance of wrinkles as much as possible and effectively fight them at 30, 40, and 50.

Every girl at any age strives to look beautiful, young and well-groomed. But, most often, by the age of 30, and sometimes earlier, girls begin to notice wrinkles around the eyes. It is there that the skin is thin and delicate, there are almost no muscles that could maintain the elasticity of the skin, there is almost no sebum and sebaceous glands. Alas, this is a natural process determined by the very structure of the skin in this place. Unfortunately, we cannot change the structure of the skin, but we can begin to carefully and properly care for it, ensuring its youth and delaying the signs of aging.

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes at 30 years old

There are several reasons why wrinkles around the eyes appear at such a fairly early age:

  1. Hereditary predisposition
  2. Bad habits (abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking)
  3. Insufficient skin care around the eyes
  4. Increased facial activity


  5. Prolonged exposure to the sun
  6. Use of low-quality cosmetics
  7. Poor nutrition
  8. Stress, overwork

If you start immediately and effectively deal with small wrinkles that have appeared, you can achieve very good results. There are many ways available today to combat wrinkles around the eyes.

Modern cosmetological care methods

Beauty salons will offer you several options for effective cosmetic procedures. Let's look at the most popular ones.

  1. Photorejuvenation. The skin on the face is exposed to flashes of pulsed light, which activates the production of collagen and elastin


  2. Mesotherapy. Special meso-cocktails are introduced under the skin, which enrich the skin with nutrients, which, in turn, accelerate the regeneration of the dermis.
  3. Contour plastic. Introducing special different fillers, not drugs. Most often, this is hyaluronic acid - a natural component of our body. This solves not only the problem of contour correction, but also improves the overall condition of the skin - it becomes more toned, elastic and moisturized.

Cosmetics to reduce wrinkles around the eyes

The entire variety of cosmetic products for skin care around the eyes can be divided into several groups:

  1. Masks
  2. Vitamins
  3. Non-specialized drugs

Let's look at each group in more detail.


  1. The most popular are placental face masks, which help restore the skin to a fresh and toned appearance. These are relatively inexpensive remedies and have almost no contraindications.


  2. Vitamin preparation Aevit. The capsule must be crushed and applied to the skin around the eyes. The effect already appears within a week.
  3. Liquorice root will help in the fight not only against wrinkles, but also against dark circles under the eyes.
  4. Apricot kernel oil, peach oil, almond oil, olive oil will help not only saturate the skin with vitamins, but also rejuvenate it.


  1. Vitamin A. Apply either pure or together with oils. The course of application is 2 weeks, break for a month and repeat again.
  2. Vitamin F Relieves irritation, dryness, enriches the skin with fatty acids.
  3. Vitamin E. Relieves dryness, improves metabolism.

Not specialized means

  1. Relief ointment. The ointment contains shark liver oil, which contains a lot of useful substances. It is what gives the skin elasticity and eliminates inflammation. Course of application – 2 weeks.


  2. Gel Curiosin. Contains hyaluronic acid. Can be used in conjunction with vitamins. To achieve noticeable results, the rejuvenation course must last at least three months.
  3. Heparin ointment. The main purpose is to combat bruises, pimples, and wrinkles. The ointment can cause allergies, so before use it is advisable to test it for an allergic reaction. It is also prohibited to use the ointment for bleeding disorders, pregnant and lactating women, or those with individual intolerance to the components of the ointment.

Home and folk recipes

There are many different folk methods to combat wrinkles around the eyes. They will not replace basic care, but will perfectly complement it, which will allow you to achieve better skin rejuvenation results in a shorter time.

  1. Aloe juice. Rub in pure form with fingertips or a cotton pad. Perfectly moisturizes the skin and gives freshness.


  2. Parsley. It is necessary to chop it finely, put it in gauze bags and place it on the eyes for 20 minutes. This mask will restore elasticity to the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles.
  3. Coconut or olive oil. Perfectly moisturizes and smoothes the skin. Apply with stroking movements from the outer to the inner corner of the eye along the lower eyelid and vice versa along the upper.
  4. Cucumber. As everyone has long known, it refreshes perfectly and fights fine wrinkles. To do this, cut the cucumber into thin slices and place it on your eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  5. White bread. Soak in milk. Distribute the resulting paste around the eyes for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The skin will become softer and more elastic.
  6. Banana. Grind the pulp into a paste, add 2 teaspoons of melted butter. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes, and rinse with warm water.


  7. Raw grated potatoes. Add a spoonful of heavy cream and apply the paste around the eyes for 20 minutes, wash with warm water.
  8. Honey and oatmeal. Mix honey, ground oatmeal, strong tea and water in equal proportions. Warm the mixture and apply to the skin, cover with a napkin and lie with this mask for half an hour. Then wash off.
  9. Egg yolk. Just apply to your eyelids, massage a little and rinse off.
  10. Spinach juice. Apply to the skin around the eyes for half an hour. Wipe off any remaining residue with a napkin.
  11. Strawberry. Crush the berries, add honey, transfer the pulp into gauze bags and keep it in front of your eyes for half an hour. Then wash your face.


  12. Sauerkraut. Distribute on gauze bags. Place on eyes for 20 minutes. After rinse with warm water, apply olive oil. It is recommended to use this mask for 10 days every 3 months.
  13. Rubbing with a strong solution of sea salt. Stimulates blood circulation and gives the skin a healthy appearance.
  14. Contrast water procedures also have a beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes. First you need to make a warm compress and then wash with cool water.
  15. Camphor cream. Mix camphor oil and pork fat in equal proportions. Mix until smooth. Apply to the skin before going to bed, after removing makeup.
  16. Linseed oil. Warm it up, soak cotton pads in it and apply it to your eyes for half an hour. Afterwards wash with warm water. The procedure perfectly fights dark circles under the eyes, and also removes expression wrinkles. It is recommended to do it every two days.


  17. Curd and honey mask. In equal parts, mix full-fat cottage cheese with warm milk, 30 grams each, add honey and cream, 5 grams each. Mix until smooth. Distribute into two gauze bags and apply to the eyes. For 15 minutes. Afterwards we wash ourselves.
  18. Massage with ice cubes of infusion of medicinal plants. An infusion can be made from parsley, calendula, and chamomile in equal proportions. You can add aloe juice and a few drops of lemon juice. Massage these cubes wrapped in a thin cloth onto the skin around your eyes for a few minutes. This massage will restore elasticity and freshness to the skin and saturate it with essential vitamins.

How to prevent wrinkles around the eyes at an early age

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, it is necessary to combat the causes of their appearance, which were already mentioned above in the article.