Wrinkles near the wings of the nose

Nasolabial folds originate in the upper part of the face - the initial “sides” at the wings of the nose, are always provoked by hypertonicity (spasm) of the muscles of the lateral part of the nose. It involves the nasal muscle and the muscle that lifts the upper lip and the wing of the nose.

When these muscles spasm, shorten and pull upward, they pull the skin of the orbicularis oris muscle with them. As a result, part of the skin overlying the muscle becomes redundant and begins to thicken, forming a dense nasolabial ridge. In conditions of spasm and poor blood circulation, the alar part of the nose becomes overgrown with cartilage and fatty tissue. Lymph-fat bumps are formed, which become denser and more pronounced over time. The resulting bulge enhances the retraction of the infraorbital zone and creates the impression of “sunken eyes.”

  1. The effect of sunken eyes, which is provoked by a spasm of the alar part of the nasal muscle.
  2. The effect of sunken eyes, which is created due to the appearance of elongation of the central bridge of the nose due to lifting up its lateral parts.
  3. Formation of the nasolabial rim. In addition to the alar part of the nasal muscle, the levator labii superioris and alae nasalis muscle and the levator labii superioris muscle also contribute to development.

Ladies, I am faced with the same problem - wrinkles around the nose. No matter how much I formulate the request, Google in Russian and English only returns nasolabials. I have dry skin that has finally been restored to normal (more or less). She was very dehydrated, and red, inflamed, scaly folds spread from the bridge of her nose to her cheeks, sometimes the peeling even turned into crusts.
Now wrinkles and creases have appeared in those places, which look like longitudinal cracks in the skin, but these are not cracks. This is all located ABOVE the wings of the nose, that is, it seems to “grow” from the upper edge of the fold of the wings, in the place where the back of the nose smoothly passes into the cheek. How to get rid of this? Maybe inject hyaluronic acid, biorevitalization? Even in old people, when the whole face is wrinkled, there are never any wrinkles in this place.

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist with the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Creases and then wrinkles are the main problem of dry skin. What can I say on the issue? - I should have thought earlier. Moisturize and moisturize the skin only now, so that it does not “grow” further.

Only yesterday I discovered that I was slightly like this, and on one side. I also thought that even the old ones don’t have these. But I have oily skin, I often squeeze out pimples in these masts and using the cream it dries out very much (( I’m 27

Apply a little acetic acid overnight and it will all come off overnight)))

Only yesterday I discovered that I was slightly like this, and on one side. I also thought that even the old ones don’t have these. But I have oily skin, I often squeeze out pimples in these masts and using the cream it dries out very much (( I’m 27

Looks like peelings, fruity. And then MESO.

How long ago did you put your skin in order more or less and in what way?
If it is due to dryness, then with a 99% probability it will go away over time if you keep your skin in good condition.
You just need to be patient and not take rash steps.
I took care of my skin for six months, now it’s even better than it was BEFORE the disaster. True, I missed my eyes, because... there were no obvious problems)) then the same trouble began. I’m currently being treated with Radevit - I didn’t even realize that it was such an effective thing, in the very first days the effect was already evident. I was afraid to apply retinoids, but now I’ll definitely try a course.

Related topics

Panthenol spray is good for dry skin, it costs a penny at the pharmacy, apply to damp skin.
Inject with hyaluronic acid (unstable, which is for moisturizing), the same Stylage hydro, you can buy a syringe from a cosmetologist and pierce your creases in several approaches (2-3 times).

How long ago did you put your skin in order more or less and in what way?
If it is due to dryness, then with a 99% probability it will go away over time if you keep your skin in good condition.
You just need to be patient and not take rash steps.
I took care of my skin for six months, now it’s even better than it was BEFORE the disaster. True, I missed my eyes, because... there were no obvious problems)) then the same trouble began. I’m currently being treated with Radevit - I didn’t even realize that it was such an effective thing, in the very first days the effect was already evident. I was afraid to apply retinoids, but now I’ll definitely try a course.

Author, you should read this thread
You will never want to inject anything.
You won’t find any good doctors here during the day, and cosmetology is an even more scary field.
It would be better to contact a dermatologist in a timely manner with these crusts. instead of experimenting with jars. If there are crusts, redness is a disease, not a “cosmetic defect”. So, go torture dermatologists first with such problems.

I saw a dermatologist and she said it was due to dryness and total dehydration of the crust and flaking. She told me to moisturize intensively, not to wash my face, and to drink a lot.
Plus, I bought myself a cream with tretinoin (because against the background of dehydration, a pimple can also pop up, and the pores are enlarged and all clogged). Now the condition of the skin is much better, it is soft, I also cleaned it recently.
Another doctor (a dermatologist who had the cleansing done) said that if these wrinkles are bothering you, apply moisturizer or meso and they will smooth out. I’m thinking, maybe I should try to remove them somehow differently?

When I was young, I had crusts from an infection (if the barrier is broken, an infection can get in, which causes suppuration and crusts). I consulted a dermatologist (a doctor, not a cosmetologist). I was cured easily and simply with Vishnevsky ointment, no traces remained.
And incredible “wrinkling” can be due to allergies. Or as a result of self-medication with incomprehensible jars.
The doctor should have written a prescription, and not sent her to pick out cosmetics herself.

Using my own example, I would advise doing Biorevitalization with hydrate.

Ladies, I am faced with the same problem - wrinkles around the nose. No matter how much I formulate the request, Google in Russian and English only returns nasolabials. I have dry skin that has finally been restored to normal (more or less). She was very dehydrated, and red, inflamed, scaly folds spread from the bridge of her nose to her cheeks, sometimes the peeling even turned into crusts. Now wrinkles and creases have appeared in those places, which look like longitudinal cracks in the skin, but these are not cracks. This is all located ABOVE the wings of the nose, that is, it seems to “grow” from the upper edge of the fold of the wings, in the place where the back of the nose smoothly passes into the cheek. How to get rid of this? Maybe inject hyaluronic acid, biorevitalization? Even in old people, when the whole face is wrinkled, there are never any wrinkles in this place.

I can recommend biorevitalization. I did biorevitalization with the drug IAL-System, I am very pleased with the result.

Girls, I found a proven method on how to lose weight, tested on myself and my friends! Ginger bath soda has recently appeared on our market. Everyone knows that in water people lose weight on their own, but here there is a special soda that increases this effect, and even ginger. Besides the fact that I lost weight, my skin also became tighter)
We bought everything here:

Hello, I’m 23 and I have a big problem, wrinkles are starting to appear on the sides of my nose, I don’t know what it is and I’m having trouble, help me.

I wanted to do plastic surgery. But she made an alter of systems. I'm very pleased with the result. And most importantly, it doesn’t hurt and there is no recovery period.

Can you recommend a clinic? I'm going to do it too.

Revival - I did it there. You can read about altera in the magazine “Beauty Expertiza”.

How do you like the result?

The skin is tightened, smooth, even, a clear oval has appeared, there are no wrinkles. Everything was as planned. It’s good that I refused plastic surgery.

Ladies, I am faced with the same problem - wrinkles around the nose. No matter how much I formulate the request, Google in Russian and English only returns nasolabials. I have dry skin that has finally been restored to normal (more or less). She was very dehydrated, and red, inflamed, scaly folds spread from the bridge of her nose to her cheeks, sometimes the peeling even turned into crusts.
Now wrinkles and creases have appeared in those places, which look like longitudinal cracks in the skin, but these are not cracks. This is all located ABOVE the wings of the nose, that is, it seems to “grow” from the upper edge of the fold of the wings, in the place where the back of the nose smoothly passes into the cheek. How to get rid of this? Maybe inject hyaluronic acid, biorevitalization? Even in old people, when the whole face is wrinkled, there are never any wrinkles in this place. [/ ] hello) did you solve your problem?

Apparently you sleep on the side where the wrinkles formed.


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Skin basalioma

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Skin basal cell carcinoma is a tumor that develops from the cells of the basal layer of the epidermis. This formation is classified as a cancerous tumor, but sometimes it is also classified as special. Skin basalioma is not a benign neoplasm and at the same time it does not have the signs of a cancerous tumor. Its growth rate is quite slow, and there are no metastases.

Clinical picture

How basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer) will manifest depends on the type of tumor itself:

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  1. Superficial - has an oval or round shape with a pink tint.
  2. Pigmented - the affected area acquires a rich color.
  3. Tumor - a half-centimeter tumor of a nodular shape, smooth to the touch.
  4. Ulcerative - appears either independently or as a result of erosion. It has the appearance of an ulcer, its edges are roll-shaped and slightly raised.
  5. Scleroderma-like - characterized by a white tint and has the appearance of a plaque with foci of growth.

Despite the variety of clinical forms, basalioma often looks like a dense, small-sized neoplasm.

Most often, such a tumor forms in places:

  1. Upper lip;
  2. Corner of the eyes;
  3. wings of the nose;
  4. Nasolabial folds.

In the center of the basal cell carcinoma you can see a depression covered with a crust. People very often are completely unprincipled about this neoplasm, mistaking it for a simple pimple that will go away on its own over time. But since basal cell carcinoma cannot be eliminated without medical methods, self-medication will not help.

You cannot delay treatment of basal cell carcinoma for a long time, as this will lead to its increase in size.

From the moment of its appearance, skin basal cell carcinoma does not cause pain, which prevents people from visiting the doctor for some time.

A skin tumor is not an ordinary cancer due to the lack of metastases in its other organs and tissues. But with all this, it is not harmless, since increased in size, it contributes to the destruction of nearby tissues and damage to muscles and even bones. When basal cell carcinoma affects a nerve, a person experiences severe pain.

Reasons for appearance

As a rule, skin basal cell carcinoma develops in older people, starting from the age of sixty-five. In addition, in most cases, residents of villages suffer from it; in urban areas, this phenomenon is much less common.

The most common factors that provoke tumor development are:

  1. Violation of immune processes in the body;
  2. Exposure to radioactive elements;
  3. Genetic predisposition to neoplasms.

Treatment of basal cell carcinoma

Basalioma is treated using many different techniques.

So, if the tumor is small, it can be removed through surgery. X-ray therapy in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma is also not losing ground. Moreover, the latter can be used as independent therapy in the case of small basal cell carcinoma, or as an option for complex therapy. Facial tumors are treated with radiotherapy.

An equally effective way to get rid of skin basal cell carcinoma is to use the cryogenic destruction method. This means that the tumor is exposed to low temperatures, resulting in the death of tumor cells. This method of treatment is painless and beneficial, is not accompanied by bleeding and does not cause complications.

If you resort to treatment for basal cell carcinoma in a timely manner, the effect will be one hundred percent. But it is still better to protect yourself from such a disease. To do this, you need to follow some rules that will help minimize the risk:

  1. It is necessary to protect the body from harmful rays of the sun, which is especially important for older people;
  2. It is necessary to protect human skin from prolonged exposure to carcinogens;
  3. If there are ulcers and erosions on the body that do not heal for a long time, you need to immediately resort to treatment.