Wrinkles on stars photo

For us, celebrities are an ideal and role model. Impeccable appearance and ideal facial features - this is how we see them from our TV screens. And few people know that even in their appearance there are serious flaws that they carefully hide. Some of these defects were considered in ancient times to be marks of the damned.


Here are 15 shocking defects in the appearance of stars that you had no idea about:

Celebrity Defects

1. Megan Fox


Who would have thought that even the sexy beauty Megan Fox has a serious defect in her appearance. One of the hottest women in the world is beautiful, but... not to her toes.

The thing is that the actress suffers from brachydactyly. This is a disease in which the thumbs are underdeveloped, causing the nails on these fingers to be very short and noticeably different from the others.


On one of the shoots, where her hands were supposed to appear in close-up in the frame, Megan resorted to the services of a stunt double, since her hands were not beautiful enough for such filming.

If you look closely at Fox's photographs, you can indeed notice the aesthetically ugly phalanges that disfigure her hands.

2. Britney Spears


It is known that Britney Spears suffers from psoriasis. This is a skin condition characterized by scaly red patches that flare up when the sufferer is stressed or extremely anxious.

Considering Britney's popularity and her frequent public appearances, one can come to the conclusion that the star is often under pressure and stress. Therefore, it is not surprising that the condition of the skin regularly worsens.

3. Kylie Jenner


Scars are known to adorn men. But they clearly spoil the girls.

The beautiful Kylie Jenner has a huge scar on her left leg, which she tries to carefully hide. The story of its origin is quite banal: once as a child, while playing hide and seek with her sister, five-year-old Kylie hid behind a high fence from which sharp metal sticks stuck out.

When no one found Kylie, she had to climb over this gate. Without calculating the trajectory, the baby fell straight onto these sticks, piercing her left leg through one of these sharp metal lances.

4. Jennifer Garner


Ben Affleck's famous wife, the beautiful Jennifer Garner, has a crooked little finger. The actress suffers from the same disease as Megan Fox. Only, unlike the first one, in Jennifer this disease manifested itself on her toes.

The medical term is brachydactyly, which is when one of the toe bones is too short, causing the toes to overlap each other.


However, the actress herself is not ashamed of her defect, she happily wears open shoes and shows off her not-so-ideal toes.

5. Kesha


Bright and eccentric, Kesha has always been different from the rest from the very first day of her birth.

In one of her interviews, the girl admitted that she was born... with a ponytail.

I had a tail when I was born. It was a tiny tail, only a few centimeters long, which was subsequently amputated. My ponytail was simply stolen from me.

That's why her many fans love her - Kesha would probably keep her flaw if given the choice.

6. Ashton Kutcher


Handsome heartthrob Ashton Kutcher also has one defect, which, however, did not prevent him from building a successful career.

The actor has webbed toes, that is, two fingers are connected by a membrane. Of course, the actor's feet are rarely included in the frame.

And, perhaps, this flaw in his appearance would have remained a secret to everyone if Ashton himself had not talked about it in one of the television programs in which he took part. Moreover, the actor took off his sock and showed his foot and toes to the television cameras.

Celebrity Disadvantages

7. Lily Allen


Lily Allen is absolutely not shy about the third nipple on her body. Moreover, she gladly demonstrates it on various television shows.

It should be noted that the girl is lucky to live in the 21st century. Indeed, in the Middle Ages, women who were found to have a third nipple were simply burned at the stake, mistaking them for witches.


Today there is nothing terrible about this defect.

8. Karolina Kurkova


Czech model Karolina Kurkova is missing a navel. Fortunately, there is a saving Photoshop for such people.


And, perhaps, this defect in her appearance would have remained secret if not for the fashion shows of the Victoria’s Secret brand, where girls have to go on the catwalk in almost negligee. But now Carolina is not ashamed of the fact that she has this flaw on her body.

9. Kate Bosworth


Actress and model Kate Bosworth suffers from a rare disease - heterochromia. This disease is characterized by the fact that the eyes have different colored membranes.

This deficiency is most common in cats. In humans, this phenomenon is observed very rarely.


The actress's right eye is brown, and her left eye is blue.

It is noteworthy that at the very beginning, when Kate appeared on the carpet, journalists were misled by her eye color; they believed that the girl had simply mixed up her lenses.

10. Andy Garcia


Actor Andy Garcia built his acting career thanks to his appearance and wild charisma.

Few people know that he was born with a conjoined twin attached to his shoulder. Wow, huh? Now the only thing that reminds the actor of this fact is the scar on his shoulder, which was formed as a result of an operation to remove a Siamese twin.

11. Joaquin Phoenix


The actor was born with a cleft lip, which, however, did not prevent him from building a successful career.

According to experts, such a defect can form due to microdamage to the fetus in the womb. Judging by the scar above his lip, Joaquin resorted to the help of plastic surgeons to get rid of this defect.

12. Vanessa Paradi


It was the gap between the teeth that became the calling card of the actress, model and singer Vanessa Paradis. A defect in appearance did not prevent the girl from building a successful star career, as well as finding happiness in her personal life with the famous heartthrob Johnny Depp.

Moreover, thanks to Vanessa, this flaw in the world of show business began to be considered a highlight in appearance. After all, it gives its owner charm and individuality. Today, many famous women can boast of that same gap between their teeth.

However, experts call this flaw a malocclusion.

13. Paris Hilton


Surely many fans have noticed more than once that socialite Paris Hilton looks somehow strange in photographs.

The point is the asymmetry of the girl’s eyes. Paris's left eye always seems to be slightly squinted. It is possible that due to the numerous plastic surgeries that Paris resorted to, her left eyelid began to sag.

This effect was exacerbated by Paris's love of wearing colored contact lenses.

In addition, the lenses thinned the already weak and thin membrane of the eyes. However, Paris is not worried about this, and, apparently, is not going to change anything about herself.

14. Halle Berry


The beautiful Halle Berry has six toes on her foot. Usually this defect is corrected surgically in childhood.

However, Berry's parents did not risk putting their daughter under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Now, when Holly wears open-toed shoes, this defect is visible to everyone.


By the way, a similar flaw is also observed in the famous American presenter Oprah Winfrey, who also, apparently, does not have any complexes about this.

15. Hrithik Roshan


The sex symbol of Indian cinema and simply a handsome man, Hrithik Roshan, has two thumbs on his right hand.

The actor himself is not worried about this and is not going to somehow eliminate this defect.

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Take our word for it - in everyday life, looking at themselves in the mirror, the most famous women on the planet see the same thing as you! And the best argument to support our words will be these 45 photos of stars from the closest distance, which will increase your self-esteem by 100%!

What are the reasons for wrinkles around the nose, and why even celebrities can’t get rid of them.

Larisa Kudaeva · December 4, 2018

Nobody wants to grow old. But over the years, the production of the necessary substances that keep the body in good shape becomes worse and worse. Nature begins to draw age on the face with the help of wrinkles, folds, and grooves. And if the mind becomes more flexible and insightful with life experience, then the body, having walked a many-year life marathon, loses its elasticity. Nasolabial folds are one of the first to notify that “the girl is ripe” - from the word “maturity”. These vertical skin folds along the nose treacherously descend to the corners of the lips, the cheeks droop, and the facial features become sadder. And no matter how much of your money the plastic surgeon’s pocket is interested in, “sadness” shamelessly settles in the drooping corners of your mouth over the years. This is confirmed by the faces of even the richest and most famous.

Let's look at the 56-year-old Demmy Moor.



We all know that the star of "Striptease" can even handle "G.I. Jane." The actress tirelessly plays sports and painstakingly monitors her appearance with the help of plastic surgeons. But you can't fool nature. Collagen and elastin, which are responsible for creating a dense, elastic skin frame without declaring war, are produced less and less. As a result, the skin loses its ability to retain moisture, becomes dehydrated, becomes flabby and begins to sag. And even though you gather it up to the top of your head and tie it in a bunch, it is still less and less able to hold dense muscles and fat in the cheek area. The nasolabial folds no longer say “hello, beautiful,” they confess their love to their owner and promise never to leave her.

It must be admitted that not only age affects the appearance of folds in the nose area, but also the very birth of a girl, for example, from African parents. Mom and dad gave it to me Whoopi Goldberg Such anatomical features of the face that from a young age, Caryn Johnson (real name Whoopi) had cute folds around her mouth. And no collagen masks or beauty injections would help here - such is the structure of the Oscar-winning actress’s skull.