Is it possible to shave a mole?

Many people, especially women, are concerned when a mole appears with facial hair. And some even believe that this is a mystical sign. In addition, most of us do not know why such formations appear and how to get rid of them. Previously, it was generally believed that people with such marks were messengers from hell. Therefore they were executed at the stake. But after some time, women began to believe that such formations could be considered jewelry, and they even painted them on their faces. But it’s one thing for a mole to be beautiful and neat, and another thing for it to be when vegetation begins to appear on it. Then the question arises: is it possible to pull out hair from a mole? Let's figure it out now.


Should you worry if hair starts to grow on a mole? As it has become known recently, moles are neoplasms that, under the influence of certain factors, can develop into a malignant tumor.


And if you really touch this formation often, you can get an infection and only harm yourself. There are many cases where an ordinary mole developed into a tumor. Mostly people are concerned that such moles may be large, convex, hurt, or hair will grow on them.

Not dangerous

What to do if hair grows from a mole? What does it mean? This is actually not a problem and there is no need to worry. You need to know that hairs do not grow on moles that degenerate into a tumor.


And, according to scientists, such formations on the body are not dangerous. Their only drawback is their lack of aesthetics. The reason why hair grows on a mole is that there are more hair follicles in this area.


So is it possible to pull hair out of a mole? People who have hair growing on a mole try not to touch or remove it. After all, they are afraid of harming themselves in this way. But no need to worry. There are ways in which such hairs can be removed. If you do this at home, it is best not to pull it out with tweezers, but to carefully cut it off so that it is not visible. And this will not harm, but will help get rid of annoying vegetation for a while. However, one should not assume that the presence of hairs is a sign of serious pathologies in the body or on the skin. But according to the latest data, it is possible to have surgery to remove hair from a mole.

Exploratory survey

Before you begin to remove hairs from a mole, you need to undergo an examination, with which you can tell whether it is possible to influence the bulbs of unwanted vegetation.


If, when removing hairs, a mole begins to change, hurt, or ooze, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Therefore, as mentioned above, you need to consult a doctor before you begin hair removal. This way you can avoid unpleasant consequences.

Reasons for appearance

How does it appear? And why does hair grow from a mole?

  1. A mole may appear due to hereditary predisposition.
  2. When a woman's hormonal levels change. This usually goes away during pregnancy. But in addition to the fact that moles appear during pregnancy, this tendency has also been noticed in adolescents. And all because rapid puberty occurs during this period. In addition, even during menopause, hairs on the mole may grow.
  3. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, moles - nevi - also develop on the skin. With prolonged exposure to sunlight on the human body, the skin begins to experience stress. This leads to intensive production of melanin, and as a result, the growth of moles.

Examine the stain before removing hair

If a person discovers a new spot on his body on which vegetation appears, the thought immediately arises: is it possible to pull out hair from a mole?


Before you begin removal, you need to pay attention to the newly formed stain.

  1. hairs can be removed from moles that are flat and small in size, and also if the edges are smooth. These formations are the safest.
  2. If the mole is large in size and has uneven edges, protruding, then hair pulling can be resorted to only after the doctor looks at the formation and conducts a full examination.

When a person with a problem turns to a doctor and asks whether it is possible to pull out hair from a mole, he answers that you can only resort to cutting or special removal methods.

Prohibited Methods

What not to do to get rid of unwanted hair on a mole?

  1. Some people get rid of hair by shaving it, which is strictly forbidden, because the blade can damage the surface of the mole. As a result, an infection will get there, blood poisoning may occur, and a tumor may develop.
  2. Another method used to get rid of hair is waxing. But if hair grows on a mole, it cannot be removed in this way. This can damage this area of ​​the body.
  3. Removing hairs using chemical hair removal is also prohibited due to the fact that the integrity of the problem area of ​​the skin is again compromised.


  1. You should not pluck with tweezers (especially if facial hair grows from a mole) without a doctor’s permission. This procedure is very dangerous if done carelessly. Then a malignant tumor may develop. Vegetation can be removed only after the stain has been fully examined and the doctor has confirmed that it is benign.

What to do if a birthmark appears on your head?

When a mole appears on the head, its development is determined by where it is located and what color it is. In this case, you need to be very careful with this formation on your head, especially when combing and going to the hairdresser. If you are careful, such a mole will not pose a danger.

But such formations are not always small and do not interfere with their owner. If a cosmetic problem arises, it is best to remove the formation immediately so as not to provoke the development of cancer cells.


Adults can cope with difficulties on their own. But special attention should be paid to the problem when a mole appears on a child’s head. Again, you need to look at what shape the baby has. If the mole is flat, this is not a cause for concern. But at the same time, it is best to teach your baby how to properly handle this stain - do not comb or scratch. And if the mole has a convex shape, it is best to remove it immediately.

A little conclusion

Now you know why hair grows from a mole. We also talked about removing vegetation on it. We looked at both permitted and prohibited methods. In any case, it is worth consulting with a qualified specialist before any procedures.

Why can't you remove moles? To begin with, what are they? A mole is a congenital or acquired benign formation. The scientific name of a mole is nevus. The reason moles appear is melanin. This is a coloring element and with its sharp increase in skin cells, small marks of different colors may appear on the body. Sooner or later, every person asks the question, what will happen if you rip off a mole?


When shaving, you can easily rip off a nevus by accident.

Possible consequences of damage

First of all, let's look at two types, the appearance of which depends on their placement in the skin.

  1. Flat type. These nevi originate no deeper than the epidermis and do not cause any discomfort to humans.
  2. Convex views. They are located deeper in the skin, protruding slightly higher above the surface of the body.

A traumatized nevus is indeed very serious. Although this is a benign formation, it can easily become malignant if there is injury and infection enters the blood. It will be considered malignant when a harmless spot develops into melanoma.

Melanoma is a cancer that cannot be cured. Therefore, if you pick out the growth and neglect safety measures, you may encounter serious health problems.


Flat nevus practically does not protrude above the surface of the skin

Signs of a damaged mole

People whose formations have an unfortunate location most often ask questions about problems with them. By inconvenient location we mean the feet, which often rub, the armpits, the waist or the neck. Very often, damage to a mole can be observed when a man shaves. If a convex growth has formed on the face of a representative of the stronger sex, it can easily damage the mole. Men can injure the formation on their facial skin and panic due to various rumors that inspire fear about the consequences of a ripped off mole.

The injury will immediately make itself felt. The first sign will be severe pain, which you will notice immediately. Bleeding may occur if the skin has been damaged. The second stage appears if you managed to cut off the mole completely. A burning sensation may occur here, the area around the nevus will turn red, and the tissue will begin to die. If you tore it, but did not completely erase it from the “face of the skin,” then the situation will not go beyond ordinary discomfort and will not suffer serious consequences.

Anyone can rip off a growth, regardless of the situation in which it happened, but is it worth panicking and what should be done first?


Regardless of location, a torn nevus will hurt and bleed

Precautions for mole damage

Ripping off a mole, like any other injury, can lead to a variety of consequences. It all depends on the situation and the person himself. Here, not a single specialist will advise you to treat yourself; even with an ordinary cut, there is always a chance of infection and tissue inflammation. However, if there is no way to contact help, you should be aware of basic preventative methods.

  1. If a mole is torn off, the result will be elementary bleeding. Stop it with medical cotton wool or cotton swabs. The wounded area must be neutralized with hydrogen peroxide, which should be in every home. Press the soaked cotton wool onto the damaged area, secure with bandages and leave until the bleeding stops. Twenty minutes will be enough to stop the bleeding. Now you have disinfected the torn area and stopped the bleeding. This item is for people who have torn off a mole, but cannot quickly see a doctor and enter into Internet search engines: “what happens if you tear off a mole.”
  2. After that, secure this area even better. To treat the injured area, use brilliant green or alcohol, this will kill the likelihood of infection in the blood.
  3. Now a point for those who have torn off a mole completely. It is very important to preserve it by placing it in saline solution. This is necessary in order to carry out all tests for the likelihood of the formation of a malignant tumor.
  4. Go to the clinic and report the incident to the doctor. At a minimum, call and consult, they will offer you the best options. Now you know what to do if a mole comes off.

You can catch a mole in any way:

  1. scratch the area on the back and inadvertently touch the nevus;
  2. accidentally cut;
  3. cut off the entire mole.

But don’t worry, if the above symptoms have never bothered you, then the likelihood of risk is significantly reduced. This applies to special individuals who manage to tear off the growth several times in a row. This happens if the mole is located in a place that is constantly susceptible to shaving - this situation is far from uncommon on the face of men. This can really lead to serious consequences, so in this case, the right decision would be to get rid of the nevus that causes discomfort.

But the main reasons for the formation of melanoma are precisely a person’s predisposition to cancer or strong ultraviolet radiation. This is the reason why moles should not be touched. You never know what the consequences may be for a particular person.

In the most likely and favorable case for us, even a severe single damage to a benign mole will result in nothing more than inflammation or suppuration. This is what happens if you rip off a mole. Only malignant nevi have serious consequences. Therefore, it is better not to tempt fate if you do not like a certain mole. Contact a specialist with these questions and they will offer you the best options for solving this problem.


If a person is predisposed to cancer, any trauma to the formation can trigger the process of melanoma

Symptoms of melanoma formation

If a person tears off or damages a growth while shaving and does not protect the affected area in any way, there is a possibility of melanoma formation. Yes, this is what will happen if you tear off a mole and do not carry out any disinfecting measures. Signs of growth of malignant tumor:

  1. shape deformation;
  2. curvature of the edges of the nevus;
  3. even if the mole is not damaged, it may bleed; chameleon effect - a mole can change color, lighten or darken;
  4. increase in size;
  5. the nevus becomes crusty;
  6. painful sensations;
  7. itching;
  8. hair grows from the nevus (don’t worry, for most people this happens on its own and does not guarantee the development of melanoma).

Effective options for removing moles from the face

There is already a prehistoric method of removing moles - surgery. Typically, nevi are removed only when they pose a threat, as this is a direct interference with the functioning of your body. The surgeon excises the growth with a scalpel and after the natural healing process, a small scar will remain. Because of this, such an operation is not performed on the face, but due to its cheapness, it can be applied to hidden places on the body, such as the back, hips, etc.

They can also be removed using liquid nitrogen; you can choose this option if the mole is on the face and causes discomfort during shaving in men. During the operation, local anesthesia is used, everything will be completed very quickly, and after it the skin will be covered with a crust, under which the healing process will take place. Ultimately, it disappears and there will be no trace left in the place of the mole.

Another modern method is removal using laser therapy. The operation is carried out within a couple of minutes, after which a small depression will remain, which disappears after two to three weeks. The method is inexpensive and effective.

Men tend to shave their stubble regularly, unless, of course, we are talking about avid bearded men. The shaving process itself is traumatic and dangerous, especially if there are rashes, moles, small defects, etc. on the face. On the Internet and on forums, the question increasingly arises of what to do if you cut a mole while shaving, because, as you know, damage to a papilloma is very dangerous and promises unpleasant consequences.

In fact, few men can know for sure whether the spring he damaged while shaving his stubble was benign or malignant. Therefore, it is necessary to ask a medical specialist about what to do in such a situation. Doctors note that those men who have a hereditary predisposition to oncology will be at risk.


What are moles?

If a man cuts a mole while shaving, many uninformed people turn a blind eye to such an injury. In fact, it is important to know in general what a mole is, as well as what consequences a person can expect if it is traumatized. From a medical point of view, a mole has a special term - nevus, that is, an initially benign neoplasm on the skin, which is formed due to excessive accumulation of melanin pigment cells under the dermis.

The deeper the melanin pigment accumulates under the skin, the higher and larger the mole will rise above the skin. It is these large neoplasms that are more likely to be injured. Moles can be congenital or acquired as a person grows. Doctors associate the growth of moles on the body with hormonal changes in adolescence, pathologies of the endocrine system, pregnancy, and labor in women.


What is the risk of damage?

When a mole is injured, the melanin pigment is released and, together with the blood, can spread throughout the human body, and this already threatens the cells developing into oncology. Moles themselves do not pose a danger to the human body, but according to statistics every thousandth mole can cause cancer cells. To protect yourself from these risks, you need to not touch and protect the nevus from mechanical impact, tearing or cutting.

Not in all cases of mechanical damage to a nevus, a man may be in danger. Most often, careless shaving leads to deformation of the mole or traumatization of the skin. Bleeding and pain may also occur. After the wound has healed, it is important for a man to examine the condition of the mole, whether there have been changes in the appearance of the mole, its shape or structure. The situation will be dangerous when the cut leads to the degeneration of the nevus into a malignant formation.


What to do if you cut a mole?

In a situation where a man accidentally cuts a mole while shaving, it is important to immediately visit a dermatologist. It is this specialist who deals with any skin diseases, including moles. The specialist will conduct an examination and diagnosis, after which he will identify other specialists to further resolve the issue. But besides this, it is important to carry out initial treatment of the injury to prevent infection.

To prevent infection and inflammation it is necessary:

  1. treat the bleeding site with hydrogen peroxide;
  2. if the cut bleeds heavily, apply a gauze bandage;
  3. the injury can be cauterized with iodine or brilliant green;
  4. if a man partially cuts off a mole while shaving, this piece should be taken for analysis, wrapped in gauze with saline solution.

In any case, visiting a doctor is important, since a specialist will be able to prevent the formation of cancer cells in time. And, as you know, oncology in most cases is incurable and can lead to death. If the nevus regularly comes into contact with objects and is at risk of injury, it is necessary to safely remove the mole in a specialized institution.


Prevention measures

If a man has a raised mole on his face, which is constantly at risk of cuts and injuries, preventive measures must be taken. You should not delay this and underestimate the danger of damage to the nevus, since almost every man is at risk of developing melanoma. To protect moles from cuts and scratches you should:

  1. reduce contact with animals that can scratch the mole;
  2. if there are raised moles on the face and body, it is advisable to remove them with the hands of a specialist;
  3. avoid friction with synthetic fabrics;
  4. protect moles from contact with nails;
  5. Shave your face carefully;
  6. avoid prolonged direct exposure to sunlight;
  7. Avoid squeezing moles with shoes if they are on your feet.

But the most competent step to prevent melanoma is to consult a dermatologist and remove the nevus with melanin. Especially if the mole is on the face of a man who regularly shaves his stubble, the risks of injury are as high as possible.


When should a nevus be removed?

Only a doctor determines the degree of importance of removing a nevus, so it is difficult to say unambiguously whether it needs to be removed in a particular case. In addition, most people do not pay attention to moles until they begin to cause discomfort. You need to pay attention if moles have a rich pigment, protrude excessively above the skin or even hang down.

You need to examine moles when they are bright in color, occupy a decent area on the skin and are accompanied by increased hair growth. Experts advise removing those moles that are in constant friction and contact with objects. For example, moles on the face of a man who shaves, on the neck, in the waist area or on the lower extremities in the foot area.

Ways to remove a mole


If a man has a mole on his face that has been repeatedly injured during shaving and other hygiene procedures, a specialist usually decides to remove it. Modern medicine offers several options for nevus removal, namely:

  1. freezing the nevus and its processes with liquid nitrogen;
  2. removal of a nevus using a laser device;
  3. removal of a nevus by exposure to radio waves or electric current;
  4. removal through surgery in particularly difficult situations.

For each patient, the doctor determines an individually appropriate method for removing the nevus, taking into account his body characteristics, health status and genetic predispositions. But before carrying out such a procedure, the patient should be familiar with the disadvantages and advantages of each technique. The most commonly used method is nitrogen and laser removal.


Negligent attitude towards periodic injuries and cuts to moles during shaving can lead to the development of cancer, in particular melanoma. The process of formation of cancer cells and the development of oncology most often remains invisible, so it is advisable to prevent it with preventive measures. If the mole is convex and suffers due to depilation of stubble, it should be shown to a specialist and subsequently removed. If you cut a mole, you need to disinfect the wound and consult a dermatologist.