Is it possible to exfoliate acne?

Not sure if peeling helps with acne, can you hope that the procedure will give results? Cosmetologists recommend exfoliation for more serious disorders. Cosmetic manipulation is designed to remove acne, fine wrinkles, age spots, and small scars from the surface of the skin. This is a method that allows, with the help of cosmetic preparations, to penetrate the epidermis and clean it of fat, keratinized skin particles, and other contaminants. The procedure prolongs youth, makes facial features smoother and clearer, and its color radiant.

Is it possible to exfoliate acne?

Acne peeling is a special cosmetic procedure that is aimed at accelerating skin regeneration and, thereby, clearing it of pigmentation, acne, post-acne and other problems. In some cases, such an update really allows you to achieve high-quality cleansing. But for some types of acne, peeling may be contraindicated.

There are 3 types of rash:

  1. Papules
  2. Pustules
  3. Comedones.

All of them are scientifically called “acne” or “blackheads”. “Post-acne” - a residual phenomenon can also be classified in this category. The above looks unpleasant. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to do peeling for acne is often heard in beauty salons. Patients receive a positive answer: it is possible and necessary. Any skin rash is associated with some internal problems, for example, a hormonal imbalance. Keeping this in mind, the specialist will advise you to first undergo an examination.

Only if you diagnose and eliminate the cause that led to skin rashes, exfoliation will give results.

Most often, acne appears due to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. The ducts become clogged, creating a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply. These in turn cause inflammation. Traditionally this is a teenage problem. In women over 25 years of age it occurs in 12%, in men – 3%.

Experts, when consulting patients with problem skin, recommend one of the types of exfoliation. Which one depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the nature of the rash.

Does exfoliation help acne?

The question should be asked not “whether manipulation helps with the rash”, but what type of treatment to choose in order to achieve effectiveness. The main goal of the procedure is to exfoliate dead skin particles and separate all types of impurities from the epidermis. Often, failure to exfoliate is at the root of the problem of breakouts. With normal metabolism, the epidermis loses 30,000 - 40,000 outer cells per hour. The failure causes the process to speed up by 4-5 times. Eliminates the problem by cleaning the epidermis and opening blockages.

If you have acne, the question of whether peeling can be done should be resolved in a cosmetology clinic or beauty salon. You should properly prepare for the procedure and do not neglect post-procedure care using products prescribed by a cosmetologist or doctor.

The product used for peeling will exfoliate problem cells that have mixed with subcutaneous sebum and created a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. Regular implementation of the procedure, as well as high-quality care after it, normalizes the functioning of the epidermis and eliminates failures in exfoliation.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists recommend peeling for acne, but with a caveat: the procedure will be most effective if the root cause of the rash is excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. It will also help with increased accumulation of dead cells. If the problem is caused by:

  1. Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract
  2. Subcutaneous mite
  3. Hormonal disorders
  4. Staphylococcal infections,

Exfoliating treatments such as chemical peels for acne will only provide temporary results. If the cause of the rash remains untouched, it will appear again.

Only after examining the patient will the specialist answer the question of whether peeling can be done for pimples and acne. Will the result be what she expects?

It also matters what type of facial exfoliation you choose for example, acne scars require a more intensive approach. Sometimes exfoliation is not enough, collagen injections and subcutaneous fat injection are prescribed.

You should contact a cosmetologist, since the intensity of the procedure is of great importance for effectiveness. Manipulations are classified according to intensity:

  1. Superficial exfoliation, which affects the upper layers of the skin. Suitable for simple rashes only. The gentle method rarely causes redness, allergies and burning.
  2. Average. Solves problems such as removing pits, acne marks and pigmentation.
  3. Deep. The drug penetrates the layers of the dermis. This method is not suitable for eliminating pimples.

An important advantage of exfoliation is that after it is carried out, the effects of cosmetic and medical preparations will be enhanced, which will help to quickly get rid of rashes, even if their cause is not cosmetic in nature.

What procedures can be performed

Doctors and cosmetologists have developed a large number of professional procedures designed to eliminate or prevent pimples and acne. Exfoliation is one of them. As a result of its implementation, bacteria are deprived of a nutrient medium and stop reproducing. This way the root cause of the problem disappears. This ensures that the inflammatory process subsides and does not happen again.

In addition to the already mentioned intensity, exfoliation is classified according to the method of exposure:

  1. Chemical.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Hardware.

Below we will look at which peeling for acne spots will be more effective. For any skin problems, it is best to choose the option with a specialist only a cosmetologist will determine which peeling will be effective against which abnormalities.


Chemical peeling for acne is considered as an effective remedy. The active substance of exfoliation when used is various types of acids:

  1. Wine
  2. Dairy
  3. Salicylic
  4. Glycolic.

Often, for maximum effectiveness, a cosmetologist selects an individual acid combination. The effectiveness of the manipulation depends on the depth of penetration already discussed above. The result of any intensity of exposure is the renewal of the skin due to cellular regeneration. The cosmetologist decides which peeling to use after diagnosis.


Facial peeling for mechanical acne is considered the simplest and most traumatic. If you go to a beauty salon, they will offer:

  1. Brossage
  2. Dermabrasion.

For the first type of manipulation, 2 brushes are used. The rotation mode of the brushes is set, in which they gradually remove keratinized skin particles from the skin. As a result, the blood circulation process accelerates, epidermal cells are renewed, and the surface of the face becomes smoother.

Microdermabrasion uses aluminum oxide crystals. This is an effective remedy that prevents the appearance of rashes, easily copes with them if they already exist, and removes the traces left by the rash. The results of microdermabrasion are impressive:

  1. Disappearance of post-acne
  2. Elastic skin
  3. Activation of collagen production
  4. Acceleration of regeneration processes.

Mechanical methods also include scrubs with abrasive particles.

Did you know, that the first scrubs with fruit seeds, minerals and sand appeared 4-3 thousand years ago? This is the oldest cosmetic procedure, if you do not take into account routine care.

If you have papules on your skin, be extremely careful with mechanical exfoliation. This method has shown itself best as a means of eliminating the consequences of rashes.


The most modern hardware techniques include:

  1. Laser resurfacing
  2. Ultrasonic exfoliation.

Laser resurfacing is based on the effect of laser radiation that burns the upper layers of the skin. This is a painful manipulation with a long rehabilitation period. All troubles are compensated by long-term results. This type is recommended for acne on the face.

The best peeling for acne, which better eliminates rashes, is ultrasonic. The non-contact method does not cause discomfort or pain. It does not destroy the skin, while removing waste and toxins.

Hardware methods are one of the best remedies against rashes.

What can you do at home?

Acne peeling can also be done at home. It is advisable to avoid exposure to acne scrub. Cosmetologists recommend doing chemical or hardware exfoliation. For the chemical procedure, both store-bought preparations and homemade mixtures are suitable. For example, the following peeling will be good against acne:

  1. Mix half a teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of sugar
  2. Add juice of 1 lemon
  3. Use the mixture as a scrub.

The proposed complex is one example of homemade preparations. Honey eliminates inflammatory processes, destroying bacteria, and saturates the dermis with antioxidants, and lemon whitens the skin.

Home remedies for acne can be made from a variety of foods: sugar, yogurt, strawberries, kiwi and more.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Above, the topic of whether it is possible to do facial peeling if you have acne was discussed in detail. It will be incomplete if you do not pay attention to contraindications. Exfoliation is not always acceptable. It cannot be carried out if:

  1. There are wounds on the face
  2. Recently had dermabrasion
  3. Aromatic retinoids were used
  4. Presence of atopic dermatitis and eczema
  5. Allergy to components
  6. Viral infections
  7. Oncology.

As you can see, the question of whether it is possible to do peeling if there is inflammation on the face requires an answer from a specialist.

How to care for your skin after the procedure

When eliminating rashes, it is important to remember that treatment does not end when exfoliation is completed. Post-peeling care includes a number of measures and medications. Which ones exactly depend on the nature of the manipulation performed. Adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not pick off the flaking particles
  2. Regularly, as recommended by the cosmetologist, treat your face with prescribed ointments and medications
  3. Do not go out into the open sun
  4. Do not use decorative cosmetics.

A good effect is achieved by using products that are gentle on the skin and moisturize it.


We answered the question whether chemical peeling helps rid the skin of acne. It remains only to remind you once again that you should first find the root cause of the rash and only then begin to eliminate it.

Let's figure out whether it is possible to carry out intensive cleansing of the skin if acne bothers you.

  1. What is peeling
  2. Which peeling to choose if you have acne?
  3. Post-peeling care at home
  4. Precautionary measures
  5. Tips and reviews from cosmetologists
  6. Review of acne peeling products

What is peeling

Problem skin generally requires increased attention. And the question of its purification is one of the main ones. Peeling solves it most effectively.

Regular exfoliation restores the skin's smooth texture. © Getty Images

We have already written more than once about what peeling is. With its help, cells whose life cycle has already completed are removed from the surface of the skin. As a result, the skin texture is evened out, a beautiful healthy glow appears, pores and post-acne marks become less noticeable. But all this is achieved only under one condition - regularity. And this is especially important to learn for those who suffer from acne.

Which peeling to choose if you have acne?

The doctor will be able to professionally advise you what type of peeling is indicated for you. © Getty Images

On social networks, in communities dedicated to the care of problem skin, there are constant discussions about the legality of peeling for acne-prone skin. We decided to dot the i’s and turned to Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy. Here's what she says:

“When choosing a peel for skin with acne, a lot depends on the stage of the process.

Peeling for acute inflammation

If there are inflammatory elements on the skin (especially pustules), all types of mechanical peeling are contraindicated, since accidental injury to the abscess lid will lead to infection of the entire face. Only mild chemical peeling is allowed, and even this is performed as carefully as possible, thoroughly disinfecting the skin and avoiding large lesions.

retinoic or yellow peeling

Peeling without inflammation

If the acute stage of the process is behind and only manifestations of post-acne remain on the skin, then any type of peeling is acceptable, including even deep hardware dermabrasion.

The skin reaction can vary depending on the intensity of the procedure: from minor peeling and redness to severe damage with deep peeling. The appearance of a purulent process - pustules - is considered extremely unfavorable. This means that the peeling was carried out incorrectly.


Let us repeat once again: if acne is in the acute stage, then mechanical peeling is contraindicated. What types of peeling should you pay attention to?

Scrub is a soft cream or gel with exfoliating particles. Aluminum oxide, crushed apricot kernels and walnut shells, as well as polymer microgranules are used as abrasives.

Gommage is a very soft product without traumatic abrasive particles, which is suitable for problem skin.

Brossage or face brushing is a hardware cosmetological method that allows you to achieve the effect of superficial peeling. Suitable for people with intolerance to fruit acids.

A film mask is an innovative method of exfoliating the skin: an adhesive mask sticks to the skin, and when it is torn off, it “takes” dead particles with it.


Hardware peeling includes microdermabrasion. A special device sprays a fine abrasive onto the skin (corundum, apricot kernel powder, polymers, salt, soda, magnesium oxide or sand), which specifically “scrapes” the epidermis, providing different depths of peeling.

With a sufficiently powerful jet, the procedure allows you to remove even severe post-acne and stretch marks, and with a moderate jet, only the upper layers of the epidermis (after which long-term rehabilitation will not be needed).


One of the types of peeling that is indicated for problem skin. A composition with fruit acids is applied to the epidermis, which helps get rid of dead cells. At the same time, collagen production in the skin increases, elasticity and firmness increase. The course consists of 1 to 3 sessions, which are carried out every 7-10 days.”

Post-peeling care at home

After the peeling procedure you must:

moisturize the skin well

Don’t forget to always use sunscreen products. This recommendation is valid all year round.

Precautionary measures

Any peeling, even the most harmless and light one, is always stressful for the skin. For the procedure to have a positive effect, it is worth taking it seriously. You should avoid peeling if you have:

Even the most harmless peeling is always stressful for the skin. © Getty Images

acne in the acute stage

allergies to certain drugs (for example, fruit acids)

Tips and reviews from cosmetologists

Alexander Prokofiev, expert of the La Roche-Posay brand, Speaking about peeling for acne, here are a few rules:

“For oily or problematic skin, as well as for severe post-acne, a course of 4-6 chemical peeling procedures is carried out at intervals of 10-14 days. It is during this time that the skin has time to more or less recover.

Maintenance peeling courses will have to be repeated - on average 1-2 times a year (taking a break during periods of high insolation in the summer and severe frosts in the winter).

Treatment based on thermal water, hyaluronic acid, vitamins B5 and B3 will help reduce discomfort after the procedure.

After peeling, it is better to avoid products with an oily texture and attempts to reduce peeling with fatty creams: this will negate the effect.

Review of acne peeling products

Exfoliating scrub against blackheads and pimples “Clean skin. Active", Garnier

Contains absorbent charcoal to unclog pores and reduce pimples and blackheads.

Night peeling >

Glycolic acid, black tea extract and blueberry extract help even out skin and visibly reduce pigmentation.

Double face scrub “Endless freshness”, L’Оréal Paris

Adapted for normal and combination skin. Cleanses and eliminates oily shine, and also exfoliates the skin thanks to the particles of different sizes included in the composition. Lotus and rose extracts have a calming effect.

Mineral peeling mask “Double Radiance”, Vichy with fruit acids and particles of volcanic origin, gently exfoliates and helps even out skin texture, improving complexion.

Acne peeling is a confident step towards perfection of problem skin. But you must understand that acne comes in different forms. If we are talking about inflammation caused by subcutaneous mites or the activity of staphylococci, then peelings will only do harm, but against acne, comedones and blackheads, cosmetic procedures will have a healing effect.

Briefly about acne and the reasons for its appearance

Acne is a common problem at any age. Their appearance can be triggered by various factors. Not all acne can be treated in a beauty salon. There are problems that require deep medical treatment, antibiotics and drugs that normalize the patient’s hormonal levels.

Is it possible to do peeling for acne? A dermatologist or dermatocosmetologist will answer after a detailed study of the cause of their appearance. Among the main reasons for the formation of acne on the face are:

  1. Insufficient care and cleansing of the skin - pores become clogged with plugs of sebaceous particles and dust and cause inflammation
  2. Increased oiliness of the skin and excess sebaceous secretions provoke the appearance of a problem, so the solution lies in normalizing the functioning of the glands
  3. Ingrown hairs and their further inflammation
  4. Consequence of an allergic reaction
  5. Infection through a wound or skin damage, its active progression
  6. Hormonal imbalances
  7. Some intestinal infections or subcutaneous mites.


Remember an important rule: if you decide to peel acne on your face or to eliminate it, be sure to consult a dermatologist. In some cases, such a cosmetic procedure can cause significant harm and spread the disease to healthy areas of the skin.

Next we will consider types of peelings that are not contraindicated for acne and acne, but are part of their treatment.

Which peeling is suitable

For problem skin, facial peeling is a mandatory procedure. It is this that can rid the skin of keratinized layers, particles of dust and fat, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. These changes make the environment for the development of bacteria unacceptable, so their activity dies down and problematic rashes decrease. In addition, peeling helps eliminate residual marks (scars) after acne and speed up the process of cell renewal, leaving the skin looking tightened, clean and well-groomed.

Acne peels can be superficial (light), medium or deep. The degree of exposure is selected taking into account the extent and severity of the inflammation.

The most popular superficial or light peels, they are ideal for frequent rashes and skin problems. The procedure carefully cleanses the surface and pores, normalizes tissue respiration and the functioning of the sebaceous glands, minimally damaging the tissue. Therefore, they are used to treat acne and blackheads.

Medium peels are used less frequently, mainly to remove scars and residual spots from acne. Deep cleansing is a complex and very painful procedure that requires serious reasons, so it is used extremely rarely.

In addition, the procedures and methods of influence differ. These can be hardware methods (ultrasonic, laser peeling), chemical (almond, retinoic cleansing), as well as mechanical (microcrystalline scrub, brushing).

A variety of cosmetic procedures for cleansing the skin with a therapeutic effect allows you to individually select a program for getting rid of facial ailments, doing this with minimal risks to the patient’s health.

Hardware cosmetology on guard of the problem

Hardware skin cleansing methods are ideal for fighting acne. Their peculiarity is a non-contact and deep impact on the problem, this reduces the risk of infection spreading to healthy areas of the skin.

The following hardware cosmetology procedures are considered effective in the fight against acne and acne marks:


  1. Laser peeling - removal of the dead layer of cells and problematic rashes is performed using a laser beam. The laser provides a high thermal effect on problem areas in the inner layers, it eradicates and burns out the problem. The main advantage of hardware cosmetology is also the minimal trauma to the surface layers of the epidermis. This shortens the rehabilitation period and practically does not limit the daily pace of life.
  2. Ultrasonic peeling – ultrasonic waves are used as an impact factor. Inside the skin, through ultrasound, obsolete and non-working cells are destroyed, blood flow increases, pores are freed from sebaceous plugs, dirt, sweat particles and cosmetics. Normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the functioning of cells guarantees a general improvement in the condition of the skin and its healing.

Hardware cosmetology is an effective assistant against acne. It is recommended to use a similar peeling for acne marks. High-tech equipment used to perform the procedure allows you to adjust and create your own cosmetic programs, taking into account the structure, age and degree of damage to the skin.

Mechanical cleaning methods

You can get rid of keratinized layers and clogged pores, which contribute to the development of bacteria and inflammation on the face, using rough methods, namely mechanical action or dermabrasion. With the help of abrasive particles and crystals, the top problematic layer is practically “ripped off”, making way for renewed skin without flaws.

This technique is ideally used as a peeling for acne spots, scars and various irregularities left after acne. The procedure is very painful and it takes time to completely restore the damaged skin. After mechanical cleaning, the skin is devoid of dimples and tubercles, scars and wrinkles, and various types of pigmentation.

Dermabrasion is prohibited for severe rashes and inflammation on the face. First you need to cure them, and only then begin to eliminate residual defects. Cosmetologists recommend using it as a preventive measure for rashes.

Acid and enzyme peeling

The most popular method for eliminating minor acne, blackheads and comedones is enzyme or enzymatic peeling. The active ingredients gently remove dead cells and sebaceous plugs and help remove pus from the skin. This guarantees a quick recovery with a minimum of harm.

Acid peeling is also in demand in the fight against acne. Acids create an environment that is unpleasant for bacteria and infections and stabilize the secretion of the sebaceous glands. After exfoliation, the skin looks clean and fresh, an active regeneration process starts, and the immunity of epidermal cells increases.

Reputable beauty salons will offer a special chemical peeling for acne called “acne peeling”. The components of the peeling agent reduce inflammation, fight seborrheic dermatitis, and have a keratolytic effect. This cleansing will eliminate deep and superficial comedones, even out the texture and tone of the skin, and normalize the functioning of cells and glands without pain or injury.

Retinoic, almond, salicylic superficial peeling, body cleansing or medium peeling with trichloroacetic acid will help prevent and stop rashes. They all involve performing a controlled burn with concentrated acid. After a few days, you will be able to notice the process of rejection of the surface layer of cells, the skin will begin to peel off and fall off in pieces. This is a normal phenomenon and should not be torn off or torn off. After complete recovery, your face will be pleased with clean and soft skin, free of scars and age spots.

Performing cleansing procedures with problems on the face is only possible under the guidance of specialists in beauty salons. Do not self-medicate, otherwise everything may end up worsening the situation.

Whether peeling helps with acne is difficult to answer unequivocally. It all depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist, the correctness of the prescribed procedure and the technique of its implementation. It is safe to say that peeling is an important part of skin care. And cosmetologists are 100% sure that proper and high-quality care will minimize the risk of acne and problematic pimples. Don’t wait until your face is covered with pink, inflamed spots and ulcers, take care of your health and beauty now.