Is it possible to open your eyes in a solarium?

Modern solariums are designed in such a way that the tanning process occurs with a relatively high level of ultraviolet alpha particles and low beta particles. The solarium does not allow harmful UVC rays to pass through. But even in this case, an overdose will not help, the tanning process cannot be accelerated. Anyone who does not understand this risks getting burned, which sets him back several days. So please follow the recommendations for the number and duration of tanning sessions.

How to properly dose tanning depending on skin type?
The administrator of a beauty salon or tanning studio will always find special tests to determine your skin type, as well as recommendations on the duration of sessions for a specific solarium model.

Does skin react the same to tanning everywhere?
No! The skin is completely different in sensitivity to tanning on different parts of the body (often due to the angle of the rays). The reaction to ultraviolet rays changes over the course of a person's life. As you age, your skin becomes more and more sensitive.

Solariums usually sell a variety of tanning cosmetics. It's not easy to understand, but it's very easy

Remember: The most important cream you need is face cream!

Buy immediately a large jar of face cream. For some reason, the administrators at the solarium are not too fond of it - maybe because the main gain comes from the rest of the cosmetics?

In addition to face cream, purchase body cream. You will need this cream in only 2 versions:

  1. Cream for the first days of tanning – take a small package, you will need it for the first 2-3 sessions.
  2. Cream for heavily tanned skin - and here it’s better to take a specific tube so that it lasts for a long time.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without special glasses?

No. Eyes must be protected. Even if you close them, the eyelid is not able to completely protect the cornea from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Frequent tanning without glasses can lead to cataracts and even temporary blindness in the future. Therefore, it is worth using safety glasses and also closing your eyes. Attention, do not use regular sunglasses in the solarium! We provide professional sunglasses for tanning in the solarium. In our salon you can also purchase special stickers that act as eye protection. They will allow you to maintain your makeup and get rid of unwanted “circles” from your glasses. If you wear contact lenses, you will need to remove them or use lens moisturizer before and after your tanning session.

Is it possible to sunbathe with an open chest?

The areola of the breast is a very sensitive area, which also does not produce melanin. In order to protect this area of ​​the chest, it is recommended to use special reflective stickers - stikini. You can purchase them in our showrooms. An alternative to stickini can be a cream or lip balm with sun protection filters (SPF), which must be applied immediately before a tanning session.

How often can you sunbathe in a solarium?

For the most effective and safe tanning, the interval between sessions should be 48 hours. During this time, melanin is formed in the epidermis and if you do not take the necessary interval between tanning, melanin will not have time to accumulate sufficiently, and as a result, your tanning session becomes less effective. Also, with daily sun exposure, the skin becomes severely dehydrated and may lose its elasticity (skin elastosis).

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium with the same cream that you use in the sun?

Definitely not. The thing is that the creams you use in the sun usually contain sunscreen filters (SPF), these filters block ultraviolet rays. Therefore, tanning in a solarium with such a cream becomes pointless. In order to get the maximum effect from tanning, you need to use professional tanning cosmetics, which, thanks to their unique components, will speed up tanning and provide additional skin care. Cosmetics for tanning in a solarium should also be chosen very carefully. Creams that are designed for tanning in solariums and in the sun will most likely not provide you with an effective tan, either in the sun or in a solarium. It is better to purchase tanning cosmetics in tanning salons.

Other answers

Why do you need to use sunscreen when visiting a solarium? Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without cream? The answer is definitely no! Before visiting a solarium, you simply need to protect your skin with a special cosmetic product.

How to choose the right pair? First, you should pay attention to the lenses. They must be black, and the data sheet for this product indicates a protection factor that can neutralize up to 60% of UVA rays and block up to 97% of light.

Secondly, the frame. To prevent marks from glasses in the solarium, you should give preference to those models that fit tightly to the skin around the eyes, but are attached with a silicone layer. It’s worth noting right away that, despite numerous recommendations about getting an even tan on your face, you shouldn’t take them off even for a second. For an aesthetic effect, you can use special concealing cosmetics afterwards. Thirdly, the adjustable temple. You should give preference to models with a silicone headband, which will not leave an unaesthetic mark.

The breast area is very sensitive and delicate, so nipple protection is a must. Special round stickers are suitable for this.

A tan without panty lines is every girl's dream. But owners of solariums strongly recommend wearing cotton panties. The skin around the genitals is quite sensitive and, as a result, is more damaged than other areas of the body.

Is it possible to sunbathe during menstruation?

During menstruation, melanin production decreases significantly, so a visit to the solarium will not bring results - the procedure will be a waste of money and time. Also, during menstruation, there is a danger of overheating, which can cause bleeding of internal organs.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a solarium?

Can. And definitely on the same day. Then you will receive

  1. Skin of a rich red hue.
  2. A burn on open areas of the body, which will soon begin to slide off in beautiful white skins.
  3. Almost one hundred percent opportunity to see an oncologist every day.

A: Be sure to use creams specifically designed for tanning in solariums. The world leaders in cosmetics are Australian Gold and Devoted Creations. Regular sunscreens are not suitable for tanning beds. Immediately after tanning, you should not take a cold shower.

You can see photos of our vertical solarium and prices for tanning in a solarium and accessories

The dream of having a seductive bronze tan, without waiting for summer and vacation, pushes many young ladies to use the services of an artificial sun, in other words, a solarium. This service is no longer uncommon in beauty salons. When choosing an institution to visit ultraviolet baths, one of the key factors in its favor is definitely the availability of sunglasses for use when tanning. But is it necessary to use them, and for what exactly?

Why do you need glasses in a solarium?

First of all, glasses protect visitors’ precious eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Rays of artificial origin are much more aggressive than the usual solar ones. Therefore, if you neglect the protection of your visual organs, you can get a severe burn to the retina. A common belief is that if you close your eyelids, absolutely nothing bad will happen. However, this is not at all true.

The skin around the eyes is extremely sensitive and thin, so it will not be able to protect vision from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, if a representative of the fairer sex decides to take a nap, the retina will suffer even more. When a person’s eyes are open, under the influence of bright light the pupils narrow significantly, and much less harmful rays penetrate them.

But some women are not stopped even by the absence of such a small thing as glasses in the salon. In addition, young ladies are afraid that the tan will be unevenly distributed, and dreams of dark skin will not come true. If you have already decided to visit a solarium, then it is extremely important to take care of your own body in advance. You should definitely use a protective cream before and after the procedure, and wear glasses to avoid premature skin aging and serious vision problems.

Even if the establishment still has all the necessary protective equipment, you definitely shouldn’t relax. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that disinfection has been carried out properly. There are also disposable protective pads that are fully capable of protecting the eye itself, but have a smaller area of ​​effect than other devices designed for reusable use.

The best protective properties are provided by glasses with black glass lenses and thick silicone frames. If a client wants to purchase an individual pair, then it is necessary to pay attention to the level of protection specified in the document, which should absorb up to sixty percent of UVA rays and block virtually all light. An equally important factor is the thin support rubber bands on the glasses. If they are flat and too dense, the tan will turn out uneven.

To get perfectly dark skin, it is advisable to choose devices with silicone arms that do not leave an unpleasant streaky mark. As a matter of fact, the presence of these white stripes on the surface of the dermis forces young ladies to risk their own vision. Alternatively, some people advise taking off your sunglasses for a moment when tanning to even out the color. However, this option is absolutely not rational. As a last resort, you can use a cosmetic corrective agent - this way the transition of shades will be virtually invisible.

What happens if you sunbathe without glasses?

Many experts are inclined to believe that it is necessary to wear glasses when going to a solarium. However, most clients do not even know about this and continue to be negligent about their own health. After all, it would seem, how could a five-minute stay under the artificial sun really do any harm?

The skin around the eyes, when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, dehydrates extremely quickly, undergoes premature aging, and this causes small, unattractive wrinkles to appear under the eyes within a few hours after the procedure.

Through the thin dermis of the eyelids, harmful rays quite intensely affect the eyeball, especially the retina, lens and cornea of ​​the eye. From here, the development of serious diseases and a significant deterioration in visual acuity is likely. Moreover, when visiting a tanning studio without glasses, some clients experience itching, burning, tearing, and redness of the eye shell.

Today I went to the solarium for the first time, I suffer from claustrophobia, I was very nervous and forgot to put on my glasses, when I remembered, it was already late, I had already stood for 3 minutes (((When I came out there was dryness in my eyes and when I walked down the street it was like some kind of cloudy film arose, now an hour later, it seems, everything has passed. When I walked into the entrance, there was some kind of strong contrast, I saw almost nothing - it was completely dark. Is this really a burn to the eye, anyone who often goes to the solarium and/or doctors, please help, is it possible to Burn my eyes 1 time, thank you. experts

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Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

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Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Author, well, I understand, there are situations, somewhere there’s a slight tingling, somewhere a joint has creaked, a bean’s head, well, you can sit on the forum and rant. But in your case, you should run to the ophthalmologist and not guess with daisies!

I never wear glasses in the solarium, but it’s not clear what to look at there. Of course, I’m standing with my eyes closed! It seems that you don’t need a lot of intelligence for this. But actually, I sympathize, Author. I don’t know what the consequences may be, but I think it’s about the same as with the sun. Looking at him for a long time is harmful

Why didn't you close your eyes?

It is imperative to wear glasses, since the eyelids do not protect the eyes from burns, and you need to see an ophthalmologist, otherwise you never know.

Not only am I without glasses, I often don’t close my eyes at all, I didn’t feel anything like that :)) - maybe you, Author, should focus on suspiciousness, not your eyes

Author, if you are from Moscow and it’s dark in your entrance, then most likely everything is OK with your eyes. The sun is hot right now, so any person will have darkness before his eyes for some time when moving from bright light to a dark room. This is fine.

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What a horror))) Author, did you really open your eyes? Then there may be a retinal burn. This is no joke. Honestly, I don’t see the point in glasses either. I wore it once and then there were marks. It’s better not to open your eyes. In the end, if you’re afraid of photoaging, you can probably apply a layer of cream under your eyes so that the moisture doesn’t evaporate so quickly.

glasses are needed because the delicate skin of the eyelid cannot always protect the eye from burns. like this!

I once got a burn to my eyes, although not in a solarium, but with an ultraviolet lamp that is used to disinfect rooms, I didn’t know that I shouldn’t look at it. So it wasn’t just that I had tingling sensations, but for several days I literally couldn’t open my eyes, the burning was just terrible. but ugh, ugh, everything seemed to work out, I didn’t even go to the ophthalmologist.

And you couldn’t stand with your eyes closed.
I don’t know what it was, it’s more likely that I didn’t burn my eyes, but simply from the stuffiness, in general, somehow I came out of the solarium, it became terribly bad and my vision began to fall, I rushed to the exit for the air (it was evening and the lanterns were shining ) when I opened the door I saw only the light from the lantern and a couple of faces of people, there was a stop nearby, I saw only its outlines, by the time I got to it I saw almost nothing, I wanted to call, I opened the phone, I can’t see anything there, but I don’t know from what is this? . . maybe because of my dystonia! (I’ve never worn glasses to a solarium, but I don’t go often)

I stood with them closed because I’m afraid of closed spaces and was afraid to open my eyes out of fear:(

Drip some Tobrex, and the moisture will restore and heal everything. Good drops, prescribed to me for corneal erosion, excellent medicine, does not sting or dry out.

Tobrex is an antibiotic. In case of a corneal burn, it is needed as a prevention of secondary infection if there are corneal defects. And the root gel heals well. And from a solarium there can be a burn to the macula - that’s another story, it can’t be treated with drops. What are they giving you glasses for?

if you were with closed ones, then nothing bad should happen - don’t slander!
And if with open ones. I did this once. Afterwards it was a complete nightmare. Everything is as you describe: the pain in the eyes from the bright color, dryness, beauty. In general, the whole thing ended in the hospital, under a drip

14 O_o .
You will stop going to the solarium altogether, even occasionally. Well, you must admit, the glasses leave white circles.

Miss Moss, I'm sorry for my French. You are like my friend, who every time tells me in such a pompous tone that “there are marks from the glasses and in general, look how you look.” Well, walk around blind and with wrinkled eyelids hanging down to your knees in a couple of years, what do we care? If circles are more valuable to you than youth and health.

Sunny, your period of stay is very long. But my husband’s sister also stood there. Less of course. There was dryness and burning, but then it went away. God grant that there are no consequences due to your stupidity. Hope it goes away..

Author, this is a burn of the cornea, solcoseryl ointment and tuafon drops will help 100%, only at first it will be very painful, the third instillation will feel better

I've been tanning for about 6 years now.
I’ve never sunbathed with glasses on, and I’ve never even heard of anything like that, all my friends tan without glasses, why is that necessary, my face is tanned, and there are white circles around my eyes from the glasses, also with a thread on the bridge of my nose :-)))))

hahahaha, no burn. but if you repeat such an experiment for a long time, you will go blind. If you feel any changes in your vision, go to an ophthalmologist.

Yes, there is not a lot of kind and good advice here.

***, you’ll have to walk around looking pale - as you read here, it’s so scary to go into that solarium:(((

And I burned my eyelids, it’s very unpleasant, I think next time I’ll just put cotton pads on it, after all, it’s not in vain.

Today I was in the solarium, also without glasses, I stood there for five minutes, opened my eyes a little a couple of times, they hurt a little ((((now I’m afraid (((((

New service.
Tanning at the campfire. You can keep your eyes open! )))))))))

Yesterday I was in the solarium and did exactly the same thing, I came in and looked at all the business-like buttons, and then, as if I was dumbfounded that I was standing without glasses, I covered my eyes with my hands in fear, and came out all in the opinion that it’s all for me! True, my eyes hurt a little. Well, next time I'll be smarter :)))

I constantly sunbathe in the solarium, not only do I not wear glasses, but I never close my eyes! Ugh, ugh, ugh, but this is the first time I’ve heard about some kind of burns. Besides, I’ve never had any consequences with the lenses, no clouding or anything like that!

Horror!! I just came from the solarium, I also opened my eyes, now I’ve read a lot, and it seems that they are starting to hurt.

Not long ago, a story was described in the press about a certain 22-year-old tanning bed lover (somewhere abroad), she also avoided protective glasses, in the end she received severe burns and went blind, the doctors could not help. poor thing

hi, I was really sunburned, I was in terrible pain, I went in to buy some water and there was such a grown-up guy there and he told me to come home and don’t rub it with your palms, but rather pat cold vodka on the burns, I was very surprised, I got burned anyway, but I tried it and it really helps and the skin almost doesn’t peel off.

Wear your glasses! I went rarely, 10 times a year, then there was a long break due to pregnancy, I recently went, took 7 minutes, as usual, I never wear glasses, but I stand with my eyes closed, I thought that glasses were not particularly needed if the eyes were closed, so I got them I have a burn to the eyes and I suffered all night and all day, I’m putting in cornegel and solcoseryl for the eyes, I think I need to see a doctor..

You need to use the glasses provided at the solarium.
Even if you close your eyes. It will not save you from retinal detachment and complete blindness. When? In a year or decades. that's the question.
To the doctor. with a full explanation of the situation

The girls burned one eye in the solarium, had their eyes closed, there were very strong lamps and they turned out to be expired, it took a long time to sunbathe, part of the eye became blood red, thank God there is no clouding of the iris. I’m currently undergoing treatment. The eye hasn’t gone away for a week now; tissue necrosis has occurred. It's very dangerous, I won't go again. Whoever goes, follow all safety precautions. I understand why they were banned.

14 O_o . You will stop going to the solarium altogether, even occasionally. Well, you must admit, the glasses leave white circles.

And I started going to the solarium in April, three times a week for 12 minutes, and so on for four years. At first I really liked the tanned skin, but then my hair began to fall out, I fell ill with scleroderma and received a burn to the retina. I'm getting treatment now. Even a small dose of radiation in a solarium can manifest itself as a disease even after a couple of years. Beauty requires sacrifice, but not health. Only from your own experience do you understand this.

Why didn't you close your eyes?

I never wear glasses in the solarium, but it’s not clear what to look at there. Of course, I’m standing with my eyes closed! It seems that you don’t need a lot of intelligence for this. But actually, I sympathize, Author. I don’t know what the consequences may be, but I think it’s about the same as with the sun. Looking at him for a long time is harmful


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